
500 years of wrongs
[T] by: catesy
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Angst / Romance / Action | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: March 19, 2004 13:35 PST | Chapters: 3 | Words: 6.0K | Visits: 1.1K
Summary: The battle with Naraku should have been the end. But when things go wrong it turned into the beginning of a nightmare that will last 500 years. Now it's up to Inu to set thing's right again.
Review(s): 2 Reviews

Cloud Watching
[A] by: catesy
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Other
Latest Revision: March 13, 2004 22:28 PST | Chapters: 20 | Words: 43.8K | Visits: 14.2K
Summary: What time will Kagome choose to stay in? What happens when the battle with Naraku is over? And what has Kikyo done to Kagome!? Read and find out! I/K, S/M Chapter 19
Review(s): 28 Reviews