Title: Hooray for Howl and Sophie! Reviewed By: Lady Goddess Ceres [MediaMiner Member] On: September 05, 2005 12:56 CDT Comment/Review: Hello! I'm glad I ran into your fic! I was desperately seeking a HMC fic and happily you delivered. :) While the hentai aspect of the story is quite alluring (and I can't wait to read it!), you've created a fic that has a lot of potential. You can show how Sophie and Howl's relationship develops and grows. I like seeing the interactions between the couple and the family; it gives some reality to the "happily ever after". There is only one thing that bothered me. Perhaps it's just me, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. I think it takes A LOT to make Sophie cry. Even in the book I don't remember a time when tears on her part were mentioned. She's more prone to silent sulking. Just a thought. :) I do like your writing style. It's matureing and explains the actions of the characters without dumbing the writing down. Keep writing and I can't wait to see more!