
I Need You
[T] by: Akemi
: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: September 13, 2002 13:00 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.3K | Visits: 1.1K
Summary: Its been five years since the battle against Pegasus. Yami's been in love with Seto the whole time. On Christmas, will his wish come true?
Review(s): 3 Reviews

Waiting For You
[P] by: Omittchi
: Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Angst | Type: Other
Latest Revision: September 13, 2002 07:52 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.7K | Visits: 597
Summary: Another short little one shot type deal. Tasuki thinks over his feelings for Tamahome, and Nuriko gives him a little advice. Shounen-ai!
Review(s): 1 Reviews

[P] by: Omittchi
: Digimon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Angst | Type: Other
Latest Revision: September 13, 2002 07:48 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.5K | Visits: 613
Summary: Just a short little shounen-ai angsty thing I wrote a while back. It's a few years after the 02 season and Taichi is sitting in a bar thinking back on lost love.

The Ultimatum
[P] by: Ultimanium
: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy / Adventure / Action | Type: Crossover
Latest Revision: September 13, 2002 06:27 PDT | Chapters: 19 | Words: 35.0K | Visits: 4.7K
Summary: Time passes.. forces align.. now, competitors from far away will all gather under the watchful eye of the dimensionjumpers Ultimanium and Ultramagnus, taunted by a mysterious grudge match... but for what purpose? (part 1 of the Ultimatum Saga)