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"Not the Only One" Reviews/Comments [ 570 ]
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 Reviewed By: italiannproud [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 11, 2007 19:26 EDT
Hello there! I have reviewed this fic for my own personal reasons earlier, but now I'm here for a different reason. I'm a member of the staff for the UltimateStorylist (ultimatestorylist.awardspace.com), and as one of the Talent Searchers, it's my job to search and sort through stories nominated or ones that I read that could be added to the list. As this has been a huge favorite of mine for some time, and it meets all the requirements, I am just letting you know that your story has been added to the list! If you have any problems or questions with this, please do not hesitate to state or ask them. Another reason why I am doing this is because right now we're in the process of changing some things. Instead of just having the story name, author name, and link (as we do now), we're going to post summaries for each story. The summary should be no more than 20-30 words, and I was just going to use the summary you have written for this story at the beginning. If you have any problems with this or have another summary you would like submitted, please, by all means, let me know. Thank you for your time, and congradulations on writing such a wonderful fic. It is truly a huge favorite of mine, and I'm extremely glad that we have been able to add it.
 Reviewed By: knjj727 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 11, 2007 12:32 EDT
really good please up date soon
 Reviewed By: aknkkskd [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 09, 2007 20:13 EDT
Yoko is funny drunk. it's like he couldn't tell up from down. can't wait for the next chappie
 Reviewed By: Devilangel620 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 07, 2007 11:12 EDT
YAY! updated, and with a long chapter too! heh, I don't mind the long story, as long as it stays well written. :) agh, Youko was going hysterical, poor poor fox. thank you~!
 Reviewed By: purp1ebabe [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 07, 2007 04:58 EDT
o so youko kinda ended up "cheating" on kagome... hmm wonder if kagome will ever find out about and how pissed she will be? well update soon!
 Reviewed By: Hawaiianhoney2030 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 07, 2007 04:33 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
PLEASE UPDATE SOON! i love this fic so far! and i want some Kagome/Yoko or Kagome/Kurama LEMONS!!!!!! PLEEEEASE! your killing me! and might i inform you, i dont comment on many fics...only ones i dub worth reading and desperately want to continues reading. AND THIS IS ONE OF THEM! so pleeease update soon. and i hopet his isnt a inuyasha/kagome pairing. i really really want it to be a Yoko/Kagome/Kurama pairing! there are seriously NO good Y/K/K pairing fics and if this is one, then i would have to say its the best i've found so far!
 Reviewed By: Lm KiTsUnE being lazy.  On: July 07, 2007 01:58 EDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Well, since you plan on have like 40 chapters, im sure you could fit it in somewhwere. xD Holy crap, I could not stop laughing threw out the whole 'Whore house' scene. Also, Kurama dreams about what happened in the past while it's happening to Yoko, right? So, wouldn't that be a funny dream! You should totally put that in the next chapter..or not. What ever floats your boat....I wish I had a boat..lucky! xD Update soon, I shall luff you forever!
 Title: Drunk Youko
Reviewed By: Kagome093 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 06, 2007 18:21 EDT
omg what i wouldnt do to be in a room with a delirious youko i loved that scene it was halarious i was laughing my ass off when he said that his future self was a girl that was awesome and omg poor youko its like kagome ruined him for everyone else oh and i loved that scene between inukag i swear my heart goes out to him i feel so sorry for him its like ever since youko came along she hes finally noticed her i swear when he said that she really didnt care anymore i almost cryed i felt so sorry for him that was an amazing chappie thanks for updating im looking forwards to your next one until then ;D
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 06, 2007 18:18 EDT
You have delivered yet another fascinating chapter. This picture of Yoko was very intriguing, if a bit disappointing. (Not the writing -- that was excellent!!) My disappointment stems from him letting himself become intoxicated to the point that actually indulged in the whore, when he really wasn't interested. Are there NO faithful youkai out there for Kagome? *sigh* It's no wonder she can't simply choose one of THEM, they're all running around on her! LOL! And Kuronue's mentioning that Yoko ALWAYS gets obsessed with a female before bedding them, well, ... that just doesn't say much for him, either. I did like the way Kuronue was trying to point out to him that it couldn't last because she was ningen, and they just weren't as enjoyable or able to keep up. Heh heh! And Yoko WAS funny trying to keep Kuronue from doing anything to his "future self." LOL!! Now, let me address the whole Inu situation. It sounds to me like Kagome HAS come to a decision about him. And it breaks my heart. But the clincher was when Inuyasha told her he would always PROTECT her. If he had made a declaration of LOVE, it might have been different, but he didn't. He never said a word about it. But, it was almost painful to read him saying to her, "It really doesn't matter to you anymore." He was upset because she WASN'T upset that he had spent time with Kikyo. On the one hand, I felt for him, -- REALLY. And on the other hand, all I could think was, if he really had chosen Kagome, then he shouldn't have stayed to talk to Kikyo at all. He made THAT decision, and it's going to cost him everything. I think if he had refused to speak with Kikyo at all, Kagome might have believed he really had chosen HER, and Yoko could have gone on to another obsession, and Kurama could have kept running from his fangirls. *sigh* (I had forgotten about them until you mentioned them in your reply. Seriously, can we not find Kagome a male who doesn't already HAVE a female or two, or 20, in his life?!!? LOL! -- Hey, I hear Hiei's available! Heh heh! I'm kidding -- really!!) But, doesn't Inuyasha realize that that by acknowledging that he knew how very much it always upset her when he spent time with Kikyo, he was showing how little he cared about her? For her NOT to be upset, well, that truly IS an indicator that her feelings have changed, and he deserves to have his heart bleed, because HE caused it. I hope he sees that and that the regret eats him alive. (Yes, I'm vindictive. And I hope he comes to realize that the kind of love Kikyo professes for him falls way short of what Kagome offered him.) Well, this chapter really did seem to point to some definite decisions being made, even if they weren't conscious of it. Oh, and about the Yoko scene vs. the Yemon/Ayame scene -- all I can say is, we're on the same wavelength, ne? Isn't that scary? Maybe I can try to tune in to you more and boost the quality of my story. It's worth a try, right? This was an awesome chapter, and I can't wait for the next one!!
 Reviewed By: -x-kagome-x- [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 27, 2007 22:23 EDT
gwahh i was just looking at how manny reviews u have wow thats alot any way back to the subject i love this chapter but dont just stop and leave us like this its not fair! i know that because its summer so people dont want to be in side but a least try to fit in one hour of working on the story plz(insert puppy eyes*) much love a big fan of this story -x-kagome-x-
 Reviewed By: kates890  On: June 25, 2007 18:40 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great story! Can't wait to see what happens next! Yoko and Kag are so cute together!!
 Reviewed By: HeartStar [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 23, 2007 23:31 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh she remembered the neckless I wondered when that would come into play TISK TISK Poor Yoko he is so gonna here it now.. *S* I await te next chapter.
 Reviewed By: XxhellzgurlxX [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 22, 2007 11:27 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG i loved it i'm sry i havent reviewed in a while but i have no internet i was like five chapters bhind OMG the last chapter how can u do this i want more oo and that fanfic Hentai Bets is awsome i need to catch up on that one 2 but hey keep at it i'll be waiting for the next chapter OMG!!!
 Reviewed By: ness  On: June 20, 2007 08:44 EDT
AHHHHH!!!! What the heck... it was getting all good than BAM its a no go... i cant believe it.... oh my goodness I will just have to see you at the update cuz i gotta know whats gonna happen next
 Reviewed By: nyachan  On: June 20, 2007 01:13 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
aw, poor yokko! he was enjoying himself too!
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