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"Live and Let Die (Part 3): Learning To Deal" Reviews/Comments [ 280 ]
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 Title: lol, love it!
Reviewed By: dark irish sorceress [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 16, 2007 21:47 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ahahahaha! i loved the last chapter where Kagome would have to beat the other girls with a stick. funny stuff. i love this story and i absolutely can't wait until the next one! yay! ^_^ ~~loving fan ~dark irish sorceress a.k.a. shigome
 Reviewed By: GrayPheonix [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 16, 2007 18:47 EST
Damn, woman, that was one fine chapter, lol. Okay, chapter 19, another good one, and an awesome continuation of this series of quite fortunate events. Anyway, the story is good, adn I look forward to the party itself. Are some people there gonna be recognized by Inuyasha and Kagome? We shall see. Anyway, that's about it, I look forward to the next chapter with great expectation. Late
 Title: whatever
Reviewed By: fawn of thewoods  On: January 14, 2007 19:34 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
yo, its been a while since i reveiwed for one of your stories and i thought to tell you...You're great!! I love the plot and the suspense. i was also thinking about Kohaku and i realized, no one has ever had the tensaiga save him before. can't wait for your next chapter. PS The chicken pox/youkai was a great idea. all of your oneshots have been excellent. ciao
 Title: ^_^
Reviewed By: Witchlit [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 13, 2007 23:33 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
wow...it wuz really awesome...of coarse...^_^...i cant wsit till u update again...^_^...untill next time...^_^
 Reviewed By: Crc31789  On: January 12, 2007 21:20 EST
Awesome chapter! It's actually one of my favorites so far. I LOVED the stuff with Kouga. Especially that line about how him having halfies with Kags had never occured to him before. Just the way you wrote it... It was amusing. xD And you know, you gave me an idea. It's probably been done before, but it's still something I could use. When Shippou's in the hut like -stewing- over what's going to happen to him, I can really see him being so scared that he would just run away. Then they would have to go after him... But Naraku could find him first. Dun dun dun. Anyway. I'd like to write something like that. Maybe someday I will. Even if it's been done before, I could probably put an original spin on it... So thanks for the inspiration. And I'm really looking forward to the wedding. Yaaay. It's going to be really good! And it's cool that it's his human night tonight. Especially since hopefully it's out of the way and he won't have to go through another one before the big Naraku battle? *hopeful* Hm. And I'm wondering about the telepathy thing. He's only got one soul right? And their -souls- are binded... Doesn't the telepathy have more to do with that than his youkai side? I don't know. I think I might be mixing in another story with this one. Wait. Am I??? *confused face* Anyway. You said it was from his youkai side, and I think I do remember reading that. But then how does Kags have it? @_@ Maybe I should re-read or something. Then maybe I would get it... It's just that I forget some things since I'm not reading this all at once. And I'm definately reading a lot of other stories in between. All of them Inuyasha too. @_@
 Reviewed By: bluezinthos nsi  On: January 12, 2007 10:38 EST
i just had to pop while i had a minute. i will dodge that stick kagome is wielding! hmmmm, now if one of your artists could draw us human inu in that suit... i love how everyone is continually evolving. issuses are still being worked on and not everyone is in that complete happy/resolved phase. makes them more real. and kouga finally figured out what he was really feeling. took him long enough. at least ayame didn't just run to him with open arms, she wanted to make sure that he was strong and would be a good match after all he put her through. while love may not be a major first point for youkai taking mates, stability is and she's making sure her tribe will have it. i can't wait for the next chapter...totosai, sesshy, rin, and who knows who else (well you do of course). and gramps finding out his old buddy is more than just a senile man!
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2007 03:48 EST
What can I say that I haven't said before? Your writing, as always, is just fantastic! This story has kept me hooked from the very start of the first chapter of the 1st part of the series. The way you have let their relationship grow and evolve has been a beautiful thing to read. This is one of those stories you can't wait to read -- rushing from one chapter to the next -- dying to see how everything turns out. And yet, you never want it to end. I applaud your talent and bow to a true master of storytelling.
 Reviewed By: JamminChick93613 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 11, 2007 21:23 EST
AWWW YAY!! Almost married... lol. Well can't wait for the next ch!! Update soon!
 Reviewed By: cj flutterbye  On: January 11, 2007 18:15 EST
Love it!!! Can't wait for them all to see each other!!!
 Reviewed By: YinYang236 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 10, 2007 02:11 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You have to keep this story going. This is getting too good to stop here. I just had a thought, I would wonder what would happen if Inu-Yasha and Kagome's power grew to where they have the ability to call forth wings? Just a thought, would be cool though. Please update quickly, I can't wait for the next chapter!
