"Emergence" Reviews/Comments [ 169 ] | Pages (12): [ « ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ›  » ] | Title: inuyashaloverr Reviewed By: inuyashaloverr [MediaMiner Member] On: April 20, 2006 20:03 PDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: This has been one of the most enjoyable stories. Im sorry its over, but they say all good things must come to an end. Ive read this from the get go, and have loved every chapter. This was really excellent. Now, heh, any chance of a sequel?
| Reviewed By: Bree1229 On: April 10, 2006 15:24 PDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I've been following this story since you posted the first chapter and just wanted to thank you for sharing it with us. This story has had romance, angst, the growth and maturing of the characters and has been a real emotional roller coaster. I really liked the last chapter. Kikyou's death and final moments were very sad. I also thought Kikyou's final request was like finally putting an end to what she and Inuyasha had before she sealed him 50 years earlier. Very nicely done. I always hate the end of a fic where Kagome and Inuyasha have to part from Miroku and Sango but thought you handled it very well and kept the characters in character. I am looking forward to your epilogue and the continuation of Unfettered. Keep up the good work.
| Title: move on Reviewed By: che lee [MediaMiner Member] On: April 10, 2006 12:24 PDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 8 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10 Overall Rating: 9 of 10 Comment/Review: Um... hi. I have a few things id like to pount out...ya let inuyasha get over himself quickly so you can move on in the story. I mena it is a Kag/Inu story...not a moop cuz kikyo is dead story and I thing even Kagome wood be a little upset about the hole kiss thing...yes she is a undstading person...but she isn't a saint...just punthing it out thats all...and no im not a bitch...I really do like this story.
| Reviewed By: luxurious [MediaMiner Member] On: April 08, 2006 12:22 PDT Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I really enjoyed your story so far...i'm only on chpt 17 but i'm really enjoying it and wanted to let you know. I must say I've been reading alot of fanfics now and your has real depth to it. I really think you have a unique writing style. Keep up the work!~*
| Reviewed By: eeviloverlord [MediaMiner Member] On: April 08, 2006 03:11 PDT Comment/Review: **sniffle** The ending of Kikyou was so sad... :( Well done, though. Great job so far, although it's a bit sad to think the story is nearly done...
| Title: Amazing Doesn't Describe You Well Enough Reviewed By: Emrald of My Heart [MediaMiner Member] On: April 07, 2006 21:07 PDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Wow..no..wow doesn't even begin to explain it. You are simply amazing! I truly enjoyed this and I am assuming that you intend to write an Epilogue? I hope so. You are an extrodinary author and I don't understand why on Earth you would have such problems in obtaining reviews. I read the entire story written thus far wanting to review every chapter but decided a long review for the last one might be just as good. Feel free to count this 29 times. I like the style of your writing. You had a good plot and worked things out accordingly. I'm not a good writer myself but I know talent when I read it! When Inuyasha said in this last chapter it was something like "I feel guilty for not thinking of you during our first joining" He mentioned something about Kikyo in one of the chapters I recall when they were making love, but you do mean he was only reflecting about her, not...loving Kagome's body but thinking she was Kikyo. I dont think you did but I just wanted to be clear on that. It was a truly beautiful story and it made me a little sad that Miroku and Sango did not get to see Kagome and Inuaysha's wedding. I hope you continue to write more fan fictions and win a lot of awards for best fan fiction. You deserve it. ::EOMH::
| Title: Great Reviewed By: Kilika [MediaMiner Member] On: April 06, 2006 23:45 PDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I really enjoyed reading your story, and plan on reading more of what you have written. If I get a chance before someone else, I'll second you on your recent nomination on the IYFG. So keep writing wonderful stories like this one!
| Reviewed By: jarediz13 [MediaMiner Member] On: April 06, 2006 20:44 PDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: That was awesome!!! I love your story!!!
| Reviewed By: Stephmtoe [MediaMiner Member] On: April 06, 2006 20:06 PDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: That was such a sweet chapter. I love how you made the death of Kikyou so moving, it brought a tear to my eye, and I totaly agree with how you think Inuyasha thought he owed it to Kikyou. Pros to you on that. No matter what anyone says this storie is one of the best you have written as far. Cant wait to read the finall chapter. I am also looking forward to you updating your other story Great Work!
| Reviewed By: bluezinthos [MediaMiner Member] On: April 06, 2006 13:03 PDT Comment/Review: Whoa. I can't believe it's almost done. While I am a bit...irked...by what Kikyou asked of Inuyahsa before she died the final time (especially after she saw that he was struggling with it in his heart)I can accept that that is something that the old Kikyou would have wanted. Will Shippou make a guest appearence in the future? I try to never get too picky with the technical details in stories. As my writing teacher used to say, as long as it follows plausable guidelines, you can manipulate the law to work within the realm of your story. If everything had to be exact (and your portrayl of the hospital experience was pretty much dead on; at least from the POV of one who works in a psch hospital)then half the stuff that happens on ER wouldn't be happening. you envoked drama, frustration, betrayl (on the part of an agency that is supposed to listen to and help people)and the attitude of 'dr. knows best' and that is what great writing does. It makes you feel, something your writing has always done for me. I enjoyed this latest installment and will be waiting for the finale.
| Title: Agrees' With Author Reviewed By: inuyashaloverr [MediaMiner Member] On: April 06, 2006 11:47 PDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Hmmm...that's why I always sign in when leaving a review. With you last AN, I agree with you inufan625. Though, I too, do not know what the Japanese Laws are pertaining to such, U.S. Laws are basically what you said. While some hospital DO look the other way sometimes, *personal exp*, others do not and will push them Laws as far as they can take them. Sometimes I think it's just to see if they can and how much damage they can do. Anyway...Great chapter, I must say. Excellent story. InuYasha was honor bound to finish what he set out to do. Kagome knew this and understood it. Doesn't mean she has to like it. It was just something that had to be done. Didn't mean he loved her less, meant he loved her more. That's how I see it anyways. And you are pregnant no less. Heh, just wait till you have grand-babies running around...OH, then the real fun begins. Lol...Again, love the story, great chapter. Update when you can.
