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"What Matters the Most" Reviews/Comments [ 480 ]
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 Reviewed By: Jaden_Birdie_Blythe [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 23, 2006 12:34 EDT
First of all, I like your story. It's well written and it's much better than most of the yoai I've read and not over-the-top as others seem to be. The only problem I have is your definitions of what the Japanese stands for. Some of them are completly incorrect or not complete. And a couple of them are misspelled. But at least you have made and attempt to use them and give the definitions. I don't speak Japanese, but I have been studying it for a couple years and can help you if you like. I love promoting the use of the language as much as possible. Ja!
 Reviewed By: Tai-san  On: May 20, 2006 00:17 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Sweet new chapter. Sesshomaru is scary. hehehe Anyway love your new work I couldn't stop reading it. Can't wait to see what horrible bad things Naraku has in story for Inuyasha. mwahahahah. Thanks for the update please update again soon.
 Reviewed By: Myli  On: May 19, 2006 11:07 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow this is great Keep up the awesome work
 Reviewed By: the tell-tale kitten  On: May 19, 2006 08:34 EDT
I have hung on to your every word thus far and really enjoy your writing. The naming of the pups was very well done. I was wondering if you had help with the thought process to what names you would give them.. having one to bare the same childhood fate as Inuyasha and all. I find it interesting how you gave the female pup of Naraku's the inu ears and neither of the other two, but I suppose you have your reasons. What kind of disturbs me sometimes is the length of the chapters. The amount of space you take up to go over the reviews and such surpasses that of the amount of space you use to actually continue with the story. This chapter in particular, chapter 58, was exceedingly short. Though it ended in the right place I think, there should have been more detail to have made the wait worth while and to keep your readers, wanting to read your story. ~ The tell-tale kitten
 Reviewed By: Russanya [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 19, 2006 01:45 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Please continue with the angst. For if you do not continue with the angst, then I can no longer receive the satisfaction of having my heart removed, ripped apart, otherwise mutilated and then roughly patched together. Only then does one know true joy, when one has dwelled in the sewers of despair. I love it, as usual. And I did finally start writing and posting myself. Took me fricking long enough. What exactly does Naraku have in mind for the little Tsukiko? Nothing too bad I hope. My heart goes out to the little one. Inu and Sesshy can handle a lot of torture, hehehe, but I digress. Update as soon as you can!
 Title: I'm Back!
Reviewed By: maelia8 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 18, 2006 22:15 EDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Hi, It's me, I am finally back again! After two weeks of grueling exams, I am finally able to be back on MediaMiner. I have read the three chapters that I had to miss and am all caught up on the fic. Ohhhhh. I am sooo scared for poor InuYasha. Back to the old perverted tormentor, eh? When Sess put down the pups I had a premonition that it would put them into danger . . . I was saying in my cautious, babysitter's instinctual mind "uh oh, you shouldn't be doing that!" I love the detailed descriptions that you give of Sess's constant fight with his youki to maintain control . I mean, if you think about it, it must be pretty hard work to maintain and control such a distructive force which exists within you, all of the time, at every minute of the day, and to constantly curb and control yourself so that you do not succumb to complete insanity. I am starting to wonder, though, how things will go in the long run for this fic. If it starts to consist of a constant tug - of - war between Sess and Naraku for possession of InuYasha's sublimely beautiful body, I frankly admit that I will rapidly become bored. Maybe a new factor should be introduced? Nice tension buildup, but the same arguments can become stale. Just a warning - but I am sure that you will do a great job, and keep having enough twists in the story to keep my vapid mind occupied (I hope that that was the correct use of the word "vapid". If I'm wrong, let me know). Anyhow, I have faith and high hopes for this fic. It is by far among my top five on MediaMiner, and that is saying something, because I read an awful lot of fics. I feel once again inspired to go into my file and add a few lines to the next chapter of my own fic. Oh, and by the way, this may sound random, but I am reading the book "Shogun" right now, and it is a really awesome story about feudal Japan. If you have not read it, you certainly should. It is a classic, and a gread read, even though it has 1150 pages! Also, the book is peppered with useful Japanese word that I didn't know before I read it. I am only halfway done, but it is great! Anyway, ta ta for now, and please, isogi! (hurry). Wakarimasu ka? (do you understand?) :) Maelia8
 Title: chapter 50 something... long.....
