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"Retribution" Reviews/Comments [ 57 ]
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 Reviewed By: KaosKro  On: June 08, 2007 01:14 CDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 8 of 10
You have NO fucking idea how shocked I was when I read that there was someone with the name Kelsea, who went by the name Kage... Let's just say that I have the same name and I sometimes go by the name Kage... Freaky as hell. Anyways, I like the way you did this story. I was unique and you're taking your time with the characters. Your letting the story develope 'naturally' and I like it. Not too fast, not to slow.
 Reviewed By: Scarletty [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 25, 2006 12:22 CST
Hey, That was a sad chapter, it really was. Nicely written and not to gory concidering how we all love Badunda. The whole daughter thing choked me, but I saw it through. To be honest I was expecting a bloodbath, and I conviently left my imagination at home to avoid certain mental images. *sighs* I think it was a good death scene, very erm painful I would imagine. But I was imensely happy that you didn't do it from Badunda's point of view. Thankyou for letting me look away, I greatly apreciated it, even though I was reading it. I dunno it makes sense in my head *nod*. Poor lil Tally and Duo *hugs Tal and then Duo*. I liked everyones reactions I think they were spot on. Awww Heero all struggling with his feelings, *hugs Heero too* sheesh I have a better idea *group hug*. You ok Nita? *hugs Nita*. Ok well enough of the hugging I wonder if Shai is going to follow Talim ??? And uh Hi Lucifer! I don't hold a grudge against you, t'was the evil plot bunnies. Eh yer I kinda rambled in my last review lol oops, but glad I could help ^^. Yeh ok *shuffles*...I'm sorry mr.plot bunnies, forgive my eh condeming? Yeh thanks again for letting me look away, I'll be looking forward to the next chap, Till Next Time Luv and Licks xxxx
 Reviewed By: Rose Fury [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 24, 2006 17:18 CST
Kage: *is fuming*___Lucifer: Kage, I'm so sorry. I really didn't want to do it! *pleads*____Kage: *ignores him with her arms crossed* Well, overall I like this chapter, 'specially since Lucifer appeared in it. But...Babunda....*sniffles* I barely knew him, but I miss him!! *bawls*____Lucifer: Why did you make me do the it? Now Kage is upset with me and I might not get to sleep in the house! *sighs*____Kage: *frowns then kicks Lucifer in the shin* That's what you get! And no sleeping in my house, it's into the treehouse with you!!! *runs over to Nita* Well now I'm sad -and- near my Gonna Rant line. Look at what you did! *pouts*
 Title: *sniff*
Reviewed By: Scarletty [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 21, 2006 17:48 CST
Hey, Uh ok *sad pouts at evil, mutated, scarfaced mafia bunnies* Please kill him, or at least let lil Tal or Shai punch him, yanno a bust lip or black eye. Come on you can give me that can't ya, please I mean come on you are killing off Badunda. Yeh they kissed, so what if it was a lil forcfull and bloody heck they kissed and they LIKED it (even if they haven't admitted it yet) they kissed yeh I'm reasonably happy. *glomps Talim* Aww lil Talim, lol I think I've gotten use to you torchering Tally cause where I where I was concered it wasn't so much of a omg your gonna kill Tally. But I still love him, he's still my fave OC EVER! From any/every fic ever to be and has been made. ^^ Whooo Trieze and Milli action whooo hee hee, and when will the big reunion be ? I can't wait for Wufei to see Zechs again *chuckles*. Ahhh no poor poor poor Baunda *sob* Nooo! I Don't Want Him To Die, Tis Not Fair *sniffs* I'm so going to have to bring my hankies to the next chap, I'll still rea and review it I just may cry the whole way through and *sniff* not be of the best language skills *sniff*. By Gravity as in what ??? I really really don't like the sound of that, *begins to cry* Please don't let him be hurt (I know you have to kill him, but painlessly*. And yes I am guilt tripping you, I'm sad so you best make it up *sniff*. . . on a much happier note Hi Me !!! *glomps myself* "Darn, I was hoping I missed it." Yuh huh I totally would say that, can you make me miss it ??? I dunno let me look away please, I'm not to good with watching nice people die! *fake sniffle* Oh erm I'm kinda lost on who everyone is as in who means who could you yanno maybe put who's name = which char please??? *crieing* The whole //Take care of each other.// line god damn it that did it, I had to cry. Only a little but I did, gaw Nita you should get an award, *presents best authoress and best sad factor award*. Awww an over-protective Heero *cheers up* Ok I can Maybe forgive you cause that was cute my lil mind went awww, co-incidently so did my puppy (but he was tired). Anywho that lil bit t'was cute, especially lil Tally's "Because....he's just like me, Heero." yep that got me too, though for the better reason. Good chap, not so much looking forward to your gory, none clean cut chap. *sniff* you big meanie, *sigh* but I understand why and I know you don't want to *GLARES* it's those EVIL plot bunnies *(Pitiful)DEATH GLARE* Die bunnies die!!! Lol Ok I'm feeling much better please update, and I'll review so Till Next Time Luv And Licks xxxx
 Reviewed By: Rose Fury [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 21, 2006 14:27 CST
Hey look it's me!!!*waves her arms around* Can I try and kill someone Nita? It would make me less angry at Badunda getting excecuted! Probably get me in trouble though...hmm...
