
Kagome's Diary
[T] by: cheesylovesong23
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy / Romance | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: April 27, 2006 23:28 PDT | Chapters: 11 | Words: 47.1K | Visits: 9.9K
Summary: On the outside Kagome appears to be a perfect little angel. I'm not buying, no one's perfect. Find out Kagome's innermost secrets and impure thoughts when you read a girl's most treaured possession: her diary. From her opinion of Sesshy's butt to what she' read more
Review(s): 42 Reviews

Inu Ending (Wacky Style)
[T] by: cheesylovesong23
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: February 21, 2006 17:01 PST | Chapters: 6 | Words: 19.9K | Visits: 2.4K
Summary: One day I began emailing my version of the Inuyasha series ending. Only mine is entirely crazy and zaney. Ingrediants: Characters singing koombyah by a camp fire (INCLUDING Sesshomaru and Naraku), a girly good Naraku, a WEDDING, Brock's credit card, and MO read more
Review(s): 5 Reviews

Snowy Love
[T] by: cheesylovesong23
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Drama / Comedy | Type: Other
Latest Revision: August 12, 2005 23:24 PDT | Chapters: 10 | Words: 102.2K | Visits: 4.4K
Summary: DON'T click on the link to this story! At first it's simple enough, and you'll be like, aw how cute, BUT this will soon become defiled, as the agony begins! Sure, there's romance, and really great comedy, but at what cost does love come? Inuyasha and his read more
Review(s): 3 Reviews

Inuyasha: My Style
[P] by: cheesylovesong23
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Fantasy / Comedy / Action | Type: Self Insertion
Latest Revision: August 10, 2005 15:24 PDT | Chapters: 2 | Words: 5.9K | Visits: 984
Summary: The Fuedal Era baddies are used to sweet little Kagome, tie her up and she might yell a little but she'll whine and give up, what would happen if a more loud mouthed, annoying, somewhat of a jerk, short fuse, me is in there instead? Find out. Read as the read more
Review(s): 4 Reviews

Bloody Past
[P] by: cheesylovesong23
: Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Samurai / Angst | Type: Poetry
Latest Revision: August 09, 2005 13:34 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 461 | Visits: 823
Summary: A poem about the struggles of Kenshin who must hide his love for Kaoru in order to protect her, it delves into the night he killed Tomoe and the day he first went into battle as a hitokiri--and the agony and numbness that comes along with the lie he puts o read more
Review(s): 1 Reviews

Wind's Fickle Heart (A Climatic Ending)
[P] by: cheesylovesong23
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Fantasy / Action | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: July 13, 2005 20:25 PDT | Chapters: 3 | Words: 12.2K | Visits: 928
Summary: Inuyasha Ends! Unlikely alliances are formed (Sesshy *hinthint*), the ultimate battle and Inu is HUMAN, loves are tested, battles won and lost, the chikon jewel is restored to balance. How do all these things come to pass? Naraku is betrayed, and a more th read more