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Chibi Wufei [X] by: wirbel
Anime/Manga: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: December 27, 2007 05:10 PST | Pages: 43 | Size: 220Kb | Visits: 3931
Summary: Never ever be a guinea pig on Duo's cooking skills.
Review(s): 10 Reviews
Chibi Xellos in...Kindergarten Blues [P] by: Yasusen
: Slayers Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: August 11, 2007 20:05 PDT | Pages: 2 | Size: 13Kb | Visits: 776
Summary: Imagine if Xellos, the priest and general of the monster race, had to go through kindergarten...here's an example of his first day...
Chibi Yasha [T] by: Tekablade
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Fantasy | Type: Other
Latest Revision: February 12, 2004 21:35 PST | Pages: 4 | Size: 7Kb | Visits: 812
Summary: This is a series were almost everyone is a kid, and the weird things that happen. Review please.
Chibi Yugi [T] by: Klonoa
: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: July 20, 2003 11:20 PDT | Pages: 29 | Size: 60Kb | Visits: 5223
Summary: Yugi's been turned into a chibi and the others are going to suffer the coniquences.
Review(s): 20 Reviews
Chibi's Curse [T] by: Dark Sanctuary
: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy / Romance | Type: Other
Latest Revision: April 30, 2015 16:51 PDT | Pages: 5 | Size: 25Kb | Visits: 3850
Summary: The Yami's are granted their request to stay with their lights after the ceremonial duel between the Pharaoh and his light but staying with their lights involves a price...
Review(s): 4 Reviews
Chibi-man [A] by: Brandella
: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: March 02, 2007 09:17 PST | Pages: 1 | Size: 5Kb | Visits: 602
Summary: The G-boys do Halloween - Superman style! Chibi fic.
Review(s): 2 Reviews
Chibi-Ranma [P] by: stbays
: Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Action / Adventure / Comedy / Martial Arts / Mystery / Supernatural / Suspense | Type: Other
Latest Revision: November 25, 2003 10:59 PST | Pages: 4 | Size: 16Kb | Visits: 1890
Summary: When young Ranma has a conversation with his adult form, he decides to change his life from being the victim to the one in charge.
Review(s): 1 Reviews
Chibi-usa & Helios [P] by: sailorjupiter1
: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Adventure / Action | Type: Other
Latest Revision: May 20, 2004 16:07 PDT | Pages: 29 | Size: 124Kb | Visits: 4989
Summary: This story takes place in the future in Crystal Tokyo, it also as well takes place in the past with Usagi and her friends. It shows more about Chibi-usa and Helios and how they truly feel. Also a new enemy appears, will the sailor scouts be able to stop it read more
Review(s): 12 Reviews
Chibi-Usa's First Christmas [A] by: bill k
: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Classic | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: December 18, 2004 13:07 PST | Pages: 11 | Size: 45Kb | Visits: 883
Summary: A short story for the holidays set in Crystal Tokyo in the thirtieth century.
Chibification [T] by: Turnings Ander
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Other
Latest Revision: January 06, 2004 17:54 PST | Pages: 3 | Size: 26Kb | Visits: 748
Summary: Inu-Yasha and Miroku find their own share of problems have eating some particular food, though Shippo seem to enjoy being older, Miroku and Inu-Yasha definitely don't enjoy being Shippo's size. Chibification (chee-bee-fi-kay-shun) n. the state of being chi read more
Review(s): 1 Reviews
Chibified [T] by: ChiYoukai
: Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: November 07, 2006 13:34 PST | Pages: 7 | Size: 48Kb | Visits: 598
Summary: Oh noes! Micheal Jackson has turned Ed, Al, Roy and I into chibis! What ever shall we do? Random oneshot, yay!
Review(s): 2 Reviews
CHIBIFIED!!! [P] by: May-VeggieGirl1
: SD Gundam Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy / Children's / Adventure | Type: Other
Latest Revision: August 28, 2005 09:14 PDT | Pages: 20 | Size: 78Kb | Visits: 7330
Summary: Captain, Zero, Baku, and Guneagle are turned into kids again! And to top it off, Shute has to baby sit them! Will they evah return to normal? (probably not! ^_~) Now the Dark Axis trio has joined the fray! What more chaos will ensue? Doing good on ideas, b read more
Review(s): 112 Reviews
ChibiGWAdventures [A] by: chibiGundamW
: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy / Adventure / Action | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: July 08, 2002 16:34 PDT | Pages: 7 | Size: 29Kb | Visits: 1324
Summary: About the Gundam wing crew as chibis. been told it was a cute story
Review(s): 1 Reviews
Chibis go to school [P] by: Saiyan Princess TRF
: /
Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: July 12, 2002 15:27 PDT | Pages: 27 | Size: 51Kb | Visits: 811
Summary: The DBZ kids as cute, hugable chibis go to 1st grade and basically cause mayhem! Not very original, but apparently people seem to think it's good.
Review(s): 3 Reviews
Chibis' Hearts (Dedicated to all E-fiction members!) [T] by: Pigskillducks
Genre(s): Action / Drama | Type: Other
Latest Revision: November 15, 2004 17:42 PST | Pages: 1 | Size: 1Kb | Visits: 180
Summary: This is for all chibi lovers everywhere! (Dedicated to all e-fiction tagboarders!) And for all who knows me i am Mokey/Mikey and This is Me and Kirstens story!
Review(s): 2 Reviews
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