 Reviewed By: Rose Fury [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 20, 2006 14:48 CST
Awww poor Badunda!!! *bawls* I like the old guy!!! *cuddles Wufei, even though he's yelling at her* Nita I think you've been neglecting some of us!! *whines* I do! *glomps*
 Title: Pip my Pup
Reviewed By: Scarletty-and-puppy  On: November 20, 2006 13:40 CST
Hey, SHAI *battle cry* oh the poor lil thing. Set up by his own father, raped, forced to commit murder and then jailed for that very reason. Gawd Nita if you don't kill his dad I swear I'll cry. Well at least Talim and Shai will understand eachother and hopefully be able to get past it together. I was NOT happy at first but it was a good past for Shai an explains very very well wny he has dady issues. Gawd you better kill him. I wont hate you cause your FAr to inginious and I love you so. Trieze can be evil . . . hee hee go Trieze! Oooh yay Talim and Shai kissed yeah they KISSED oh yeah I forgive you. Awww noo he can't die so soon. Ok I'm trusting you on this but I am deeply upset. *pouts* But I trust you. I've read Resident Evil Twice and now I'm going to read it AGAIN I love that. Not as much as this but thats impossible. ^^, Oh and my puppy who is adiment I wont reviewsays hi and woof. Till Next Time Luv and Licks xxxx
 Title: updatey whoooo
Reviewed By: Scarletty-unsigned-in-cause-I'm -lazy  On: November 20, 2006 12:38 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey, dun, dun, dun ooooh an now the plot thickens hee hee me likey. Go Nita, whoo total pro. Creepin through the ventialtion shaft. Go you !!! I see your having a updating day, well good for you. I was in the middle, ok near the begining of your resident evil fic, but I HAD to drop EVERYTHING as soon as I got this update *dances* whoo my favourite ficcy is updated. Me loves you. . .very much so. Awww poor lil Quazie save him Nita!!! Gah Gypsy and Nita meet poor you *hugs* please don't cry. Loving the fic very much so keep up all this great work an not a single rusty thing in their. If anything turned out rusty you know we' all proberly just think it was part of your elaborate scheme and that the evil plot bunnies had taken controll again. Hmmm I'm liking B-man too (can't for the life of me remember his name* You should have a scene, I dunno what type but a kiinda fling sceen yanno left Wuffy have some fun *grins* If you get what I mean. Wufei's all hard work and no play, go on defy the steriotype *grins* plus me hungry for Wuffy-kuns to have some fun. ^^ Luv and Licks hunni xxxx
 Reviewed By: Korune  On: November 07, 2006 00:08 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ya know, usually I don't read these types of fics with the self-inertions and original characters and all that... I've been too disappointed by them more often than not... But lucky for me I got a wild notion and said what the hell and gave this one a shot. And I'm very glad that I did! I really do like your characters, you put more depth than most do in them. I like the way everything is wrapping nicely around each other in this fic! Keep up the good work! ^_^* Once I can, I'm definately checking out some of your other works! There, ya see? Got yourself a new fan. =P Oh no... You've actually made me start considering on reading more of this type of genre in a fic again! Curse you and your irresistable bishies!! LOL. Oh, btw... I think that your 'fashion sense' ((gawd a feel like a prep using that word...)) in the story thus far has been kickass! I usually don't notice what the characters wear ((mainly because usually it's only mentioned in a fic and not ellaborated on)) but I like how you've... Accessorized? **kicks self in head** Dammit all to hell! I am NOT normally this feminine sounding!! GRR!!! Aaaaanyways. You get it. You've clothed the guys and gals in the ficcie well. **sighs** -_-; One thing though... On the subject of clothes... In chappie 22... Ummm... Heero went to bed nekkie, right? And in 23 he walks out to check on all of the commotion with Talim... Right? ...And Talim was without clothes... So they were both out there nude for the whole place to see? Not that there's a problem... Just... Wow! ^^; Talim, I understand... Because of the situation. But Heero?? Think he'd have a little sense to slip on something. LOL. Not that I care. It just made a really funny picture in my mind, Heero casually strutting out of his little hut nude and all that. Hehehe... Don't mind me, I just find those little things entertaining, to say the least. ^_^* Oh, and I should say "Shame on you!" for the the whole Quazie thing... But... **shruggs** Though I think