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"Unfettered" Reviews/Comments [ 163 ]
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 Reviewed By: the bastard child  On: September 19, 2006 21:24 EDT
oh how i've missed this fic. ah! kikyou, you little bitch! man, trying to steal inuyasha back, using both inuyasha and his son as pawns in her sick game to get rid of kagome! wow that's low. but seriously, whose soul does she even have? two souls can't exist on the same plane, in the same time, so how does this work if kagome and kikyou share a soul? damn... ah! i'm waiting on baited breath for the next chapter!
 Reviewed By: brazen thought  On: September 16, 2006 01:20 EDT
Man do I really hate Kikyo!!!!! Inuyasha really did fuck up big time, I mean come on, he has to realize that Kagome has always been insecure about Kikyo, especially now after what she knows he did with the damn clay pot. I hope he realized what he could have losst with his insensitivity. And good old Seshoumaru, I love that ice block to death!! Go ahead and kill Kikyo. I hope he tells Inuyasha that Kikyo is an evil manipulative witch, seeing as how Inuyasha has crap for brains, when it comes to Kikyo.
 Title: part two
Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie nsi  On: September 16, 2006 01:07 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
And here is part two of the review! Wow!! I am getting better with my reviews!! Okay.. Kagome saw.. ran and shattered. wrote letters. Got it. She watched them!! Oh Kami.. does Kagome ever love to crush herself. She saw her son (whom she thought was hers..) accepting Kikyou in Kagome's place at the dinner table and how easily Kikyou had "replaced" her. That would have to hurt worse of all. Couldn't they scent Kagome around the home while Kikyou was there or is it because her scent is always there? Or was Inuyasha completely taken by Kikyou's presence that he didn't notice. Kagome has been "abandoned" by two of her most beloved people. If she isn't severely depressed from this I will wonder. She left them! Kagome left them! This time Kagome is in the wrong. Blinded by saddness but still in teh wrong. Kagome really knows how to run away from some things especially with regards to Inuyasha! Did Taro read his letter out loud to Inuyasha? Or did he gave a short form to Inuyasha? Good for Kagome with her words in that letter! Brutal and blunt! I commend her! Finally she had told Inuyasha some of her feelings and she let him know it was Kikyou that has been causing her stress. It probably even confirmed in Kagome's depressed mind and thoughts that yes all this time that Inuyasha went on patrols he was with Kikyou! How in the seven hells is Inuyasha going to fix this!! I really loved the reaction Inuyasha took with Kagome's leaving him and her loss. I also loved how InuTaro joined him in the cries/howls of despair. Kikyou must have known Kagome was there all along!! Evil Kikyou!! I hope Inuyasha can put two and two together and figure it out!! I wanna see some Evil Kikyou butt kicking!! (perferable by Inuyasha.) Whoa!! Where did Sesshoumaru pop up from?! I can't recall...Am surprised that he appeared. (will go back and re-read the previous chapters.).. errr..kind of looks like a little was missing here. Inuyasha when he transforms..does he not have that Youkai wind around him? (Like when Sesshouamru transformed) sorry! Sorry! I don't want to poke at the story, Cause I love it to bits!! it just seemed a little awkwards here in this section. Wouldn't Sesshoumaru noticed the change in Inuyasha's blood? and was Taro reacting to the change in scent/blood/looks of Inuyasha? Did Inuyasha know that Taro was his by instinct or by scent. I feel awful for asking these questions and poking it. Again it just seemed a little awkward. Hooray for Sesshoumaru for stepping in when he did and providing the direction/instructions that Youkai Inuyasha needed. I LOVED how he told Kikyou to get lost and leave them alone. Loved that scene and loved how Sesshoumaru told Kikyou he knew what she was doing!! Will Sesshouamru provide a warning for Inuyasha, InuTaro or Kagome about Kikyou? Evil Kikyou!! I really love this story!! it really is a masterfully painted image with words that draws the reader into the story and merges them with the characters and their thoughts/feelings!! Great and Totally awesome work!! That has to be the most indepth and accurately depicted scene I had read. Kagome's depression. And you have captured the Japanese sense of honour so exquistely. Kagome was shamed, she felt she was shaming her family. Amazingly and so Powerful!! Can you tell I love this story? and Your Talented Writings!! Truly Amazing! You have written that scene very well. I cheered when Kagome ws able to pull out of the whirlpool that is depression to grab onto the life line..grumbles at least youkai Inuyasha is smarter and more clear about which one he wants by his side. His mate! Love that he charged after her! Finally they talk!! Baka Inuyasha. It took this to get him to say those three words to Kagome. I'm glad Kagome made him clarify his feelings and that he has choosen her. Can't wait to read/see Inuyasha telling Kikoyu to go fly a kite!! Will we be getting some WAFF in next chapter? Please Keep up the most excellent work! You Totally Rock!! Kudos!! Awesome!
