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"Shades of Gray" Reviews/Comments [ 670 ]
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 Reviewed By: MistressKagome4U [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 11, 2008 06:36 PDT
Oh, and btw.. little typo. The Nazis were WW2, not WW1... Just.. yah.. >_>
 Reviewed By: MistressKagome4U [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 11, 2008 06:16 PDT
Bah.. less THAN three.. Stupid typos.
 Title: ONCE AGAIN!!!
Reviewed By: MistressKagome4U [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 11, 2008 06:15 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
JEEEEEBUSSS!!! Wow.. I should check my email more often. I'm a few days late! D= I know some people might not approve of your actions, young missy, but I must say again that you're writing is like crack for me. I was linking SOG to a friend and they said "what do you mean hasn't been updated in a long time" And I completely FREAKED! I want you to know I told him to fuck off many times so I could read this pixely deliciousness... Soooo, I'm gonna go mop up and you should get back to work!!! But before you go, I think you should know that how long I've been reading your works hit me today O-o.. I was like.. WOW. Bahaha, ok, I'll cut this long thing off with a less that three.
 Reviewed By: Oyuki [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 11, 2008 01:12 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
why can't they just say "screw everything" and run away together? i mean, i don't think any of them have real lasting relationships with their families anyway. look at kagome's family and the way they treat her? oh well, i'm sure you'll figure it out. more soon.
 Title: Wow
Reviewed By: Darksaintofchaos [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 09, 2008 23:25 PDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This chapter right here has left me totally speechless. I mean Inuyasha was totally screwed over all in one night. lol I mean fun,sex,beat down, and then lastly consequences. Well I must say I do kinda think Inuyasha was alittle too much on Kags in that hentai scene but ya know thats what or well part of who he is but I don't think Kags should except all of him until things were properly delt with meaning since he was still seeing Kikyo. Oh and I have to say I agree with Jakotsu and I felt what he did was right. Even though it wasen't really his business but ya know he was already brought into the mess due to Kagome so he as a dear friend took action. All Kagome and Inuyasha just really need to ge there stuff together.
 Reviewed By: HamsterBattalionCommander [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 09, 2008 08:24 PDT
*feels smart* I'm really sorry if I spoiled anything. I sometimes tend to say, or in this case write, things before I think about it. Anyway, I was mostly creeped/grossed out by the sex scene in this latest chapter. I would never allow any man to do any of those things to me, but then I'm more of a female-dominant kind of chick. I think the scene was very well written and it really fit in with the situation. I don't think I would have had the balls(wrong gender, but what the hell?) to write what you did, and I really admire that, as a reader and as a fellow writer. I'm precariously perched on the very outermost edge of my seat, waiting for your next chapter.
 Title: As always(:
Reviewed By: blackr0s3 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 09, 2008 03:15 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Everything was wow. That's all I must stay. The ending was just unexpected, but what more do I expect than the unexpected from you? Lol. I'm so excited for the next chapter! Hopefully, I read something again soon. Ahaha. Perfect! Perfect! Perfect!
 Reviewed By: Langus [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 08, 2008 20:34 PDT
Oh my god...so much awesomeness is in this chapter that I don't know where to start. First, as a history officianato I LOVED your bit about Kagejiro's past. Hells yes! I didn't think too many people knew about the Christmas story so good on you for spreading the word :) There was a lot of awesome comedy in this as well. I definitely chuckled at the Budweiser being expendable bit except I think you might've confused Canadian and American beers. It's your side of the border that has the brew made with 90% water ;) Have yourself a Keiths and you've got yourself a solid Canadian beer - premium too! But I digress, I loved this chapter. Hated how you tried to separate them - shame shame shame - but I understand the need for it and I have complete faith that you will make it better, or rather, Inuyasha will make it better. Kagome deserves her self one helluva happy ending after all the shit she's been through. The only light criticism I can offer is that the lemon could use a once over for the sake of correcting some unnecessary word repetition. Not a big deal though since those things are a bitch to write anyway :) Glad to hear that a Sess/Rin reconciliation is in the works for the future. I really like how you handled him in this chapter. Decking Inuyasha was completely called for and completely "Sesshomaru" in that scene and the imagery you had of him sitting on the hood of his car brooding I thought was particularly vivid. Thanks for the update, congrats on your IYFG noms and I look forward to the next one. Happy writing - from a rambling Langus.
 Reviewed By: Sovereignty [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 08, 2008 19:53 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Sometimes I REALLY hate Mediaminers review section...
