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A Difference of Opinion [A] by: chaoticdemon  Non Anime: Psych Fan Fiction Genre(s): Classic | Type: One Shot Latest Revision: May 27, 2008 23:47 PDT | Pages: 1 | Size: 1Kb | Visits: 625 Summary: Father and son have different thoughts on Shawn's latest pet. |
A Difference of Sides [X] by: Sugah  : Digimon Fan Fiction Genre(s): Romance / Drama / Angst / Action | Type: Alternate Universe Latest Revision: June 02, 2003 22:32 PDT | Pages: 10 | Size: 85Kb | Visits: 3923 Summary: Daisuke's a punk and Ken's an upper class rich boy--so what happens when the last thing they ever expected to happen...happens?
Well, for one, neither expected handcuffs to be involved.... Review(s): 25 Reviews
A Different Approach To Hinata Sou [T] by: Shakeval  : Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Love Hina Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction Genre(s): Supernatural / Samurai / Action / Occult / Martial Arts | Type: Self Insertion Latest Revision: October 02, 2006 00:08 PDT | Pages: 4 | Size: 23Kb | Visits: 2832 Summary: When Keitaro was a child he had an accident, since then he has never been the same. his parents saw it as an attempt to never be in the same accident again. |
A Different Beginning [T] by: Okita1209  : Spirited Away Fan Fiction Genre(s): Supernatural / Romance / Drama / Comedy / Adventure | Type: Alternate Universe Latest Revision: May 07, 2009 05:59 PDT | Pages: 14 | Size: 130Kb | Visits: 2626 Summary: (Re-written and now in the process of continuing) Instead of being ten when she goes to the spirit world, Chihiro's seventeen ... and very very attitudal. So ... the story from the movie is different, Haku's older too, no robbing the cradle, 'cause he's li read more Review(s): 18 Reviews
A Different Circumstance [Y] by: possum  : Gundam Wing Fan Fiction Genre(s): Angst | Type: Alternate Universe Latest Revision: December 25, 2005 21:28 PST | Pages: 1 | Size: 5Kb | Visits: 382 Summary: If they'd met in a different time, and if they hadn't been who they were... (1x5) Review(s): 1 Reviews
A Different Circumstance (Arc) [X] by: possum  : Gundam Wing Fan Fiction Genre(s): Angst / Romance / Drama | Type: Alternate Universe Latest Revision: December 25, 2005 21:16 PST | Pages: 17 | Size: 87Kb | Visits: 3481 Summary: He was married to a beautiful woman from a powerful family, and he was the president of a multinational company. In the arms of another man, he stood to lose everything. (1x5) Review(s): 1 Reviews
A Different Course [T] by: Hearts In Strangeness  : Vampire Knight Fan Fiction Genre(s): Romance / Supernatural | Type: One Shot Latest Revision: October 29, 2009 21:02 PDT | Pages: 3 | Size: 17Kb | Visits: 1370 Summary: A One shot that changes what happens between chapters 25 and 26 of the Manga. Not going to be continued. |
A Different Direction [Y] by: Marilou4241  : Twilight Fan Fiction Genre(s): Drama / Romance | Type: Yaoi Latest Revision: November 07, 2011 07:39 PST | Pages: 18 | Size: 95Kb | Visits: 317 Summary: I don't know how I got here...but I've met my imprint. Someone, I never knew I could love...a leech nonetheless. A bronze haired Edward. |
A Different Exchange [Y] by: writer03  : Peach Girl Fan Fiction Genre(s): Romance / Drama | Type: Songfic Latest Revision: December 28, 2003 21:11 PST | Pages: 7 | Size: 27Kb | Visits: 405 Summary: We all hate Sae, but what would happen if, before Toji and Momo could get revenge on her, she went to America via an exchange program? And what if the exchange student became good friends with Kiley, Toji, and ended up Momo's best friend? You'll have to re read more |
A Different Fairy Tale [T] by: silverontherose  : InuYasha Fan Fiction Genre(s): Drama / | Type: One Shot Latest Revision: April 13, 2006 10:08 PDT | Pages: 2 | Size: 8Kb | Visits: 519 Summary: The way I understand it, the reason for reincarnation is so the soul can learn through all of its lives. Kagome’s soul has been purified through that learning and I believe that the only part of her soul that had the darkness and hate of a normal person w read more |
A Different Fate [X] by: Musal  : Black Cat Fan Fiction Genre(s): Romance | Type: Yaoi Latest Revision: August 15, 2007 09:04 PDT | Pages: 98 | Size: 587Kb | Visits: 3516 Summary: What if Train never knew Creed was the one to kill Saya and instead believed it was Chronos? What if Train helped Creed create the Apostles to get revenge on Chronos and began to trust and care about him? What happens when Train learns the truth? CxT Review(s): 3 Reviews
A Different Feeling [T] by: PixieChalk  : Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction Genre(s): Drama / Romance | Type: Continuation Latest Revision: March 20, 2003 00:06 PST | Pages: 2 | Size: 9Kb | Visits: 1078 Summary: Miaka is just starting college and is yearning for something more in her and Taka's relationship. Is there a way to know if you've found love . . .or lost it? Amiboshi/Miaka Review(s): 1 Reviews
A Different Fight [P] by: CrazyAce  : InuYasha Fan Fiction Genre(s): Comedy / Romance | Type: One Shot Latest Revision: June 21, 2005 20:28 PDT | Pages: 4 | Size: 11Kb | Visits: 913 Summary: *Sucky title, sorry!* As usual, there's the fight at the Well. But this time, something different happens, and Kagome feels bad. So she follows Inuyasha to the lake to say she's sorry. It's actually funny, and there's braiding hair?! *Plz r/r!*
read more Review(s): 1 Reviews
A different Final Ending For Yu-gi-oh [P] by: Kasha  : Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction Genre(s): Romance / Drama | Type: One Shot Latest Revision: January 03, 2007 20:36 PST | Pages: 3 | Size: 10Kb | Visits: 1015 Summary: This is my version of the very, last scene of the very last episode of Yu-Gi-Oh! When yugi win the duel against Yami or the Pharaoh.
Yami and Tea *secrets revealed* ~_~ Review(s): 3 Reviews
A Different Kind of "Tasty" [X] by: darkmageliz  : Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction Genre(s): Hentai | Type: One Shot Latest Revision: December 06, 2004 09:48 PST | Pages: 2 | Size: 9Kb | Visits: 1897 Summary: After all their sex sessions, Yuugi wants to be the one doing the pleasuring. So, one day, when Yami says he's hungry for a snack, Yuugi finds the perfect thing to satisfy his dark side's hunger. Review(s): 4 Reviews
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