Don't Break Me Like This! [P] by: Requiem Duindain Anime/Manga: Yami No Matsuei Fan FictionGenre(s): Supernatural / Drama / Angst / Action | Type: Alternate UniverseLatest Revision: May 13, 2003 17:55 PDT | Chapters: 2 | Words: 2.3K | Visits: 1.1KSummary: What if you fell into a deep slumber and dreamed your dreams but when you woke up, nothing was the same agian? This is what happens...(*revised!!!*)Review(s): 3 Reviews
Clash of Claws [T] by: Requiem Duindain : Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Fan FictionGenre(s): Action / Adventure / Supernatural / Suspense | Type: CrossoverLatest Revision: April 13, 2003 18:53 PDT | Chapters: 3 | Words: 7.2K | Visits: 1.1KSummary: Let's have math! What do you get when you have a mission, four Weiss and a rich family's scion mising? This fic, obviously! But wait! Divide one Weiss with one mutant and add in two sets of claws! See what I mean?
Fleeting Heaven [P] by: Requiem Duindain : Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan FictionGenre(s): Angst | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: April 08, 2003 18:47 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 115 | Visits: 739Summary: What goes on in a person's head as he smokes?
Reassure [P] by: Requiem Duindain : Yami No Matsuei Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: April 08, 2003 18:41 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 163 | Visits: 1.2KSummary: Tsuzuki tries to console Hisoka after he had broken down.
Strafe [P] by: Requiem Duindain : Weiss Kreuz Fan FictionGenre(s): Angst / Drama | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: April 08, 2003 18:39 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 127 | Visits: 562Summary: A poem that seeks to do the OAV "death scene" justice.
Stargazing [P] by: Requiem Duindain : Gravitation Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: April 08, 2003 18:38 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 174 | Visits: 827Summary: Yuki whispers a poem to Shuuichi while they gaze at the star-strewn sky.
A Night Song [P] by: Requiem Duindain : Yami No Matsuei Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: March 30, 2003 18:16 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 150 | Visits: 808Summary: Are you ever sure that he's faithful? Maybe he is, maybe it's someone else who's not.
Only in Words [T] by: Requiem Duindain : Yami No Matsuei Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: OtherLatest Revision: February 22, 2003 21:13 PST | Chapters: 5 | Words: 1.5K | Visits: 1.5KSummary: A collection of poems by the YnM cast. Finally Completed!!!!!!!!Review(s): 1 Reviews
Of Half Truths, Lies and Actors [P] by: Requiem Duindain : Fan FictionGenre(s): | Type: OtherLatest Revision: January 25, 2003 21:57 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 283 | Visits: 392Summary: It's an essay. That's all I'll say.
The Land After [P] by: Requiem Duindain : Yami No Matsuei Fan FictionGenre(s): Angst | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: January 25, 2003 21:48 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 168 | Visits: 716Summary: For Meifuu.
Eyes Open But Unseeing [P] by: Requiem Duindain : Fan FictionGenre(s): Angst | Type: OtherLatest Revision: December 25, 2002 17:58 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 220 | Visits: 473Summary: It's...something strange. It's a poem, I wrote. What does one think when you listen to Devil's Trill?