"Behind the Scenes" Reviews/Comments [ 29 ] |
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Reviewed By: Tasa [MediaMiner Member] On: November 30, 2006 17:47 CST Comment/Review: I love the story! I can't wait till the next chapter! @_@
Reviewed By: nata_chan On: October 05, 2006 13:48 CDT Comment/Review: Oh it's going interesting keep it up ! (Totally off topic but glad to see that you like my country so much lol )
Reviewed By: NightmareShinigami [MediaMiner Member] On: September 07, 2006 22:40 CDT Comment/Review: for my sanity ad the sanity of others hope you update soon! X3 i love it! its like a movie of its own!
Reviewed By: chantygal(nsi) On: September 06, 2006 00:29 CDT Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Comment/Review: This story is awesome! Please don't take too long with another installment I don't think I can bare that kind of torture :( it's about time Duo made a real move on Fei, heartbreaking though about this chap, I pray for happy endings;they're my favourite pairing. Definetly a nice pace, easy flow of words and plot.Keep writing. Keep updating.
Reviewed By: GrayPheonix [MediaMiner Member] On: September 05, 2006 20:03 CDT Comment/Review: Ah man, thats kinda weak way for things to go. I mean, thus far, this has all been great story, pretty awesome actually. Not only that, but a Wufei/Duo pairing is actually pretty interesting, not to mention doing this (at least right now) behind Relena's back. Anyway, keep updating, this story seems like it really has promise. If it keeps going so well, I think it might be Featured fanfiction material. Not only that, but Duo and Yuy as actors? That I can definitely see happening, with Quatre being an accountant, and Trowa doing advertising, though not for the same company. It'd be neat, to say the least. Anyway, keep on writing!
Reviewed By: NightmareShinigami [MediaMiner Member] On: August 22, 2006 17:24 CDT Comment/Review: i cant wait to read more this is pretty good!
Reviewed By: chantygal [MediaMiner Member] On: June 14, 2006 22:28 CDT Comment/Review: It's hard to be objective about your story when I think your writing ability is absolutely happening. Your story is quite engaging. Keep writing .Keep updating.
Reviewed By: Asaka_Sama [MediaMiner Member] On: June 14, 2006 07:20 CDT Comment/Review: I'm happy to see that you've updated again! You're having a bit of a problem with your spacing of paragraphs and dialouge, but otherwise you're doing really well! Can't wait to see what happens next!
Reviewed By: chantygal [MediaMiner Member] On: June 03, 2006 12:57 CDT Comment/Review: yes!!!! a new chapter has dawned! sweet! love the bit of scary quatre...but poor wufei.....what one will do for love. Good stuff. Keep writing.Keep updating.
Title: Chapter?? Update?? Reviewed By: chantygal [MediaMiner Member] On: May 16, 2006 14:27 CDT Comment/Review: soooo what's happening with the story? Don't tell me your ending it now?! :( *sniffles* please continue and update soon! this story is so neat it's got humour and lots of events taking place. it's got just the right blend for a good story.Keep going
Reviewed By: orangeflips [MediaMiner Member] On: April 23, 2006 22:23 CDT Comment/Review: Vaaatt?? No update in foreeverr? *sigh* Well, it was lovely! Silly Quatre. (:
Reviewed By: chantygal [MediaMiner Member] On: December 29, 2005 02:03 CST Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Comment/Review: Awesome!!!!!! love the humour, the storyline is neat and fun. can't wait to see what drama unfolds,love the charm that seems to just be oozing off duo .Keep writing and update soon
Reviewed By: wingofshinigami [MediaMiner Member] On: October 08, 2005 02:02 CDT Comment/Review: Yes another great story .. so continue
Reviewed By: live4you [MediaMiner Member] On: August 17, 2005 13:38 CDT Comment/Review: Great fic cant wait to see how Fei and Duo get together.Also looking forward to the reaction that this will get out of Quatre.
Reviewed By: Lita Starwind (nsi) On: August 17, 2005 08:07 CDT Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I really like your idea for this fic! It's interesting and I can't wait to see how Duo tries to get 'Fei! update soon! -TillThen!
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