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"Purity 5: Phantasm" Reviews/Comments [ 753 ]
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 Title: Yay another great purity
Reviewed By: 1Inuyashafan [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2006 23:05 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yay! You go girl! I have only one thing to say.....YOu ROCK YEAH!!!! P6 is gonna be another great PURITY
 Reviewed By: DragonHostile17 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2006 22:50 CST
you humans are such amusing creatures. the way i see it, should any opinion in the world even truly matter for a fraction of a second, who the fuck cares? write what you want and screw everyone else. if you are no setting out to be an idol, then dont worry about being one. life is too short to be spent worring about others opinion of things when in the long run (unless its relevant) it wont make 1 inkling of difference. if at the end of your life you can look back & say i did what i wanted & was happy for it, then what the hell does the rest of the world matter? youre you and noone else. have fun and enjoy life. looking up to people is nice, but dont base your life around them. doing so is a clear sign of way too much time on ones hands and their sense of idolitry would be better served at church where it would be better appreciated and put to good use. i have read your fanfictions since the begining, and nothing was wrong with them. in fact it was a lifesaver compared to the good chunk of smut that gets posted. but you are only one person and you have a life, thereby you cannot post all hours of the day, so to pass the time as well as take a break from reading your works, i read others works, something many seem to not realize. people get tired of the same old thing and while good stuff keeps them coming back, it would only be occasional, like when people buy books/movies/cds. but they go back because it means something to them. in laymans terms: if you are bored with sueric works, read something new! she comes out with fresh material as often as she can, so just shut the hell up and be grateful its quality work instead of crap she wrote just because she felt obligated to. there are other writers just as good out there to occupy your time until she pops out with more.
 Title: WOW
Reviewed By: vvkimbo07 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2006 22:14 CST
Once again I am happy to say I LOVE YOU! I love your heart, your stories, and your reasons behind your writing. I don't care how others react to your evolving (even if they think your downgrading) because you have always stood by the idea that these are YOUR stories and you write them the way YOU please, which is the best way. I'm so glad that you can still defend yourself against people with idiotic remarks that should be kept to themselves. With that said, I'd like to say how excited I got when I noticed there were TWO new chapters today! I love the way you didnt leave it with so much drama in chapter 37, and kept going into chapter 38. I teared up as poor Sydnie told Bas the story of her childhood. How traumatizing for poor Syd. Hopefully Bas can help make it better, and I have a feeling that the way Cain is gonna redeem himself with Sydnie is to perhaps find her sisters grave. That would be nice. Keep up the good work, it's amazing. Thank you for making my day brighter! :-D ~Kim~
 Reviewed By: Simonkal of Inu [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2006 21:30 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
One Question. Who in the hell is that b*tch ally cat (or what ever her name is)? And where does she get off acting all high and mighty with her snide condescending remarks! I hate reviewers like her, their so small minded and anal that they can\'t accept change or the fact that the world does not revolve around them! To hell with her and catty a*s remarks! Anyway Sueric, you did an awesome job on this chapter, I\'m soooo glad Sydnie finally told him, and I can understand why she would think that Cain is a bastard. It\'s not that she actually believes that, I think it\'s more that she needed someone to blame inorder to survive as long as she did on her own. My heart goes out to her, really it does. I wonder if Jeb is the other guy, if he is that would make it even better when Bas decapitates him. Or is it one of those guys that meets with Cain? Uhmm, that one will have me guessing. Cain is truely a man of honor, that he is. There\'s so much that I could say but I don\'t want you to get tired of me. Oh, and thanks for updating so quick, I was worried that Bas would really renounce his right to be Tai Youkai. And remember Sue, "Opinions are like a*sholes, everybody has one." Just ignore that moron, she doesn't really deserve anything else. ~This Simonkal of Inuy has spoken~
 Reviewed By: Rawben [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2006 21:24 CST
lol!!! 'big boy'... cracks me up... great chapter! damn! ...that was a horrible way to die! ...guh. so... is jeb the other guy?
 Reviewed By: FireDemon86 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2006 21:21 CST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Another great chapter Sue!! Two in one day how great. And I cryed again so there you go Sue, you love it when we cry how that make you feel better. I can't wait to read what happens next.
 Title: inuyashaloverr
Reviewed By: inuyashaloverr [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2006 21:20 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
 Reviewed By: serendith [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2006 21:06 CST
Fantastic chapter - I honestly almost cried! I feel really sorry for Cain though ... if that is really what happened then I really don't know how he could have done something about it but knowing the dog boys he will likely blame himself as much (if not more) than Sydnie does. *sigh* That being said ... I don't want to get into the long comments about the review that other people seem to be indulging in but rather I just wanted to say that I feel the same way - "If you don't like it, feel free not to read it." Why do people feel the need to change others? Just enjoy it or move on.
