
[A] by: Lady_Readwolf
: Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama | Type: Spamfic
Latest Revision: September 08, 2005 04:25 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 709 | Visits: 2.4K
Summary: Pairings/Characters: Yuuri/Wolfram (+ Gretta)
Genre: fluff
Warnings: abhorance of haircuts
Spoilers: none
Summary: "He smiled, content with his world as it was at that exact moment."

As If!
[T] by: DarkGatomon, the Kuroneko Yajuu
: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Spamfic
Latest Revision: September 02, 2005 23:15 PDT | Chapters: 39 | Words: 149.1K | Visits: 34.2K
Summary: Take the show. Create dozens of mocking never-happened fake-convo scenes. What do you get? That's right, a strange and bizarre little collection named As If!

UPDATE: Episode 181, The Unwanted Guest, Pt. 1. Dude! It's YGO KC GX! Check it!
read more
Review(s): 120 Reviews

Truth or dare gone wrong
[A] by: SpiralAyumuness
: Naruto Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Spamfic
Latest Revision: August 22, 2005 00:33 PDT | Chapters: 4 | Words: 2.8K | Visits: 2.9K
Summary: A.N. This is just a test story. ^^; Um, if you wanna be in it, copy and paste this info:

Nickname (If you have one):
Related to (If not related to anyone, you don’t have to type this in.):
You l read more
Review(s): 7 Reviews

Inuyasha the puppy MST'd
[T] by: zabchan
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Spamfic
Latest Revision: August 16, 2005 17:00 PDT | Chapters: 2 | Words: 19.4K | Visits: 1.2K
Summary: Inuyasha and crew MST "bad" fanfiction, hilarity ensues. What's MST, funny you should ask...Mystery Science Theater (MST)was a show where a crew would make fun of bad sci fi, ("fun" usually meaning suggestive comments..heh heh). MST'ing a fic is the same p read more
Review(s): 2 Reviews

[P] by: Miss Nikki
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): | Type: Spamfic
Latest Revision: June 23, 2005 09:43 PDT | Chapters: 4 | Words: 581 | Visits: 1.4K
Summary: A series of babbles and thoughts. Story ideas, if I ever get around to writing a story around them.