
[T] by: RurouniGirl
Anime/Manga: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Sci-fi | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: August 14, 2002 18:04 PDT | Chapters: 3 | Words: 2.8K | Visits: 952
Summary: This is an AU Gundam Wing fic. Yaoi. HeeroxDuo and QuatrexTrowas. Um...I realy suck at summaries. It's a science fiction type thing. Cyborgs and stuff like that. Um...I guess read to find out. ^_^
Review(s): 1 Reviews

[T] by: RurouniGirl
: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama | Type: Other
Latest Revision: September 02, 2001 09:04 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 9.7K | Visits: 916
Summary: Quatre is depressed. Heero is injured.
Wufei's mission just gets worse and worse. Yaoi. 1x2 and 3x4. Hope you enjoy.
Review(s): 2 Reviews