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"Diplomatic Relations" Reviews/Comments [ 157 ]
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 Title: Fangz of Fire @ Fanfiction.net
Reviewed By: KB  On: July 21, 2006 00:48 EDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
While typically I am not a big GaaLee fan, reading the first half of this story has made me really appreciate the pairing. Also, I was wondering if I could ask you a sort of important question...you must get a lot of pressure to write more smut...well, maybe not as bad as some yuri writers (guys can be real perverts ~~; ) but I'm sure pressure has to be there from a few reviewers. I'd like to know, how do you deal with it? I hate having to fit smut in where I don't want it to be, but I'm afraid of losing my fans--a lot of them are really nice, but I'm not sure if it's the promise of girlxgirl action that keeps them there. Any help would be appreciated...my email should be on my FF.net profile. Great story, and thanks in advance! PS: I got linked to this story from dA's club, "LeexStapler". I can't wait to read to the part that's involved in, so I can see what the hell happens. XD
 Reviewed By: Annoymous  On: July 15, 2006 22:50 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I was just re-reading this a bit, and after reading both this and Kindred realized that when you described Gaara and the hawks ( The doves and pigeons still went crazy if he got too close, but the predators let him feed them now, and the bolder ones even took the meat from his fingers and let him handle them.) that it was a perfect description of the village (the civilians still freak out, but the shinobi tolerate him much better, and frankly you couldn't get much bolder than Lee). I just love reading your stories (and re-reading them, I always mangage to catch something new, some foreshadowing or character analysis that you've grafted to your amazing complex and real storylines. Not just Naruto, either, I still LOVE your Gundam Wing stories (espcially the ones with Wufei.
 Reviewed By: Reimuu [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 12, 2006 09:48 EDT
i'm pretty new to this fandom, but hell... i never thought anyone would be able to make gaara/lee believable, let alone hot *_* i havent been this drawn to a fic since i can't remember when- i stayed up until like 3am reading this morning, hehe 9_9. i love how the sand and the goard (damn, i hope i spelt that right >_>) are almost portrayed as as independent characters, and gaara, lee, kankuro and kakashi's characterisations in particular were awesomely done. the lack of spoilers was a bonus for me too =D thankyou for the lovely read! ^_^ *goes to read the sequel*
 Reviewed By: Rahido  On: June 14, 2006 21:51 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Damn! Hot damn! I swear this fic is just so in character...it's just, I mean... well... I don't really know what it is about this fic exsactly but I think it has alot to do with the fact that you made the characters amazingly in character... I mean others manage to make it convinsing or play off the fact that, yes they may be a little differant, but you just take their personalities and run with them... you manage to bring a whole new level to their personalities while still managing to keep them... well them. Also I have to congratulate you on kankouro... I mean I liked him before but now... now I really want to read more fics focused on him. Also I kinda think I would like to exsplore the kaka/kanko fandom now... if their is one, and I would like to beg you please write more, mabey about sasuke/naruto, or just kankouro... I really like your characterization of them, it's very beleavible. Ehem,*embarrased* I would like to opplogise for my bad spelling... I'm really tired right now...well I guess I'll just say that I really love this story and would seriously appreciate more fanfics from you. I plan on looking at your other works as well so exspect more reviews from me... From your fan Rahido
 Reviewed By: remiwash  On: May 04, 2006 18:44 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You seem to be very aware of the words you use and how to stay in character. Also I noticed, whether it is intentional or not, that you always capitalize the word "sand" when Gaara is talking about it, even if it is in the middle of a sentence. It makes it seems like this very special entity. I'm gonna keep track of you on livejournal. I love the way you write Naruto and keep the story and characters so believable. I would never have considered this as a pairing and yet you make it work wonders. I haven't read any others like it. Great job.
 Reviewed By: phoenixmagefire  On: April 25, 2006 11:03 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Thank you soooooo much for giving me a fic to look forward to each week.
 Title: Keep them coming!
Reviewed By: Georgiea1 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 23, 2006 17:15 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This was a great story! All of your Naruto ones are (I may try the other series though I don't watch GW). Lately I've been having a hard time finding any stories I enjoyed - then I came across yours. They are great! I have really enjoyed reading them as I find they are well written, entertaining and you give no indication that you will abandon them anytime soon. Keep them coming - if you write them I will read them. Thanks for the many hours of entertainment.
 Title: "Diplomatic Relations"
Reviewed By: Setsu  On: April 23, 2006 16:36 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*Cries* Noooooooooooooooooo its over Waaaaaaa! I reeeeaaaallllllllyyy enjoyed and loved your story. And will so be reading Kindred as soon as I finish typing this. In fact I might even reread this story a few more times. ^.^ I've read it at least a geed 5 times just cause its that good, well I think it is. Also I hope you write out the fight sceen between Sound and Sand soon! >.< Oooh I can just picture some of the fight sceens...sooo cool.... Naruto the envoy? Ooooh boy. Well Ja till you're next story, which I hope to be reading soon.
 Reviewed By: Morro  On: April 20, 2006 23:12 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*SOB!* you are so cruel to me!! UPDATE DAMN YOU!!! Your killin me!!! Hurry up!!! I want More!!! ^_^
 Reviewed By: malcious_lufoy  On: April 15, 2006 17:08 EDT
Oh, I LOVE Kankuro's reaction to this, it made me laugh the whole way through ^^ I like the side stories you have, it gives a good perspective of what other people think.