 Reviewed By: fallenangel7583 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2006 20:41 CST
Okay; first the chapter reviews; as always, good stuff. I had a serious feeling that cal did something non to kosher...but damn...and I mean damn! poor traumatized kid!!! So...I'm going to really take a dive and guess that this other youkai is Jeb. i want to believe different, only because for some god forsaken reason, I have respect for him in some really twisted fashion (same way I guess I have some respect for Naraku). But if it\'s true...then hand me a shot gun...it\'s huntin\' season! As always, you have left me speechless and in eager anticipation for the next chapter. ~~~~So...now about the reviewer, and about your writing in general. I'm not breaking into rabid-fan mode because I guess I can comprehend (do not mistake that with agreement) what she\'s saying. The only reason I say this is because I'm an English major and have seen many times over what fame contributes to a writer and to the fans. People get these ideas of grandeur in their mind that they work up these massive expectations for those they become addicted to reading. …and whether or not you\'ll ever admit it, Sue...you\'re famous in the fanfiction realm. There are HARDLY any writers out there who don\'t know your name. Speaking with a friend online, I asked if they had read any of your work. Their response was; \'who hasn\'t?\' (In a positive aspect, mind you). And with that fame comes bundled these outrageous expectations of suddenly enflamed proportion as per what your work should include of. No one ever takes into consideration that you are still you…if that makes any sense. You're still the same flesh in blood person who typed the first chapter of Chronicles to the previous chapter of Purity 5. I have only seen your talent blossom, in ways that I myself am envious of. I think that your work is still, simply put, amazing. ~~~~A writer who gives into fame and allows it to change their style is conforming and will soon find themselves lost among strangers. I'm not saying that change is bad; but to mature as a writer, as you stated, is the key, not straying to fit the expectation of someone else's idea. Honestly Sueric, I enjoyed Chronicles probably the most of your epics, but the Purity series is one that I adore. The way that you convey your ideas is amazing, and the flow of your words is like flowing poetry. ~~~~And what you said, about writing for yourself and those who matter in your life, is the key. It's what I have said from the beginning; when a writer puts pen to paper (or in this case, thoughts to keys) it's not only the ideas that seep onto the paper, but it's your blood, sweat and tears (pardon the cheesy expression); but it's true. Those who understand the part of a writer's soul that inhibits this compulsion to explode on paper, in ways some can only dream of, will understand this. ~~~You're a writer Sue…plain and simple. I feel awful for the absolute CRAP that you've received over the past few months, and I've been within breaking constraint to find these people and demand to see just what they've written that deems them eligible to pick at someone who writes well; for the only acceptable criticism of such a ghastly disposition that should ever be accepted is from a published author and preferably scholar or from Simon Cowell. If they aren't either, then it's time to turn a blind eye and wish them well; because no one, in the real world, will ever be able to skim by with making any kind of bland accusations as the ones they have pinned on you. ~~~~I've written enough…too much, honestly. So, to conclude what I've written; Sue, you have talent…and I've been with you since day one reading…and I will always endeavor to continue doing so.
 Title: Sueric
Reviewed By: DarkRaven826 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2006 19:56 CST
Okay, so I read through that "reviewer" at the end of this chapter and all I can say to them is "Are we reading the same stories?" Go back and read some of Sue's first pieces and read her recent work. It is almost night and day how she develops characters more easily, diologues flow nicer, and the descriptions are amazing (not to say that the first works weren't awesome!). She has grown more than most writers would ever hope to in the span of a few years. We all have our favorites from her (Surprisingly Chronicles and Purity 3 for me), but that doesn't make one more special than others. Sometimes you just click with stories, or it is your first good read, or you love the characters, or scenes, or whatever. But in the end, they are all works of art from the author. I for one appreciate all that she does for the community and the love of art. She hasn't sacrificed anything of her writing to make anyone happy. She has done nothing but get better and more mature. Anyone who has taken the time to go back and read her work (like I have just recently), can tell an immediate difference. She isn't trying to please anyone but herself. Call me a fangirl or whatever, but I am with Sueric on this one - If you don't like it, don't read it.
 Reviewed By: OROsan0677 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2006 19:51 CST
You know, that 'big boy' phrase reminds me of that Montaro guy from Purity 4 lol. Hmm, I wonder if Jeb is the other youkai. *Ponders*
 Title: Thanks
Reviewed By: jomitsui [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2006 19:47 CST
Style of Writing: 7 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey, I really enjoy your Purity Series. Hehee... one of the best Continuations that I find on the net. haha especially when most of your characters are Originals! hehee... Don't get upset by negatives in reviews, dunk into all the positives ones.
 Reviewed By: RisikaFox [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2006 19:01 CST
*sniffles, blows nose* Poor Sydnie... I can't imagine how it must have been for her... And she was only 3?
 Reviewed By: Kuramas gurl [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2006 18:50 CST
yay! fun chappies...er....ok, not so fun, but I still like them. ^-^ you inspired an im that went like: friend: handcuffs *giggle* ... few questions: 1: does Sydnie have ceremonial colors? if so...what are they? 2: when Sydnie's sister was killed,how old was Bas? Wouldn't that have something to do with Cain not doing anythign about it?....but then, he does have people all over the place to help him b/c America is a big country like he said in Purity 4....*ahem* update again soon please. ^-^ ~~Kuramas gurl....the brainless one
 Reviewed By: naiobi [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2006 18:34 CST
Awe poor Sydnie!! Thats so sad... Great chapter anyway. I'm so happy that you've been popping these chapters out like crazy. I just adore this story. Are you going to finish this story before uploading Purity 6?
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