
Drama class 101
[A] by: Miss Videl
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Other
Latest Revision: April 29, 2002 16:21 PDT | Chapters: 2 | Words: 1.8K | Visits: 177
Summary: Gohan and Videl sign up for the school's play. Did they enter something more that they bargain for???
Review(s): 3 Reviews

Portal into the Unknown
[T] by: Miss Videl
: Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Action / Adventure / Romance / Thriller | Type: Crossover
Latest Revision: April 29, 2002 16:20 PDT | Chapters: 4 | Words: 3.2K | Visits: 1.5K
Summary: Sakura, Li, May-Lin, Eli, Madison, Ron Hermonie, Harry, Gohan, and Videl are trapped in a portal. Will love show it's ugly/beautiful head? Will they get out? What else is going to happen? Well read and find out!
Please R&R!
~Miss Vid read more
Review(s): 6 Reviews

Pale Blue Ink
[T] by: masamune
: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Angst / Mystery | Type: Songfic
Latest Revision: April 29, 2002 12:35 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 6.1K | Visits: 859
Summary: Heero finds notes revealing that Relena is cheating on him and is devestated. Duo, while hiding his feelings for Heero, comforts him and then helps him go on the run when things take a bad turn. 1+2
Review(s): 2 Reviews

Sailor Star or Sailor Wind
[T] by: Tasha_2002
: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: April 29, 2002 09:23 PDT | Chapters: 7 | Words: 4.7K | Visits: 2.7K
Summary: After the Stars series and before the crowning of Neo Queen Serenity, Tsukino Usagi is in her last year of university and is encountering new troubles. Will her heart be broken by her destiny? A choice between Wind and Star...
Review(s): 9 Reviews

*Genus of the Universe*
[T] by: KangaKilla
: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Martial Arts / Romance / Sci-fi | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: April 29, 2002 04:55 PDT | Chapters: 2 | Words: 3.1K | Visits: 672
Summary: … the ice-jin start to get a little stronger, a little rebellious and then BAM all out war for the ruling of the Universe. So our heroes Prince Vejita, his royal guard Kakarott, the bald headed Krillin, the feisty eighteen, the pan throwing Chichi, and the read more
Review(s): 1 Reviews

Vocabulary Guide
[A] by: Evangeline

Genre(s): | Type: Other
Latest Revision: April 28, 2002 21:15 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 231 | Visits: 217
Summary: This is the vocabualary guide to Journey to Aiv! I highly recommand reading this sometime before or after Journey to Aiv, or else you'll be confused.

Journey to Aiv
[A] by: Evangeline

Genre(s): Adventure | Type: Other
Latest Revision: April 28, 2002 21:11 PDT | Chapters: 3 | Words: 5.0K | Visits: 42
Summary: "...Help me... I need it." Kayto didn't expect things to get so dangerous and complicated when he set out on a journey to find Aiv of the Great North. He just wanted to find out about his past, and he ended up meeting many people, and putting himself in read more