 Reviewed By: Goddess of Night(not logged in)  On: April 07, 2006 01:27 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I believe this review is WAY overdue! I've been reading this for a few weeks, and IMPATIENTLY awaited your last couple updates, and might I add---I FREAKING LOVE IT!!! The characters were VERY in character (as much as they could be), which is a good thing. When I first saw this story, and noted that it was a Gaara and Lee paring I started CRACKING THE FUCK UP!!! I was like, "Holy SHIT what is this author THINKING!!" At the time I thought Lee was a loser anyway, but I gave it a chance (mainly 'cause Gaara was a main character) and BOY am I glad I DID!! You are SUCH a good author, I got so into the story! And now, thanks to you, Lee is one of my favorite Naruto characters! He's so funny! I'm just sad this is ending... But it was WORTH the hours I spent reading this fic. Good job. VERY GOOD JOB!!! *claps* I mean, I don't think I've enjoyed a story, much less a FAN FIC, like I have with this one in SUCH a long time, and I thank you for that!! You totally made my horrible day much better!! I am looking forward to reading all (Naruto) your other work! I think you will do very well in the writing world! Much love.
 Reviewed By: littleolmee [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 06, 2006 22:53 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*littleolmee crawls back up into her seat to write review from where she fell while laughing* LOL! first i'm so glad i found you here on m.m, your story is very well done; everything from your writing style, grammar, the characters, to the story line its' self. i have to thank you for these little side stories you've added on they are so entertaining. you've had me rolling through most of the chapter; lord of eyebrows (LOL) and kakashi's reactions were just so great, very in character i believe. sorry to see you are coming to the end of this story but, glad to hear you will start another gaara/lee story. thanks for sharing your wonderful story with all of us, take care.
 Reviewed By: Yuurimaoh [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 04, 2006 14:55 EDT
*stumbles in a little late* Sorry I'm so late! T.T I was stuck babysitting my niece and random cousins during their spring break. In the previous chapter 23 (methinks)- Holy.Cosmos.Above. From the moment Lee turned around and Gaara appeared before him so suddenly, I started to feel as if I was right there! O.O I kid you not, I felt like I was right there with Lee and Gaara just watching them argue and talk. I nearly fainted half-way through the chapter! It was so very, very intense. The only way I managed to read it through to the end (mind you, I read most if it with my hand covering my eyes and peeking through my fingers...maybe I was seeing everything through the point of view of some of the cactus pieces around Gaara's feet or something ^^; ) was the fact that I could never ever stop reading a chapter halfway through. I always, always finish up a chapter completely before I stop reading, even in books. Anyway, back to the chapter... "If you say no, you can run off. You will go straight home, and you will not move from there. When I come back for you later, you had better not say no." --LOL! That line got to me it did! Woo... What was left of Lee's reason chose this moment to remind him that there was going to be a tally for this wild crazy thing they were doing, and Gaara might remember events a bit differently unless Lee made it very, very clear he was participating of his full free will. He should- should reassure his lover that- huh! Ah! "Harder!" he shouted. --*goes into a laughing fit* Holy Hera, I thought that part was bloody hillarious. And in the middle of something so serious, I had burst out laughing. XD In chapter 24- "If you want to leave, then you have to do it now. Do it quickly. Leave Suna tonight and don't let me see you go." --*tears gush down face* Aww... " I may not be a good diplomat, but I am good at fighting, and I'm going to fight this. Tooth and nail." --Darn straight! Woo! Go Lee!! >< "I'm not staying here a minute more than I have to. That woman," Gaara added neutrally, "I would hate to have her as an enemy." --ROFLMAO!!! "If I did not have Suna to take care of, she could have made me her personal lapdog for the rest of my natural lifespan, and I would have been happy to oblige as long as we were together. I've had to pay in blood and pain for everything good in my life; so have you. What she wants from us is insignificant in comparison to what we'll gain. Don't you agree?" --*tears gush down face* Awwwwww....;.; In side story a family reunion- Before-last part of DR: another sidestory, fairly short. The epilogue to the story should be out in 2-3 weeks. But I should be posting a new GaaraLee story here very soon, maybe next weekend, and I'm slowly working on some more ANBU as well. --YES!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!! T.T I was going to poke you incesantly until you wrote more in ANBU! And now I hear that you're posting a new GaaraLee story! XD Yippee!!! You've just made my day...hell, you've made my WEEK! "So, did it go okay?" he drawled, straightening up and putting his hands in his pockets. "Yes," Gaara answered shortly, almost murderously. --Hahahhaha! In a manner of speaking! XD "We're going to see Gai-sensei," Lee said, giving Kankuro a quick glance over his shoulder. --O.O!!!! Be brave, you two! Be brave! >< "Gai-sensei," Lee interrupted his teacher's magnificent and loud greeting mid-stream, in a tense voice that brought Kankuro's attention back to him. "I'm sorry, we can't stay very long." Thank god, Kankuro thought, seeing a light of hope in the darkness. --*fits of bubbling laughter* God, I love this chapter!! "Um, something like that. Gai-sensei, there's no easy way- I have to tell you- I'm gay!" Lee blurted out. --*dies laughing* there's no easy way--I have to tell you--I'm gay! LOL!!! I pictured it perfectly!!! *smothers Lee in hugs* Kakashi lifted his head from his book, looked at Gaara and then glanced over at Kankuro. "I'm a bit surprised now," he offered helpfully. --HA HAHAHHA
 Title: ::Laughs::
Reviewed By: Silver Rain [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 03, 2006 20:12 EDT
WONDERFUL! Gai is awesome like that! >w< I can so see Kakashi being all cool until Gaara's all, "yup...." ....That prolly didn't make much sense, but WONDERUFL WRITING ANYWAYS! ::clings::
 Reviewed By: Sakiku (too lazy to log in)  On: April 02, 2006 14:15 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
I laughed myself sick with that chapter. Your portrayal of Kankuro and his opinions are hillarious. Excellent chapter! ~Sakiku~
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