Jyuuken [A] by: Sleyman Anime/Manga: Naruto Fan Fiction Genre(s): Romance | Type: Divergence Latest Revision: September 03, 2008 03:42 PDT | Pages: 15 | Size: 105Kb | Visits: 2114 Summary: Hinata defeats Neji in the preliminaries and Kimimaro falls ill sooner than Orochimaru would have liked. What are the steps to rehabilitating a damaged weapon? Kimimaro x Hinata
Jyuunishi no Enkei Monogatari [A] by: Ina-chan : Fruits Basket Fan Fiction Genre(s): Drama | Type: Other Latest Revision: March 28, 2003 19:41 PST | Pages: 24 | Size: 127Kb | Visits: 4744 Summary: It all began with a promise, one single promise, filled with good intentions… a single promise would eventually lead to an ultimate deception, a feud between two families, and a curse that will continue until the world is purged of the Souma bloodline... Review(s): 1 Reviews