The Colours of War: The Faithful [T] by: inverted1 Non Anime: Advance Wars Fan FictionGenre(s): Action | Type: Fanfiction SequelLatest Revision: June 06, 2007 14:39 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 3.2K | Visits: 749Summary: Blazing armored warfare rages across Wars world and the men of the 63rd regiment of the Imperial Army of Yellow Comet are at the forefront of the advance!
The Colours of War: The Pilots [T] by: inverted1 : Advance Wars Fan FictionGenre(s): Action | Type: Fanfiction SequelLatest Revision: June 06, 2007 14:37 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 4.0K | Visits: 824Summary: High-speed air combat for the pilots of the Green Earth Air Force as a surprise attack by unknown enemies pitches novice pilot Karl Marken into a broiling air war.
The Colours of War: The Old Salts [T] by: inverted1 : Advance Wars Fan FictionGenre(s): Action | Type: SongficLatest Revision: June 06, 2007 14:32 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 3.9K | Visits: 648Summary: High seas action as Captain Alexi Kolyma of the Blue Moon Navy faces the hardest challenge in his career: to survive.
The Colours of War: The Conscriptees [P] by: inverted1 : Advance Wars Fan FictionGenre(s): Action | Type: Fanfiction SequelLatest Revision: June 06, 2007 14:27 PDT | Chapters: 2 | Words: 8.0K | Visits: 716Summary: Follow the exploits of Ben Carter, "conscriptee" of the Orange Star Army in some of the most brutal engagements of the Cosmo land War, from the liberation of Orange Star to the discovery of Black Hole.
21 [T] by: inverted1 : Warhammer 40K Fan FictionGenre(s): Action | Type: VignetteLatest Revision: June 01, 2007 05:23 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 3.2K | Visits: 786Summary: Join the 21st Teutonian Acers as they fight a bloody war of annihilation to free their forest world of Ork invaders. [My first ever fanfic, lol]