Painful Confessions [T] by: Oyuki Anime/Manga: Gundam Wing Fan FictionGenre(s): Angst | Type: SongficLatest Revision: August 21, 2004 11:33 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 2.2K | Visits: 445Summary: I don’t want anyone else. I want you, and it kills me to know that you can’t be with me. That I can’t have you. I hate myself for acting this way, for thinking that I’m never going to get over this, but I can’t help it. 2xH. angst.
Reasons [T] by: Oyuki : Gundam Wing Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance / Drama | Type: SongficLatest Revision: August 18, 2004 15:21 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.8K | Visits: 508Summary: She knew, as soon as she picked up the phone, that she shouldn’t be doing it. She should have put the phone down when she had the chance. But she didn’t. And the truth was that she didn’t want to. She wanted— needed—to hear his voice.
Bliss [P] by: Oyuki : Gundam Wing Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: SongficLatest Revision: June 28, 2004 18:36 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.9K | Visits: 412Summary: She had waited her whole life for this. She remembered herself as a child; she had imagined herself this way. She briefly wondered if all girls felt like this. 2xH sap-fest.
The Way You Do [P] by: Oyuki : Gundam Wing Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: SongficLatest Revision: June 24, 2004 14:42 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.1K | Visits: 432Summary: Duo thinks about Hilde one night when he can't sleep. WAFF.
All The Time in The World [T] by: Oyuki : Gundam Wing Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: June 24, 2004 14:34 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 2.3K | Visits: 444Summary: On the day of his wedding to Hilde, Duo has some doubts.
One Night Upon a Blue Moon [P] by: Oyuki : Gundam Wing Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: Alternate UniverseLatest Revision: June 24, 2004 14:29 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 3.0K | Visits: 392Summary: Duo and Hilde meet ten years after a disastrous senior prom.
You're My Girl [P] by: Oyuki : Gundam Wing Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: SongficLatest Revision: June 24, 2004 14:12 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 2.1K | Visits: 430Summary: Duo prepares a surprise for his favorite girl. Short, sweet 2xH songfic.
Sabes Eu Te Adoro [P] by: Oyuki : Outlaw Star Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: SongficLatest Revision: June 24, 2004 14:07 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.4K | Visits: 822Summary: After a long separation, Gene comes back to tell Melfina how he really feels about her.
Twisted Mantra [T] by: Oyuki : Rurouni Kenshin Fan FictionGenre(s): Angst | Type: ContinuationLatest Revision: June 24, 2004 13:35 PDT | Chapters: 2 | Words: 2.5K | Visits: 764Summary: Misao and Aoshi both live in the Aoiya, he still meditates in the temple and she's still her cheerful self, the only difference is that Misao has not spoken to Aoshi in four years. What happened to make them change?Review(s): 1 Reviews
Just a Fool [P] by: Oyuki : Ranma 1/2 Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: SongficLatest Revision: June 13, 2004 23:58 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 964 | Visits: 928Summary: She just couldn't help herself. She was a fool for Saotome Ranma. Short little RxA songfic.
My Meant to Be [T] by: Oyuki : Gundam Wing Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: June 13, 2004 23:54 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 2.6K | Visits: 448Summary: It's hard falling in love, but it's even harder falling in love with your best friend and not knowing if he/she feels the same way... 2xH. waffy.
The Gift of Cursed Blood [T] by: Oyuki : Gundam Wing Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance / Fantasy | Type: Alternate UniverseLatest Revision: June 13, 2004 23:45 PDT | Chapters: 11 | Words: 22.2K | Visits: 2.3KSummary: Duo made Hilde leave because of her strange powers, five years later they must come together to defeat a woman who has kidnapped their most prescious of gifts, their children.Review(s): 1 Reviews
Like a Virgin [T] by: Oyuki : Gundam Wing Fan FictionGenre(s): Comedy / Romance | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: May 20, 2004 13:58 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.5K | Visits: 760Summary: Tonight's the night and Duo feels like a virgin, but why? There's a first time for everything... right?
Oh Baby! [T] by: Oyuki : Gundam Wing Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: May 20, 2004 13:56 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 9.9K | Visits: 655Summary: Hilde and Duo get pregnant the summer before college, will he stay and "be a man" or will he take the coward's way out?
An Impossible Dream [T] by: Oyuki : Gundam Wing Fan FictionGenre(s): Drama | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: May 20, 2004 13:52 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 802 | Visits: 447Summary: Relena finally lets go of her impossible dream.