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Make Your Own Adventure: You meet Kurama in the Garden!! - Girls Only [A] by: AngeL4Ever
Anime/Manga: Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Revenge Fic
Latest Revision: October 25, 2004 14:03 PDT | Pages: 1 | Size: 1Kb | Visits: 976
Summary: This will be it guys! This is for GIRLS!! by the way, you were planting this in your garden, because your mom told you to, and, Kurama came asking you if hecould pick some vegetables from it, and you said, yes...you then, find yourself coming back...what w read more
Review(s): 2 Reviews
Make Your Own adventure: You were all alone from sickness..... [P] by: AngeL4Ever
: Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Revenge Fic
Latest Revision: November 06, 2004 14:13 PST | Pages: 1 | Size: 3Kb | Visits: 838
Summary: You were all alone now, because your family died from a bad sickness. You after, meet this boy named Yohko Kurama. Who is he? Why is he helping?
Review(s): 2 Reviews
Make Yourself [Y] by: Andais Jacobs
: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Action / Drama / Romance | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: February 23, 2009 19:59 PST | Pages: 2 | Size: 16Kb | Visits: 467
Summary: Welcome to the rewrite of Maybe This World is Another Planet's Hell. This is the story of Chiku, Goten's twin sister. T/OC rating will go up in later chapters.
Make-believe life in a realistic world... [T] by: Tenoko
: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Action / Romance / Suspense / Thriller | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: August 15, 2002 15:26 PDT | Pages: 1 | Size: 7Kb | Visits: 683
Summary: “Is everything okay, Heero?”
“No. Something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong.” Just then, Preventors exploded into flames, explosions on each floor blowing out windows, as broken glass and debree showered down on us. I shoved Relena to the ground read more
Make-shift Family [T] by: TheBlackRose
: Naruto Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama / Comedy | Type: Crossover
Latest Revision: March 21, 2007 01:40 PDT | Pages: 23 | Size: 128Kb | Visits: 2597
Summary: It's been four years since the Make-Shift family had last seen each other. What will happen once they're reunited? What will happen when two master pranksters decide to reck havic and destruction in Konoha!?
Review(s): 6 Reviews
Makeover [A] by: bookworm810
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Classic / Drama / Romance | Type: Other
Latest Revision: April 25, 2008 05:57 PDT | Pages: 2 | Size: 20Kb | Visits: 1849
Summary: Tired of feeling like she is always being compared to Kikyo, Kagome decides it is time to do something about it.
Review(s): 7 Reviews
Makes The Heart Grow Fonder [T] by: WaterGoddess914
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy / Romance | Type: Other
Latest Revision: October 21, 2003 08:54 PDT | Pages: 22 | Size: 56Kb | Visits: 4300
Summary: Kagome & Inuyasha are best friends...they are going to different universities...what will happen between them? And what is happening with Sango & Miroku? Read and find out! Review! Chapter 9 is up!
Review(s): 6 Reviews
Makeshift Superheroes [Y] by: blue sakuras
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Angst / / Suspense / Romance / Fantasy / Comedy / Adventure / Action | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: July 06, 2005 23:40 PDT | Pages: 30 | Size: 119Kb | Visits: 3258
Summary: A stripper. A drug dealer. A 'lady of the night'. A hitman. A doctor.

The five that will save the world.

Without knowning it.

Inu/Kag Mir/San Sess/Kag

Rated for ::ahem:: situations and shit dealin read more
Review(s): 10 Reviews
Makie's Revenge [T] by: MizKTakase
: Mahou Sensei Negima! Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Adventure / Comedy / Drama / Fantasy | Type: Other
Latest Revision: March 01, 2012 06:10 PST | Pages: 28 | Size: 195Kb | Visits: 4577
Summary: Makie Sasaki is a failure at being Makie, according to Ayaka Yukihiro. Now vengeance is hers on the Class Rep, and all she needs is an evil mind... and an obedience chip.

Rated T for mild language
Makin' Love On Economy [X] by: jamaicensis
: Outlaw Star Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Hentai | Type: Yaoi
Latest Revision: July 02, 2007 07:34 PDT | Pages: 2 | Size: 14Kb | Visits: 743
Summary: [Outlaw Star belongs to Sunrise; the song "Clockwatching" belongs to Jason Mraz.]

Exactly what it sounds like. Fred and Gene have sex in sub-ether. :D
Makin' Love One Chapter At A Time [X] by: MazzyGirlLovesTrunks
: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Hentai | Type: Self Insertion
Latest Revision: September 16, 2005 19:00 PDT | Pages: 1 | Size: 5Kb | Visits: 2328
Summary: Every Chapter is some how a Lemon………………..that’s it.
None of the saiyan mating rituals either, just plain normal sweaty sex.

Dedicated to all those who know I am still a virgin.
Also dedicated to one of my best girl friend, both read more
Making a House a Home [X] by: Lord Archive
: Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Hentai / Drama | Type: Other
Latest Revision: February 11, 2007 21:43 PST | Pages: 24 | Size: 154Kb | Visits: 10057
Summary: Complete

Syaoran bought a house in Tomoeda with the intent on sharing it with Sakura, yet she has a hard time viewing it as hers.

This can work as a continuation of anime or manga in terms of relationships, or as an alternate read more
Review(s): 3 Reviews
Making a movie [P] by: Yami Jacki
: Slayers Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Other
Latest Revision: January 25, 2004 12:22 PST | Pages: 6 | Size: 13Kb | Visits: 399
Summary: the slayers are making a movie! yay! n then some new girl shows up n stuff happens...*cough cough* plz R&R n tell me what u think! errr... the first chapter go deleted somehow but i'll get it bac up!
Review(s): 1 Reviews
Making Amends [T] by: Angel_In_Chains
: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: October 30, 2002 12:53 PST | Pages: 3 | Size: 15Kb | Visits: 502
Summary: Wufei's feelings for Treize did not die when he did. The young 05 pilot resolves his loss in the next best thing-Treize Kushrenada's daughter.
Making Breakfast [T] by: Kiya Sama
: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy / Romance | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: November 19, 2001 05:53 PST | Pages: 4 | Size: 13Kb | Visits: 1123
Summary: *SHOUNEN-AI* What happens when the two strongest Saiyans in the galaxy attempt to prepare a simple breakfast meal? Read to find out!! ^_^
Review(s): 2 Reviews
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