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"A Dark Past" Reviews/Comments [ 244 ]
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 Reviewed By: dangersque [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 21, 2006 22:53 CST
Well, that use of the word knot is new to me. I kind of like it though. Is the door thing Inuyasha's bizarre way of coming onto Kagome? Like he's starting to crush on her but doesn't realize it yet? It seems a little bizarre to me, but then I'm not crazy. That had to be the most linear dream ever. Where were the crazy things like dancing purple elephants and cheese men? And Kikyo.... clingy much? Again, no wonder he's crazy. I wanted to see Inuyasha's session with the prostitute/phone psychic/psychiatric intern person (sorry, but Miss Sango... It's just so wrong sounding). Oh well, I'll just have to wait for the next chapter. And Kagome has a girl? One that's old enough to admire Inuyasha? What did she get pregnant when she was twelve or something? Or are you using girl in one of those new-fangled, hip slangy ways that the kids today use? I don't think the chapter was too dramatic at all, none of the chapters have been very dramatic. There hasn't been any conflict in this story other than Kaede being a quack who comes up with bad sayings off the top of her head, Sango being an incompetent therapist who delights in telling her patients that her family wants them dead, and Miroku being a douche who never gets punched in the throat. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I like the slow-burn approach you've taken. Far too many stories have the drama turned way up way too soon to the point where the people country songs are about go "dude, that guy's life sucks." I think you've got the pace just about right. I like how it's just now that we're seeing the first inkling of Inuyasha starting to have a little crush, instead having it be true love after spending one day together. Because, realistically a relationship can't happen because because Kagome is an orderly and Inuyasha is a patient. It could get them both in a lot of trouble. It's also little skeevy, and would continue to be until either Inuyasha got out or Kagome left. But crushes, that's harmless and kind of cute, and I never use that word. Because I'm a guy.
 Title: =) YAY
Reviewed By: kinki-ho killa  On: March 20, 2006 17:06 CST
New chap new chap wooooooo! Ths one ws sooo kawaii! (sp?) Update soon! Or else...LoL
 Reviewed By: rellyrilly  On: March 19, 2006 14:26 CST
Oooooh... good chap! I love the fluff! Post more soon pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!
 Reviewed By: Hanajima [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 18, 2006 21:35 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is probably one of my favorite chapters so far. I like how you're developing their relationship (an event I've been anticipating. Hehe). Personally, I liked what Kagome said when looking at the paintings. I think it gives us more of an insight into why she's doing this kind of work (I was wondering about that actually - it seemed like a weird thing to do after working so hard to graduate early), and it wasn't really long enough to start to seem unnatural. So that's my opinion on that. I'd also like to know why Inuyasha is famous - I'm guessing it's because his family is full of famous people and he's pretty? XP As always, I'm waiting to see why Inuyasha is in the institution in the first place. Great job and good luck writing the next chapter!
 Reviewed By: Midnight Moon  On: March 18, 2006 13:53 CST
As I said before, this seems to be a good fic. You just have a few grammar errors here and there, but it's pretty good. Keep up your writing.
 Reviewed By: dangersque [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 17, 2006 18:57 CST
To get the bad thing out of the way first- the preaching over the paintings... blah. Way too preachy, not that it's out of character for Kagome necessarily. Inspirational speeches like that just make me roll my eyes and cough up my Rolos. So did Inuyasha do anything to earn his fame or is he just famous because he's famous, like Paris Hilton? And if he is famous, how can people not know he's institutionalized? It's impossible to keep something like that from the tabloid press. And that calender... lawsuit waiting to happen. Yes Kagome, what a cool brother Inuyasha has, everyone should have a family member who's willing to exploit their image to make money. Especially when you're stuck in the mental ward from Hell. Hee hee, he likes getting kidnapped. I knew there was some life in there somewhere! One question though, I'm not sure why I hadn't thought of it before since you print the ages every chapter. Inuyasha's not a minor, what's stopping him from leaving? Kaede can't legally keep him there against his will, not unless his parents pulled some strings and had him declared incompetant. Or are blackmailing Inuyasha with cutting off his funds if he leaves. Which considering they were willing to whore out his image for a calendar without his consent, wouldn't shock me. With a family like that it's no wonder he's crazy.
