Something even the hero[es] fear[s] [P] by: konekomh Non Anime: Final Fantasy - All Series Fan FictionGenre(s): Comedy | Type: ContinuationLatest Revision: November 15, 2002 05:40 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.9K | Visits: 441Summary: Even our fearless hero got something that scares him out of his wits... it's again very playful. Please R&R!! =^.^=
Fairy Tales - FF8 version [T] by: konekomh : Final Fantasy - All Series Fan FictionGenre(s): Comedy | Type: Alternate UniverseLatest Revision: November 15, 2002 05:13 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 3.7K | Visits: 542Summary: Ch.1 is Snow White!!! Guess who Snow White is? I'm being playful this time and depending on how you see it, there *can* be some slight hints of shonen-ai. So please be warned.Review(s): 1 Reviews