why..... [P] by: inuchris the stampede Non Anime: Final Fantasy - All Series Fan FictionGenre(s): Action / Drama / Psychological | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: February 20, 2004 18:39 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 112 | Visits: 424Summary: its not much.... its my first finished fic.... please revew
burning blue eyes [T] by: inuchris the stampede : Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance / Comedy / Adventure / Action | Type: Alternate UniverseLatest Revision: January 04, 2004 18:53 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 105 | Visits: 931Summary: a warrior from tameran says he needs to speak whith starfire. what dose he want from her ?what will robin say? what will his powers be ? whay am i asking you? find out p.s my first fic dont read not doneReview(s): 2 Reviews