The Race [P] by: Lady Valtaya Non Anime: Final Fantasy - All Series Fan FictionGenre(s): Sports | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: June 14, 2007 03:27 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 3.0K | Visits: 643Summary: Cloud must win a race at Gold Saucer to get his friends out of Corel Prison... But Ester enters him in a second race to ride the oldest chocobo he's ever seen! Is she crazy or is there more to this bird than meets the eye? Can read moreReview(s): 1 Reviews
Runaway Prince [P] by: Lady Valtaya : Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan FictionGenre(s): Children's | Type: Alternate UniverseLatest Revision: July 08, 2005 04:16 PDT | Chapters: 4 | Words: 10.4K | Visits: 1.8KSummary: Prince Vegeta is running away from Frieza!! But how does one do that?? Trade places with Kakarrot for starters!!!Review(s): 6 Reviews