
Cast Careers
[T] by: Kayzie
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Other
Latest Revision: August 28, 2004 07:59 PDT | Chapters: 7 | Words: 2.0K | Visits: 2.0K
Summary: The YGO Cast gets thier Career Aptitude tests back? What will the test say is a great career for them?

Slight Bashing to ALL Characters!
Review(s): 7 Reviews

[T] by: Kayzie
: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy / Romance | Type: Self Insertion
Latest Revision: July 31, 2004 12:54 PDT | Chapters: 18 | Words: 11.6K | Visits: 4.0K
Summary: Me and my friends try and help Yami get Anzu to fall for him, By giving him makeovers, tests, therpy and truth or dare- Rating for a little corse language in early chapters
Review(s): 2 Reviews