
Please love me too
[T] by: samui hoshi
Anime/Manga: Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy / Romance / Drama | Type: Other
Latest Revision: September 23, 2003 03:37 PDT | Chapters: 3 | Words: 1.7K | Visits: 1.4K
Summary: Like any other normal people, the weiss boys has their own journals...... where they put the their most private thoughts and their secret feelings about each other.....but what if one day, they accidetally switched with one another...please review!

Onegai Tenshi
[T] by: samui hoshi
: Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy / Drama / Romance / | Type: Other
Latest Revision: September 06, 2003 04:08 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 602 | Visits: 724
Summary: when Ken died when a mission gone horribly wrong.....Aya yells at the heavens to bring him back in exchange of his own ....An angel took pity on him so he immediately brought him back...But what's this? The angel fell in love with ken! (please tell me whic read more