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie nsi  On: September 16, 2006 00:11 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
...runs squealing one way.... runs squealing and flailing arms the other way... Stops in front pants lightly.. Another chapter from the Literary Goddess!! Yeah!! Whoot!! Woot!! Whoot!! Claps hands happily!! This got me right from the start..:"Kagome examines the own darkness in her heart and Kikyou's dark heart is up to no good." I got shivers even before I read the chapter. Angst!! Angst is very good for WAFF appreciation later on. Very nice opening! I liked how you started with the underlying tension in the situation. Liked how you have Inuyasha being observant with regards to Kagome and her unease at going into the village after Kikyou showed up. (but the poor boy is sooo dense in other matters..) I knew that Kagome will still habour insecurities and doubts about Inuyasha's heart and where she stands. (hopefully Inuyasha is up to the task of reassuring it's her he wants by his side.) I loved how you had Inuyasha think about about Kagome making him confused and so true to his character. But poor Inuyasha still so completely blinded by his past ideals of his pedestal 'Kikyou' he can't see the forest for the trees. He should know Kagome by now that she will always say things to make Kikyou not seem in a bad light because of his feelings for Kikyou. She would always sacrifice something for his sake. Really liked how you had Inuyasha think of other possiblities for Kagome's unease. Very clever Inuyasha. And possible match in Kagome's head? Does she now doubt her place with the village? Does she feel that she is being even more compared to the greatness that is Kikyou now that Kikyou is back? I wonder when the two of them will actually sit down and Talk to each other... whoopssie.. lol...this is Inuyasha and Kagome!! Lol!! It wouldn't be proper if they didn't have the huge stubborn streak. I love how you have Inuyasha willingly want to confide in Kaede!! Love it! How you have maintained the bond between the two of them. Awesome work!! Kudos!! Oh!! I love the scene with the two hanyou teasing Kagome!! Too cute!! Great work!! And Kagome snorted! lol!! Thatw as so Inuyasha like!! I wonder if it'll be noticed? Loved the scene with Kagome giving both a kiss. I can see them both blush a little. Oh my word!! They are soo alike!! Neither knowing what to do with Kagome there! Both miserable without her! That is awesome as well!! Love it!! You kept it so true to the character and very believable in any child of Inuyasha's... (guess it's a gene that Inuyasha developed and passed on..) Inuyasha took Taro hunting! Cute! Would love to read a one shot about their hunting/stalking training. I noticed that you had Inuyasha walking behind his child. I really really love that and it warms me. Too often I see in malls and stores a parent walking ahead of the child with the child scrambling to catch up. Yet another perfectly captured trait of Inuyasha you ahve masterfully written!! Thank you!! Oh my... Kikyou was pretty darn quick to move right into their home and act like she lives there!! Bad Kikyou!! Bad!! Evil!! Hisssss!! Argh!! bangs head on desk.. Inuyasha you baka.. It's going to backfire! Why didn't he ask her what she was doing in his home without asking? I swear.. I think that dog boy loses brain cells or cognitive thinking whenever Kikyou is around. It's a trick isn't it? She is manipulating Inuyasha's feelings and worming her way into Taro's head... I feel for Kagome.. this is one of those times that RT would have Kagome pop back onto the scene and witness. Inuyasha may think it's friendship but he is rather dense. Kikyou is playing for keeps and she has already put Kagome up as the prize/stakes. Oh sweet love a duck!! I was right!! Kagome is going to see!! Oh poor Kagome!! How she must have shattered from it! That is another crushing blow to her soul and heart! I can't believe neither of them noticed/sensed Kagome was back. Oh dear what is Kagome going to do!! What did she write!!
 Reviewed By: xSimplicity [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 15, 2006 22:39 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
awe that was kawaii I'm teary eyed right now Keep writing =]
 Reviewed By: fireofinuyashasNSI  On: September 15, 2006 20:51 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Oooh, I LOVE babies. I'm so happy for you and your new son, and I'm amazed you got a chapter out THIS early after his birth. Anyway, this chapter was very...deep? I'm not sure how to say. Suicide has been overdone a lot in fanfiction, so I am glad you handled it in a different way. You were able to make us feel the pain of Kagome, but you kept a tight hold on the situation, not letting the plot run away in your head. I love your writing and the way you make everything fit. Thanks for letting all us fans out hear read it! My best wishes to you and your family, fireofinuyashas
 Reviewed By: bluezinthos nsi  On: September 15, 2006 13:13 EDT
congrats on the little one! and one the chapters, a big accomplishment with munchkins running the show. i have to agree with fryloche, you handled kagome's contemplation of suicide well. she had so much internalized, so much that she felt she needed to take on herself so others could remain happy, coupled with the side effects of abuse that i could easily see her drawing that conclusion. just as easily as i could see her deciding the pain it would cause others and the good she could do liveing would outweigh her suffering. she really didn't have a chace to emotionally evolve from the girl she was 5 years prior. she didn't have anyone to nurture the woman she was becoming. she's a mother first but kagome last, she never really got to find herself. i wonder what sesshomaru will reveal to the couple when they return home.
