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"Savvy" Reviews/Comments [ 743 ]
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 Title: Damn a Misunderstanding
Reviewed By: cwillia [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 15, 2006 00:42 EDT
What is that old saying "When you assume you make an ASS out of U not ME", and Kagome really just made nothing into a big something. I understand insecurity but sometimes you gotta act like a big girl and say to Kikyo, "BITCH" back off my man ;}. I can feel Inuyasha's pain and confusion, I would feel the same: like chick I almost died for you, KILLED for you and damn you can't give me the benefit of the doubt and believe I don't want some drugged out, std infested, crack ho- where's the LOVE. She needs to run back to him and apologize in my ppinion. Wonderful story, update soon.
 Reviewed By: hollistergirl29  On: September 14, 2006 23:34 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
All i have to say is WOW!!! I Loved it!!! I hope inuyasha Dosen't Go Home Kagome and him need to be together!! Update soon
 Reviewed By: hollistergirl29  On: September 14, 2006 23:34 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
All i have to say is WOW!!! I Loved it!!! I hope inuyasha Dosen't Go Home Kagome and him need to be together!! Update soon
 Reviewed By: kasuma-san [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 14, 2006 22:34 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG no, he can't go back! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (lol) that would totally suck! you can't do this! if he goes back without kagome, i'm going to cry!!!!
 Reviewed By: PeachesMc  On: September 14, 2006 22:28 EDT
Hmm... I really enjoy this story, and I'm almost surprised by the fact that I, a rabid Inu/Kag fan, don't actually want them to be together. I think they're both quite in character for an AU, actually, which surprises me even more. But judging from the last few chapters, I don't think Kagome really deserves to have Inuyasha. It's like, if you can't trust him enough to ask what's going on, even in an extremely suspicious situation, then it will probably never work. I know she's been hurt before, etc. etc., but she didn't even stick around long enough to hear his side of the story, and she knows he is frantically calling, and she's selfish enough to let her fears ride over the fact that her friends are probably worried sick. And so, I kind of want an unhappy ending, where he is alone but away from the girl who can't accept him and the girl who can't trust him, where he is free to find someone who can do both.
 Reviewed By: ladida [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 14, 2006 21:53 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yay updates! And What! he's going back without even talking to her! Grrr, very angsty. Love the story tho! Fabulous writing!
 Title: sniff...sniff...sniff....
Reviewed By: inuyashaloverr [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 14, 2006 21:25 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Well damned if that didnt just bring on a few tears....how could....he and her... they just.....dammit! How could she think otherwise after doing what they did....damned Kikyo anyways....makes me wonder if all is left in Kagomes hands or his......or perhaps someone elses? hnnn...interesting......Love it tho and update when you can. :D
 Reviewed By: DarkMoonStar [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 14, 2006 20:45 EDT
OMG Awww poor Inuyasha, on the brink of tears and everything. Gawd why couldn't Kagome just wait, it would have been the "duh" thing to do, but oh well. Hope they get to talk soon....*sniffle*
 Reviewed By: sweetkijo [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 14, 2006 19:11 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
To put it mildly.....my heart just broke. Thanks for the update.....it was very well written. Take care!
 Title: duckgirl566
Reviewed By: duckgirl566 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 14, 2006 18:08 EDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 7 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Duckgirl566: They haven't made up yet. Ducky alter ego: They haven't made up? Duckgirl566: Nope. Ducky alter ego: ...WHAA!
 Reviewed By: sexy_capricorn [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 14, 2006 17:37 EDT
Awww. This story just gets better and better. I noticed that your style of writing has improved and made it just that much better. I love this story and it's written so well and I can't wait to see if InuYasha really leaves to NY.
 Reviewed By: brazen thought  On: September 14, 2006 14:25 EDT
What the!? Why the hell is he going home?! He didn't even talk to Kagome. He should know by now that Kikyo is an evil witch who likes to hurt people. Dammit how could he just want to leave!!!!
 Reviewed By: Laurell-chan (nsi)  On: September 14, 2006 13:07 EDT
WOW new chapter so soon yay! But Kagome and Inuyasha are still being idiots arg! He better see her before he just leaves, or thats a really expensive day trip. Yikes. Oh and I think the time difference between Tokyo and New York is give or take 12 hours, I have the same setting in my fic and it drives me crazy trying to figure out time changes haha. I feel your pain ;) Great chapter!
 Reviewed By: bluezinthos nsi  On: September 14, 2006 12:48 EDT
please tell me you have pages of the next chappie written (i can't believe this one came out so fast) both inuyasha and kagome have real trust issues and neither one is telling the other the whole story. i can only hope that by some off chance they catch up with each other in japan or inuyasha calls home and rin or sess talks him into staying another day or so to talk to kagome. this feels more exciting now than when kouga was stalking kagome!
 Title: Chapter 28
Reviewed By: Caitriona695  On: September 14, 2006 12:07 EDT
I can't believe that Inu is going to fly back home without even talking to Kagome. I can't believe that Kagome flew back to Japan without even talking to Inu....he helped her so much when she was new and lost in NY, and she has basically thrown his love back in his face. I am not normally "down" on Kagome, but at this point in this story, I am downright pissed at her. Mama Higurashi needs to have a long talk with her daughter and perhaps talk some sense into her....I hope. (I am also miffed that she didn't say goodbye to ANYONE! She isn't showing herself as much of a friend.)
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