"Sleep Paralysis" Reviews/Comments [ 184 ] |
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Reviewed By: chanda [MediaMiner Member] On: December 09, 2007 22:54 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I'm glad to hear it..., and you got married? Congrats... Loved the chapter, as always. Look forward until your next update. Chanda
Reviewed By: chanda [MediaMiner Member] On: November 28, 2007 17:17 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Omg...*Falls off chair*. It's been a year since your last update...and let me tell you it was well worth the wait. I liked the twist at the end of this chapter. I am happy you found the man of your dreams and hopefully, I won't have to wait another year for an update...?*Raises an eyebrow* Well until next time, Chanda
Reviewed By: Kryptic Insanity On: October 29, 2007 23:21 CDT Comment/Review: *Have not hafe (Yeah I'm one to talk about typos hehe *sweat drops*
Reviewed By: Kryptic Insanity On: October 29, 2007 23:19 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I just stumbled across this and half to say I love it! Definitely the most original fanfic I've come across and very engrossing. There were some typos/spelling/grammatical errors but they did nothing to detract from the enjoyment factor. I hope to see more of this soon ans will defiantly be reading your other works ^.^ Ja ne!
Reviewed By: im_inuyashas_dirty_little_secret [MediaMiner Member] On: September 16, 2007 10:30 CDT Comment/Review: ohhhhhh please update soon!!!!!!!!!!!
Reviewed By: Feudal Teller of Tales [MediaMiner Member] On: December 30, 2006 01:49 CST Comment/Review: Wow...
Title: :D to you 2! Reviewed By: tempestflame [MediaMiner Member] On: November 21, 2006 12:26 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Hey,the chapter did not suck!!....a little short,but hey. It was worth it.*bows* Update soon Luna-sama
Reviewed By: LadyWolf [MediaMiner Member] On: November 02, 2006 08:04 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: So the things they see as a past life even in them their human? Wow this just gets deep with every step it's take it's beautiful the way you pull things together. And I like she's opening up to sango. What was inuyasha looking for? Thank you so much for you kind words. I would love to see some of your poems too. "I'm weak at times yet my body pushs me to fight. I'm in a place where darkness lives yet I most find some light. I want to hide from people but my lips want to talk ask for help. I see a long road before me but my feet still wish to walk and see whats at the end. I am human I give and take...live and break...see and hear. I need to love and be love. With I may do in the end... Iam human again." Wow I their's other one! Your story is pulling lots out of me I thank you for that update soon.
Reviewed By: OrlandoLover [MediaMiner Member] On: October 25, 2006 16:54 CDT Comment/Review: loved the new chap...update soon...SAVE THE EARTH IT'S THE ONLY PLANET WITH CHOCOLATE...Cheers
Title: inugrl27 Reviewed By: Lihz On: October 24, 2006 19:45 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: awsome chappie and srry i couldnt reveiw for the last but its totally awsome and the ff rox my socks socks
Reviewed By: Crystal2287 On: October 08, 2006 13:02 CDT Comment/Review: I just wanted to say something in response to one of your author notes at the beginning of a chapter(Forgot which one). It may seem noble to put yourself through horrible heart ache to have the chance at being happy with someone, but everyone forgets that you are entitled to be happy all your life. It almost NEVER works that way but you are entitled to it. You go through hard times in your life, and your heart does stupid things despite your mind knowing better and voicing that knowledge often, but you are entitled to do what you need to to be happy. I know how much it can hurt to love someone who hurts you every day with stupid actions or words. I know what its like to wake up in the morning, crying and not understanding why because you are in love and that shouldn't hurt so much. And I lived with someone in denial for so long it was rediculous, before he broke my heart. And I can look back at it now and know he was horrible for me. He made me more depressed, made me more self conscious, and was so self centered that he couldn't take my feelings into consideration even when screaming at the top of my lungs I said I need you to take care of me. He just wouldn't, and even more so, he blamed me for feeling the way I was. He would ask me not to go spend the night at my parents house 15 minutes away once in a while to say hello, and throw a fit when i did, and then call me clingy when I said I missed him when he'd been out of state for a week. He said when he first met me he thought I wasn't pretty, and then when I was mad at him and asked him to apologize he would say i was overreacting and it wasn't his fault. I would be throwing up in the bathroom or in a bowl, and he would make me clean it up myself and then say he was taking care of me and was being a good boyfriend. Even after all of that, looking back at it and seeing how much it hurt to be near him, how many times I cried for no other reason then just because I was so sad I didn't know what to do, I can still say I love him with all my heart. Its completely idiotic, and it still hurts to see a picture that hasn't been burned yet, or go eat and remember the time I spilled my drink in his lap and the face he made made me laugh for 10 minutes. I guess all I am trying to say is that while the human heart can endure a lot of pain, a lot of it is unnecessary, and yet our hearts do it without us, even if we want to be happy, we can't. To me the thing about InuYasha that I don't get is even with how much in love she can be with InuYasha, no one could endure that much heart ache without more scars and more bitterness then kagome shows. Maybe I just haven't read enough of the manga or seen enough episodes, it just seems she is too perfect. I suppose thats the good part about having the cartoon. I guess I would just like to remind you that while you are writing this story remember how much it would effect someone. Rape is not something that anyone can come out of with being messed up somehow-afraid to be alone, or with weird habits that just make them feel better. Anyway-i like your story, but you have quite a few words that don't work in the story, but guessing by what the words are and what they are replacing I am going to blame spellcheck. Just thought you might want to use a grammar check too. Goodluck continuing your story.
Title: inukaggrrl06 (nsi) Reviewed By: inukaggrrl06 [MediaMiner Member] On: October 06, 2006 23:45 CDT Comment/Review: This is an amazing story, it has taken me three days to read this so far. I love how you have all of them as humans and that they're finally getting to see their past lives.. I guess that would be what you call it, but all in all, you are an amazing writer and I hope that this isn't the end. Because girl, you had me hooked after the first sentence of the first chapter. I'm jut wondering if Sesshomarou already knows about it and knows of his past, or what.. I want the next chapter. It's just too much not to continue, I don't know what I'm going to do if there isn't another chapter coming.. I'm going to hug my Inu plush now.. I'm sad, alright maybe not that sad. I can always read another fanfic, which is normally what I do... Happy writings and a Merry Muse.
Title: awsome Reviewed By: yashamaru1 [MediaMiner Member] On: October 05, 2006 17:24 CDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: this is fuckin awsome... i love it update soon... the last part.... was she awake and just thinking over everything from what happened up until this point?? anyway... this is awsome and im like so into it so update soo:)
Reviewed By: xxSilentBeautyxx@hotmail.com On: October 02, 2006 08:28 CDT Comment/Review: wow...everythings slowly coming together. i love the flashbacks at the end, it fit in well and helped me to remember some.
Reviewed By: xxSilentBeautyxx@hotmail.com On: October 02, 2006 08:27 CDT Comment/Review: wow...everythings slowly coming together. i love the flashbacks at the end, it fit in well and helped me to remember some.
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