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"Bankotsu's Lament" Reviews/Comments [ 2 ]
 Reviewed By: Kagura615  On: October 02, 2005 20:37 CDT
I watched that episode too! It was so sad, Jakotsu is one of the best of the Shichinin-tai! Well, second best cuz Bankotsu is awesome! Update soon, please!
 Title: Episode 119: Fare Thee Well: Jakotsu's Requiem
Reviewed By: Diamond Princess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 02, 2005 19:28 CDT
I also seen that episode where Inuyasha uses his Kaze no Kizu (Wind Scar) on Jakotsu and told Inuyasha to finish him off or else he'll end up coming after him again. I don't know why Renkotsu took the jewel shard out of Jakotsu's neck. Good thing that Bankotsu took three of Renkotsu's jewel shard because of what he did to Jakotsu. I didn't want Jakotsu to die at all!! Both him and Bankotsu are my favorite Shichinin-tai. Hope you update!!

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