
Cold Saturday Evenings
[P] by: Sandileina
: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
Genre(s): | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: September 25, 2005 11:45 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 3.0K | Visits: 603
Summary: Duo can't write very well until Wufei offers to teach him.
A sort-of-sappy birthday present to ForeverM'Rose, who emailed me asking for this. ^^

[T] by: Sandileina
: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: September 10, 2005 11:08 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 3.1K | Visits: 998
Summary: Completely savage, wild, raised by panthers in the rainforest as one of their own. Unable to speak a word of any human language, a vicious animal in human form.
Pah. Complete myth.
Trowa Barton and his friends are on holiday read more
Review(s): 1 Reviews