Reviewed By: Tryst/Punishment of the Inu  On: May 18, 2006 17:59 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Forgot to post a review... I am so sorry. I liked this new chapter and I'm not really sure where your going with this... But all is good. Anywho... Update soon and get Inu and Sessy back together. Why do I feel so sorry for Inu right now? Or should I be feeling sorry for Naraku? Hmmmm. I really hope someone gives him a taste of his own medicine. Tryst/Inu Punishment
 Reviewed By: Caitriona695  On: May 18, 2006 12:47 EDT
Oh....forgot something. You really need to let Grandpa get in on some of the Naraku ass kicking when it comes to that. This one asshole has managed to physically hurt 3/6 of his family, emotionally hurt 5/6 of his family, and just plain pissed off 7/6 of it. (7th is inupapa himself btw) Caitriona
 Reviewed By: Caitriona695  On: May 18, 2006 12:41 EDT
Nice little explanation chapter. The recalling of other times that Sess has reacted 'badly' was a nice touch. It gave an idea of what is going on in Sess's head without having him need to verbalize. Doesn't seem that he is really good at verbalizing anything. While I do understand that Sess's main focus is Inuyasha, I was a little surprised that he didn't also mention that his little moon daughter was taken too. (he probably just hasn't gotten to that yet I know) Even though she hasn't talked or been around a lot, for some reason I really like her alot. Inu had such a hard birth experience, and before that there was the rape, and before that there was the unwilling marriage, and before that was a somewhat crappy life.....I hope Naraku doesn't have a lot of time with him before he is able to escape some way. You have portrayed the PTSD well. Inu now has his daughter to protect as well as his own sanity, so I think that he will show more of a 'hidden' backbone. A willow rather than an oak. I think that the responses at the bottom are a better option. That way those who want to read the story can do that immediately and read any responses at their leisure. Thanks for writing for us! Caitriona
 Reviewed By: Taisho  On: May 18, 2006 03:16 EDT
You know, I have to wonder, with as popular as this story is, exactly how many people threaten you with bodily harm for teasing us. I do believe more will follow for this latest chapter, you might wanna look into securing some bodyguards for yourself. I forsee a great many dangers heading your way over this. I would offer protection, but I'm afraid I must follow the masses on this one. Write or die I say.......well atleast suffer a great deal of bodily harm, but we'll make sure to leave your arms uninjured. You can't write if they've been injured. Other wise I am afraid that I will have to resort to my eivil tactic of crying my pretty little green eyes out. It's not pretty, my face gets red, and I get a hitch in my breathing, and sniffle alot. I look like a little lost kitten, that's been abandoned on the streets. Don't force me to do it!
 Reviewed By: Taisho  On: May 18, 2006 03:06 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*Taps you on the shoulder, towering over you, and gives you evil Shessy glare.* What the hell kinda update was that?! I do believe that I am going to have to kill you now. Don't worry, this'll hurt me me more then it'll hurt you. Wait....that's a lie, but if you believe then good! It's better then me crying. Which I may do as I kill you just to make you feel worse. Then I'm going to poke at your dead body with a stick a few times, dress you up in lolita outfits, and pose you out on my front lawn. About the time you start to smell and decompose I'll have Shessy bring you back, and force you to write, or Inuyasha will take off his necklace, and put it on you and sit you to death. Which would only force me to make Shessy bring right back, and do it again. However, if you write a nice long chapter, then I might forgive you, and let you off with a few tears, and a very good spanking, your choice. *Give cute innocent smile* Ja ne!
 Reviewed By: golden_kitsune (too lazy to sign into her account)  On: May 18, 2006 01:43 EDT
I'll have you know that I am well-trained in all forms of combat, my speciality being against ostriches. Your ramble plan sounds oddly tyrannical, but it's sounds I suppose *shrugs* And now you must update soon, so I can cry and then be happy...happy right? There has got to be at least one happy chapter coming up.
 Title: Chapter 58
Reviewed By: Snowfall1  On: May 17, 2006 23:47 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Is that all? Is that it? We only took the babies home. You are not sating the action junkie in me. I want some blood and guts flying through air. Yeah! And...and...Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, and Taisho, kicking some Naraku ass! *groans* I'm going nuts. And it's ALL your fault. @%#&%@ Poor Sesshoumaru, standing there with his hands fisted. He wants to kick some ass too. Taisho is no pussy. He needs to go after Naraku too. He should be a strong warrior and save his child and avenge his sons. That is what a father is supposed to do; protect what is his and those he loves. I'm just going to have to bitch slap him if he doesn't! Oooooooh! Now see what you've gone and done. My deprived action junkie is getting dt's. Keh! Snow
 Title: WOW!!!!
Reviewed By: FXL-lazy  On: May 17, 2006 22:55 EDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh man i can't believe I will be on the edge of my seat for the rest of the story!!! I can't even imagine what will happen next!!! I hope Inu gets rescued before Naraku puts his filthy hands on Inu!!! I also noticed that some has suggested that demon Inu shows up I wouldn't mind that but I don't think I would really like that because since this is in a alternate world or something like that this would most likely be a first for him so he might lose control or something because Naraku tries to touch him or the baby... then he beats the crap out of Naraku and kills him then he walks slowly to Tsukiko planning on killing her and then she cries and looks at him and his sences come back and he falls to the floor crying then Sesshomaru comes in and they look at each other and Sessho runs up to him and holds him!! Or Naraku is about to rape him and Sesshomaru gets there just in time and kills Naraku {With or with father and other guy} and they rescue him and maybe I do like the idea!! And I would love to read about there children life!!! So I've been typing constantly about everything in this story and I could go on for hours and hours.I'll stop typing...oh yeah I finally got my story up it's Together Always you can read it if you want I know it could never compare with this story because this is the best story I have ever read!!!! I am so addicted to this story I can't wait til the end and finally I didn't cry!!!!! So with all that typed I'll close by saying I can't wait for more and I think this is the longest review I've ever left in my life!!!! Love this story and thankful that a talented writter such as yourself is a Yaoi fan!!!!
 Title: Awsome
Reviewed By: Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 17, 2006 21:37 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awsome chapter please update soon.
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