
Anything for Love
[P] by: deathbyanime
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Songfic
Latest Revision: September 16, 2004 05:09 PDT | Chapters: 2 | Words: 1.5K | Visits: 605
Summary: In junior high the Recess gang grows apart while Spinelli and Gretchen grow closer. Femmeslash.

Gossamer Memories
[A] by: deathbyanime
: Digimon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: July 10, 2004 03:16 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 423 | Visits: 590
Summary: Sometimes, Akihana can almost remember her mother. Jyou/Miyako, previous Jyou/Sora. Warning: Character death.