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"Kiss and Tell Hold 'Em" Reviews/Comments [ 28 ]
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 Reviewed By: Yugiohfan [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 03, 2006 16:55 CST
WHAT?! YOUR ENDING THIS STORY JUST LIKE THAT?! I love this story!! Great chapter and luckily that Bakura and Mandy didn't catch a cold. Well, good job on this story and hopefully you will write more stories in the future. Bye!
 Reviewed By: Shorea Tashinnaku (NLI)  On: February 23, 2006 07:24 CST
Man, it's been a long time since I reviewed it. Your chapter was great and so were the others. I'm quite amazed that Bakura and Mandy didn't catch a cold. 0_o What?! NO!!! Don't tell me there won't be any sequel?! No!! *Sigh* Well, I guess all story must come to an end. Anyway, you did a great up and I hope I could hear your other story coming up.
 Reviewed By: aznangelstarQT [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 20, 2006 17:09 CST
u shuld update thats soo hot!
 Reviewed By: Yugiohfan [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 12, 2006 20:37 CST
WOW!!!! Sex in the bathtub is really HOT!!!! I gotta give this rating a 10+. Update!!
 Reviewed By: LilyIris (NLI)  On: January 29, 2006 14:06 CST
-reads Yugiohfan's comment- I gotta agree to that ^.~ Shorea and Marik in a bathtub! Now that's original..-hands you a cookie- xD Update!
 Reviewed By: Yugiohfan [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 27, 2006 18:08 CST
WOW!!! I gotta give props to Lily for making the biggest sex tease of all time to Valon! That was hot! The whip came in handy at that time. I can't wait for two more interludes!! Update!!
 Reviewed By: LilyIris (NLI)  On: January 26, 2006 18:47 CST
*drools* Vaaaaaaaaaaaloooooooooon....xD That was an awesome chappie! Heh, update!
 Reviewed By: LilyIris (NLI)  On: January 18, 2006 21:42 CST
Damn, that was a schmexy interlude! I swear, the next time I look at a sundae, I'll be all 'O.O' xD Can't wait for the next chapter! Update!
 Reviewed By: Yugiohfan [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2006 20:42 CST
I like this one! The idea of involving ice cream with sex is really hot!! Riana did a good job teasing Noah into needing a ice cream sundae from her. I want to see how Lily's interlude about teasing Valon like a dominatrix. Update!!
 Reviewed By: Yugiohfan [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 15, 2006 22:42 CST
Wow! A really good, but hot wake-up call! I want to know about Riana and Noah's interlude that involves ice cream. That sounds kinky! Update!
 Title: This is Diamond Princess
Reviewed By: Yugiohfan [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 29, 2005 21:27 CST
Wow! Excellent chapter. I got to show the sex tape that everyone was talking about! I can't wait for the Seto/Ishizu interlude II. Update!!
 Reviewed By: LilyIris [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 28, 2005 21:41 CST
MAN, that was a hawt interlude! lol, can't wait to read about Seto and Ishizu! Update!
 Reviewed By: Shorea Tashinnaku [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 02, 2005 07:17 CST
Whoa, that was very interesting on Serenity's story. "What do you want for Christmas?" LOL Oh, I guess Tristan would be having trouble to decide whether Serenity should be in the nice or naughty list. LOL Yay, we get to see the tape. I can't wait for your next update; you did a great job.
 Reviewed By: LilyIris [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 01, 2005 18:12 CST
Haha, "What would you like for Christmas this year?" XD IS sex illegal in an elevator/airplane BR? o.0 I didn't know that...Great chappies, update soon!
 Reviewed By: Diamond Princess [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 01, 2005 17:16 CST
YAY!! I get to show the sex tape to everyone!! Hope they will have a interesting shocking moment, especially Yami. I can't wait for the next interlude. Update!!!
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