 Reviewed By: Sovereignty [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 08, 2008 19:50 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
"Tell me one reason why I shouldn't paint this club with your blood." "Red is an awful color for any room," "fathers aren't so keen on finding you in bed with their daughters. There was this one time…" "What can I say; slut must run in that family." To often people forget that Freedom isn't free; the only currency it deals in is blood." "I helped bring tobacco into New Jersey in the first place, but that's another story. The hell they are going to deny me it. I'll incite another Boston Tea Party, see if I don't." -I so want to know more… (this sounds lke an interesting piece of American history….) "A piece of advice boy; there are two kinds of people in life that you can be, you can either sit there with you ass glued ta the chair and take no initiative in life. You better believe though, in twenty years, you'll still be glued ta that chair. Or you can take life by the horns, or the girl by the hips, and enjoy it. What is life worth living if you don't enjoy it? I for one enjoy the feel of a girl grinding up against me, God bless the low standards of dancing today. And that would be my next advice to you; don't fuck every girl you meet unless you are trying to repopulate the Earth. Do me a favor; I'll be here in two hundred years, I don't want ta have ta deal with more than one of ya." "Normally we just break their thumbs, but I supposed full blown murder could be justified in the name of Vodka. It would be a mercy killing though," he added, "poor bastard should be put out of his misery for not knowing the difference." "You're approximately two and a half years too late for that one. You can't abort the living." Miroku winced, freezing in mid grab for a drink from the bartender. "Zing," he chimed, "and there goes the `ouch' button." "Was," InuYasha seethed, "you were married and you cheated on her. But hey, even your God damned wife couldn't stand you, so she found another cock to satisfy her. How does it feel Sesshoumaru; to really fail at everything in life?" "And trust me; I know how to make a man squeal like a pig."
 Reviewed By: crazykiss [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 08, 2008 18:09 PDT
 Reviewed By: tamara [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 08, 2008 16:38 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Lol, well I'm just glad I'm not the only one over here thinking about orgies! xD Haha but OMG, I thought they were actually going to end it just like that... I felt the tears coming! I'm glad Kikyo finally found out - better to just get it over with quick. Now that she knows I just hope they can FINALLY stop caring what she thinks... I know, wishful thinking, lol. I'm still surprised about Jakotsu... he so fucked Kagome over! I could see him intervening to try & keep Kagome from getting hurt, but I don't see how what he did HELPED her at all. Jeeeez! I can't decide whether or not to like Kikyo... one minute she seems nice and the next she comes off as a grade-A bitch. I'll say I hate her for now just cause she's getting in the way of more lemons like the one in this chapter. :( Lol... Anyways, great update - thank you for writing awesome stories to keep me preoccupied! (:
 Reviewed By: kagome313 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 08, 2008 15:46 PDT
i was practically fucked XD I had to read the last three chapters since i found out i never read them O.o But i dont care - i had laughs n all that shit! It was amazing... i dont kno where to start cuz am no amma jus ramble like an idiot. but Jiro is so damn hot!! *drools* no no, he puts a new meaning to hot *sighs* honestly, and the accent was so delicious OMG!! more thant delicious - dang... i think u jus made me infatuated with him.. like i give a hell... i'd strip naked for him lmao. Sesshomaru - lawd, i feel for him but at the same time i wanna hit him... first off, i think its so cute how jiro can handle him... he's like the version of inuyasha when hes the one "controlling" inuyasha... he's like a pup! - a hot pup! lol... though how he called his son a mud blood >.> I hated him for that... i mean, he got his head so far up his ass to be calling his SON that?? And i kno inuyasha feel it/ understands it more since he's the same as his nephew - which i wished that you'd let Inuyasha punch his lights out!! >:{ I'm eager to see how sesshie story will turn out.. and rin is going through a hard time as it is, n the kid needs a father figure too! Then... there's the comedian aka Miroku.. god i love him! lol he can take any tough situation and make a joke out of it! The comedy in this is awesome, something that i will forever love! I'm starting to feel even more sorry for kags too.. and kikyo jus had to catch them when they decided to ends thing huh?? stupid jak.. i hope that hit that kags gave him broke some part of his pansy body - i mean i kno he meant well, but in some cases its not needed... sob sob... its so sad... n they're lil moment behind the bar was so cute... JIRO IS SO HOT!! OOT OOT!! ((random)) lmao .... i love this fic, i love jiro, i love u for writing this fic and i love jiro!! ^_^ until next time... take care and JA!! =)
 Reviewed By: thesims1231 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 08, 2008 15:37 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG!!! That was such a good chapter!!! I can't believe that Kikyo finally found out! And *yay* that was REALLY good!!!!!!!! :)
 Reviewed By: ThisIsMeSmiling [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 08, 2008 13:35 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Omg! "One of these days I'm gonna' ram a parking cone up his ass!" That was from InuYasha Parody! Lol...it would've been funnier if Yash said it though..but he was rightly pissed at the moment. As for Jakotsu..what the hell? He does everything in his power to keep Kaggie away from Yash but waits for his hell-spawned cousin to almost KILL her before taking action? That's not right! Kags and Yash should've punched him for that. Despite everything though...I kind of feel bad for Kikyou having to catch them like that. You've actually made her character...Dare I say it? Likeable. Lol...ANYWAY, loved the chapter! Till your next update! ~Amber
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