 Title: fawn of the woods (nli)
Reviewed By: fawn of the woods [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 15, 2006 09:17 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i actually like this chapter; please updatre soon. i would like to know what sess does when kagome and inu-kun returns; does inu-kun remember that he left his pup with sess? i can't wait!_!
 Title: About Time!
Reviewed By: Fyrloche [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 15, 2006 08:11 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Well, it's about time! chuckles I've been waiting on this one for a while and it is well worth the wait. This story is very good, regardless of what the grammar police say. I'm glad that I have been fortunate enough to have found your stories before our favorite guild starts disqualifying stories based upon minor grammatical errors instead of major misspellings and language misuse. sigh Enough about those idiots, on with the paise for this story. As usual, Kagome keeps herself in good shape by jumping to conclusions. As for the suicide angle, I think you handled it well. While I don't think that Kagome would ever do that, there are many who get depressed enough to think about it. And, what she has been through in your story could definately qualify. Abuse works on a persons self esteem and hers was shot. When a person has no self respect, suicide can seem a viable option. Back, a long time ago, when I was a young teenager, I went through a very brief spell of thinking that. Love, support, and God got me through that time in my life so that I never made an attempt, but I did have times of thinking that death would be better than life. I don't have those anymore, so don't worry about me. I just wanted to tell you that I could understand the feeling of wanting to end the pain that would feel like someone squeezing the heart out of your chest. uuhhgg That was a little more soul baring than I intended, but I hope that you got the point that I think you did a good job. Take care and we wil holler at you later. Til then, Fyrloche.
 Reviewed By: InuGoddess715 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 15, 2006 07:58 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
First of all, congratulations on your baby. And I admire you for writing at all with three little ones under five around, LOL. But, on to the story. I really liked this chapter, as I have all of them. Kagome's greatest fear has always been that Kikyo would steal Inuyasha away from her. And to return from home to see your greatest seemingly being played out before your eyes....AWFUL! Inuyasha has GOT to be smarter where Kikyo is concerned. He dodged a HUGE bullet this time, especially with what Kagome was contemplating, but the underlying problem is still there. He has got to let Kikyo go, fully and completely, or it will evwentually cost him Kagome. I look forward to the next chapter, whenever you can post it.
 Title: Danny Girl
Reviewed By: badgirl093 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 15, 2006 00:46 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Congratulation!!!!!Now on with the review. This is a really great story. What was Kikyou think she could take Inuyasha and Taro from Kagome? Oh I just love Fluffy's parting words to Kikyou "we will finish this another time" I can't wait till those 2 get it on. I can't wait till your next update.
 Reviewed By: mrskcgoodman [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 15, 2006 00:35 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wonderful. It was well worth the wait. Also congradulations on the new addition to your family.
 Reviewed By: Dark Avenger [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 25, 2006 00:16 EDT
Congratulations, this story has been nominated for Best Romance Fiction (InuYasha/Kagome) at the Feudal Association. Voting continues until the 22nd of September and membership to the group is open! Feel Free to join us! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FeudalAssociation/ http://feudalassociation.cadkitten.com ~Dark Avenger (aka The Daimyo)
 Reviewed By: the bastard child  On: July 25, 2006 00:43 EDT
oh kikyou why?! so wait whose soul does she even have?! god i'm confused. and kagome was bugging out. good chapter. something interesting is going to happen so isn't it? hmm...
 Reviewed By: Nae  On: July 22, 2006 18:29 EDT
Style of Writing: 6 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 6 of 10
Overall Rating: 7 of 10
I'm not flaming you, oh no. I think your idea is brilliant and creative and you definately have potential. But there are a few things that just seem ... not right. Bear with me? No offense, but I think you're dialogue is a little off and it's kind of down playing the entire feel of the story. It's just... the endearments are over the top, in my opinion. They're used too much; and I think the dialogue is a little OOC. It doesn't really fit. Also, for some reason you're lemon didn't really strike me. Like, I've read stuff where it goes right into it, but it wasn't a flashback. For the first time, I found myself skipping an entire lemon because it seemed out of place. I'm sorry, I really am, but I just had to point it out.
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