the funeral of genkai [T] by: Zorrita Anime/Manga: Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan FictionGenre(s): Supernatural / Romance / Occult / Fantasy / Classic / Adventure | Type: CrossoverLatest Revision: September 22, 2003 18:18 PDT | Chapters: 6 | Words: 9.0K | Visits: 13.8KSummary: yusuke's teacher is dead. when he goes to the funeral however, he meets genkais grand daughter.Review(s): 36 Reviews
a simple interveiw, ihope [P] by: Zorrita : Yu Yu Hakusho Fan FictionGenre(s): Comedy | Type: OtherLatest Revision: August 19, 2003 19:48 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.6K | Visits: 608Summary: i try, i really do try to conduct a sane inter veiw. but it just doesn't work. also, sorry for not updating my other stories. :)Review(s): 1 Reviews