 Reviewed By: AK Inu Fan [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 16, 2006 19:17 CST
ooo, gret chappie, and i'd luv to see the new fic, it sounds really good
 Reviewed By: dangersque [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 12, 2006 16:41 CST
Eh... an amnesia fic... those usually don't turn out well, but I'd still read it based on the strength of this story. And I got a chapter dedicated to me. Go me! That automatically upgraded the chapter to "Buffy gets the flu." And hey, Kagome forgot to play her one question game, unless you count "do you like to go outside?" Bad overly-cheerful orderly! And the guess that Miroku finally died... *Snerk* And did the hag... err quack really know about Inuyasha's day trip? I doubt it since Kagome was worried about her finding out about taking over for Miroku. How very criminal of Kagome. I kind of like it. Though she needs to stop being the polite police, that's almost as rude as calling the quack an old hag (which she is, so it's not like Inuyasha's lying or anything) IMO. And how did Kagome's parents afford a Lamborghini? Are they rich too? Most graduation cars I've seen were junkers that the recipient had to fix up. And taking a patient to a crowded place where he can easily get lost... brilliant plan. There's no possible way it could backfire. I hope Inuyasha cheats at a game to win Kagome a stuffed animal. I'm corny like that. And the plot thickens with Kikyo's appearance. At least she doesn't seem like a bitch in this one. And Inuyasha better hope nobody finds out his weakness for crying women. I can just see Sango exploiting that during sessions. Actually, that'd be pretty funny.
 Reviewed By: star555555528(not signed in)  On: March 12, 2006 12:10 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
U ROCK CAUSE U UPDATED!!!!!!! ~does happy dance~ i wuv this chap. its koolz. plz update soon. :)
 Reviewed By: DMInuyasha [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 12, 2006 09:56 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ohh, me likey, PLEASE UPDATE SOON, and yes, you should make that into a FanFiction.
 Reviewed By: dangersque [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 23, 2006 00:50 CST
New fic... eh, why not? I'll bite, what's the summary? And Wordy-MacWord on what you said about Kaede. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks she's a twisted old crone who isn't as smart as she thinks she is. Once again, loved the Inuyasha/Kagome interactions, especially the paranoia about the groping. But how can the girl who fell for the Bird-flu story be diabolical enough to blackmail Inuyasha with his food? I'd think she was pretending to be gullible in order to get more time with Inuyasha if she hadn't played the "Kaede will get mad" card. The only complaint I have is that confining Inuyasha to his room has taken something away from the story. Lately it seems as if the chapters are only conversations. And while the dialogue is good, it sort of feels like nothing's happening. Maybe go outside Inuyasha's room and follow Kagome and the others, after the one question game. You have an interesting setting, use it. Give Inuyasha something to do besides sleep and talk to Kagome. I dunno, maybe he can try to MacGuyver a fake bomb or harrass Kaede by pretending to have a crush. (I'm thinking Veronica Mars with the heart-shaped picture of the vice-principal in her locker here. Watch the first episode of Veronica Mars to get my meaning) There hasn't been any real advancement (just little nuggets of info here and there) and it seems like you have a bunch of filler chapters in a row. It reminds me of Buffy season 2 (as most things do) where it was awesome, and Angel was evil, Buffy was dealing with it, the shit was hitting the fan, then in the middle of that they had the episode where the members of the swim team were turning into fish. What I'm trying to say is, more "Angel trying to destroy the world with a statue, less people turning into fish" chapters.
 Reviewed By: Hanajima [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2006 20:48 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yay! I was just thinking about how I wanted this fic to be updated, and then I checked my email and there it was! ^-^ I'm very much looking forward to Inuyasha's story in the future chapters. I'd love to see your new fic idea (as long as you don't give up on this one entirely in order to write it, because I'd die), so go for it!
 Reviewed By: star555555528(not signed in)  On: February 21, 2006 18:36 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
YAY!!!!!!! u finally posted u rock im so happy ok plz plz plz post soon
 Reviewed By: Hanajima [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 31, 2006 23:12 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm glad I found this fic! I'm really enjoying reading it, and it's one of the most creative and original fics I've seen. I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
 Reviewed By: AK Inu Fan [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 30, 2006 21:26 CST
good chap .:.update soon.:. ^.~
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