it quite cruel, I admit that it is one of the parts of the fic that I'm highly interrested in. Eh, but yeah... I'm a bit on that morbid side with ya on that it seems. =P One last thing in this long drawn out review: I really like how all relationships are taking that 'natural course' thing it seems. Though at first I thought it to be too slow, with the character backgrounds it all makes much better sense and I'm anticipating the whole outcome very much so!!! Again, good job, keep it up... And I'm outta here before I ramble on too much and make an even bigger baffoon of myself that I'm sure I already have. =\ ...... K, I lied... Not really, but yeah... Just remembered something. You're Shinigami's shiryuu?? Doesn't that word 'shiryuu' mean something along the lines of 'tributary' and/or 'branch' or something? As in a river or stream? So, are you like the river styx or something?? Or like a guiding force or path for him?? Or just an offshoot or branch or something of him? I know ya say you're like Duo in personality... Just too much can be interpreted by that word. For me anyways... Though I think you meant it as that last one, given your comment... Bah... I need to stop this train of thought, trying to see things from all angles. It's too late in the evening now to think on so many dimensions as I'm trying to now. **sighs** I am soooo passing out now in a coma-type sleep. 'Night -_-zzzzzzzz
 Reviewed By: Rose Fury [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 05, 2006 19:21 CST
Aww Fluffers McFluffertan! Wow....random......Hey look! I'm talking to you and reviewing at he same time!
 Reviewed By: Scarletty [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 05, 2006 14:51 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey, YAY *funky dance* UPDATED. Whooo this is my fave ficcy of yours, *glompage* well apart from Stolen Innocence, or Hellraiser ooh and I fell in love with a bad boy. Whooo I LOVE this fic. Tis magical and mee love you greatl for it/them. Awww Quazie pooor lil baby... question where's Gypsy??? I aint herd from her in a while. *grins* Whooo Heero and Duo action AND Talim and Shai. Gawd girl you giving us a bonfire night special. ^^ Great chappy, flows nicely and doesn't seem as if you've left. Nothing rusty about it. Till Next Time Luv And Licks xxxx
 Reviewed By: Rose Fury [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 03, 2006 14:01 CDT
cracked pupils? That's sounds awesome. I bet it looks really cool. Hey look! It's me!!! Whoo! I interacted with Wufei!
 Reviewed By: RebelByNature-nli-  On: August 02, 2006 18:45 CDT
That sounds like me. I hate when people know my name and insist on calling me girl or you or anything in that area. Plus im just disrespectful half the time. Everytime Talim gets scared like that it makes me wish i had everybody who hurt him in a torture chamber. But alas they're not. I also think Shai might be added to my list of favorite original characters. Bye Nita!
 Title: whee updates galore
Reviewed By: Scarletty's back !  On: July 31, 2006 05:33 CDT
Hey, Rewiew time. . . finially. Oh god I just saw how much I had to read ^ ^ heaven pure heaven sooo good. Loved Heero and Duo's fight sceen soo funny lil Duo can fly and the "this means war" thing I actually pictured him saying that. Serpent is scary no Deadly Freaky Scary with capitals. Poor Talim he's not having a nice time is he and Heero my babys *glomps* loved how you noticed their wake up. Incredibly cute. My switchblade ^ ^ mee again *does dance* whoo hee hee made me laugh with the whole "I'm sure you'll find a way to get it back" hee hee and my pout can't exist without that. Issolation Nita are you planning something away to get lil Duo-kun and Hee-chan together? Very nice and really sweet Heero's totally funtioning on Talim *sigh* your so going to have to put in a TalimX1 sceen from the past please. It's make my day completely. Hey I got a massive page just on me *beams* I read it and promptly have shown every member of my household including the neibours wandering cat. He purred *nod* I have a past *sniff* its so sad how did you know Jason was one of my fave names ? thats scary! Anyway I best be off I have loads of updates to read. Adios me amiga and Luvs and Licks x
 Reviewed By: RebelByNature-nli-  On: July 22, 2006 19:50 CDT
Sooo glad that Serpent got his ass kicked. How dare he bring up Talim's fears? Anyway i had to kick my ass in to gear so i could review because for the past few weeks all i've done is laze around and watch my little sisters. I am very very glad for the update.
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