| Title: Congratulations! Reviewed By: tootalltygerlily [MediaMiner Member] On: April 03, 2006 23:29 PDT Comment/Review: Congratulations, your story has been nominated for "Best Angst Fiction" at the Feudal Association. Voting will be held through May 1st, 2006 and winners will be notified shortly thereafter. Feel free to join our group and/or help us spread the word about our group! The official website for the group - http://feudalassociation.cadkitten.com/ The yahoo group where nomination/voting takes place - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FeudalAssociation/ If you have any questions, feel free to email Dark Avenger (the owner) at inuyashasbytch@gmail.com
| Reviewed By: C&C Bandit (NSI) On: April 03, 2006 15:20 PDT Comment/Review: Oh, can of worms! Can of WORMS! I have been following this fic since its conception and I have been most impressed with your plotting abilities. You take realistic situations and deal with them accordingly and also have a knack for looking at several different facets of the issues that you raise. That being said, I am sorry to say that these past few chapters have not been up to your usual standards. I was willing to keep quiet and look past the hospital 'detaining' Kagome from her family because the fic takes place in Japan and I do not know their law structures. Here in the US, there is no legal grounds wherein a hospital has the authority to keep Kagome against her will or to keep Inuyasha from seeing his wife. She said nothing happened and while the physicians might strongly suspect otherwise, she is a grown woman and has the right to walk out of the facility at any time should she so desire. There are of course exceptions, but in a case like this, the hospital could not legally keep them apart. But the fic doesn't take place in the US, so I really can't comment on the accuracy of that issue. ;) What troubles me enough to write to you is the way that this last chapter went. Inuyasha is traveling back to the past to look for the jewel shards with Kikyou, while Kagome stays in the present? There are a NUMBER of problems with this scenario that you really haven't touched on. First, good reason or not, he is abandoning his pregnant wife to go traveling with another woman who just happens to be his first love. I cannot imagine that a hormonal and pregnant Kagome would be so understanding about this. But even if she is, her family certainly would not be. You have set up in this fic that Inuyasha has been given a 'second chance' not to hurt Kagome through memory loss, and it seems to me that he is now squandering it. Second, he is now married to Kagome and his first responsibility should be to HER, not to finding the shards. But instead of taking care of his mate, he is leaving her and giving her back to her family to care for. Plus, he is putting his own life in danger and he knows it. He is risking leaving his new wife and family widowed and fatherless so that he can find a shard? I doubt that this is the kind of 'love and devotion' Mama Higurashi imagined Inuyasha was going to be giving when she gave her daughter to him… Again, I understand that Kagome's heart might be big enough to not voice any of these concerns, but I think Mama or possibly even Jii-chan and Souta would. After all, when Kagome starts getting REAL mood swings, aches and pains, and feels the baby kick, she is going to want the love and support of her husband. He may not be able to take the pain away, but he'd at least be there with her… She's going to want to share the experiences with him and he'll be off with Kikyou. Anyway, that's my piece, and I hope that I've helped. You truly are one of the good authors out there, and I look forward to your future chapters.
| Title: They've come so far Reviewed By: bluezinthos [MediaMiner Member] On: April 03, 2006 11:39 PDT Comment/Review: Going back and looking at the beginning of this fic and now with only a few chapters left and the end in sight, it amazes me how far everyone has come. Inu and Kags have over come so much and then have to deal with a villager that ruins the past and nearly takes away their future. Will the neko psychiatrist make another appearence to tell them about the youkai hospital and how she got them out of that mess? i was actually glad to see a bit of the old jealousy between Kagome and Kikyou show up in the form of her hormones. There was so much insecurity there, that even with the blessing of a new beginning some of that pain leaking out isn't unrealistic. With Inu traveling with Kikyou for the last shard I can't help but think of Kikyou and Kagome's talk and Kikyou finally 'resting' after the jewel is whole. Will Kagome come back to help Inu let her go or will that be something he has to do on his own and then seek the comfort of his mate in the modern era? Beautiful work, each chapter just keeps getting better. I look forward to the conclusion of this piece and then, of course, Unfettered. Until you update again...your faithful minion
| Title: whew... Reviewed By: inu hanyou nikkie On: April 03, 2006 11:29 PDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Blue in the face, she lets out the breathe she was holding since the last chapter.... and breathes a quick sigh of relief!! The Literary Goddess is back again. I'm so happy the problem of keeping them apart has been solved! and done is such a pleasing WAFFY way! Thank you! I liked how it was a youkai who helped them. And POOR Inuyasha and Kagome. They have just begun to experience the pregnancy hormones. I think they might get worse? Wonder if someone will inform Inuyasha that at birthing time a woman will say sometimes the most insane and nasty things without really meaning to. It was a great chapter. I liked how Inuyasha put his foot down and made Kagome stay where she will be safe. Even if it does mean traveling with Kikyo. Thank goodness she took the spell off!! Inuyasha might not survive pregancy. I love the emotional charges in this chapter as much as all previous chapters. I really must commend and Kudos you on the brillance in which you masterfully create your stories!! (Can you tell I am a huge fan of yours? ) Each story you write is a masterpiece one does not outdo another. Each are prefection!! This is totally awesome work you are doing and I will say I will be sad to see this end so soon even though I already knew it was. Thank you again for this story and even bigger Thank You for sharing it with us!! It's an honour to read. Please Keep up the most excellent work and you totally ROCK!!
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