 Title: Chapter Sixteen part two
Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 04, 2007 20:08 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Okay!! and here we have part two of Chapter 16! Darn, I am sooo very much enjoying the story! How you maintain the smooth and fluid flow of one chapter into the next! It's breath-taking! Kudos! Whoot! Awesome!! Bravo!! Again I love the understand and caring that Miroku showed in this chapter! Wonderful!! I feel more inclined towards him again. One story I was following went into overkill with his groping and lecherous behaviour. I loved the touching moment where they took each other hands. Really love that Sango and Miroku are making their relationship even better! Liked that dinner went better after poor Inuyasha's little moment with Souta all over him. Whoops, Kagome almost let it slip out. I think Jii-chan would have been and probably will be shocked to find out about his (very) old friend but he'll come to terms easily after a bit. An Invitation! Squee!! A Reception!? Oh my!! I am really intrigued by this!! Inuyasha in Formal wear!! Inu in a Tux!! Oh yes!! MUST POST the piccie I have in my collection for you!! It's called Suave Inu Brothers... I think you'll like... I will have to do some searching to find the link for it. And Human!Inu to boot! Am starting to drool already! And Kagome will be getting her engagement ring! The Same night!! Oh! am I ever trilling with pleasure over here!! I can't wait to read! And them trying to get Jii-chan to go shopping for a new set of clothes. Yep, Inuyasha in a suit. Nyummy! Love that Sesshoumaru can give people a start by popping up near them. I chuckled at Kouga's surprise. Yay! For Sesshoumaru displeasure at Kouga's lack of respect for Inuyasha. (It's a brothers right to call siblings names...) Love it! Oh I do so love the tender interaction between Miroku and Sango! So sweet! This time they will have the upper hand on Naraku!! I so can't wait to see his face crumple at the powers that will take him down. They'll wipe the smug smile off of him fast. I actually liked Kikyou's way with Kohaku. She allowed him to decide for himself to see his sister. My liking of her in this story has gone up! Yay!! And the way she answered his questions and concerns, I was feeling teary eyed I can see a hint of Kagome's influence peeking through. I did like a lot that Kikyou remained silent about the possibility of Kohaku's upcoming death or is it re-death? I happily commend you on this!! Kudos!! Bravo! Bravo! Bravissimo!! So completely Awe-Inspiring!! Oh they are discussing the special evening... prick ears up... I wonder how Totosai knew of Inuyasha's night? Doh! Remembered... Totosai brought Inuyasha his repaired sword on the New Moon night while he was still human. I love so much Kagome's confidence in her powers! Hmm... I wonder what this means that Kagome's back was hurting her? Was it just the way she was sitting? Or a hint of a future injury? I have to giggle at Inuyasha, he does love to play with Kagome's breasts especially now he has complete access to them. Shoes!! I love it! Inuyasha in shoes! I can't tell you how much that is amusing to picture his grumpy expression when being told about these. "Can't I wear sandals?" too cute!! Awesome and Amazing!! So sweet!! If anyone can get Inuyasha into a tux and shoes it is Kagome and I bet she won't even have to use anger to do it. I wonder will she make him a deal that he will look forward to? I really do cherish how much you have them both being playful in their relationship, in their love! Sighs very Romantically!! That has to be a bother to have pain when trying for romance/intimacy. I really loved the way Inuyasha got naked so fast and waggled his eyebrows playfull at Kagome. Too cute!! "We'll get to the other later..." Great line here! You keep them so very much in character but have them much more mature! Whoot! Whoot!! Inuyasha rubbing Kagome's back!! Love it!! I wonder what scented lotion Kagome is using? !! I love the massage scene!! I think Inuyasha may be wanting more of the massages now that he knows about them. This is Totally Awesom
 Title: Chapter Sixteen
Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 31, 2006 20:25 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
And here we are at Chapter 16 of the reviews!! Rubs hands I so can't wait to get started into this chapter!! So far I am thoroughly pleased and super amazed!! The story is flowing so wonderfully and smoothly from one chapter to the next! Superb work! Masterfully painted!! So Chapter 16: I still love it when they hold hands and can show affection for each other openly now. Mama Higurashi is certainly a very understanding mother. Great woman she is! I love they way you have her better than the Anime portrays her. She is not a "ditz" or empty headed like a lot of other writers like to portray her. She lets them know if they need to be intimate with each other they can and to be careful. Again, an Awesome capturing of the character that is not very in the series that often. The goofy grin!!! That is one of my favourite expressions to read written on Inuyasha! So sweet that Inuyasha said that, that he loves her and knows he doesn't say it enough and how hard it is for him to say it. Swoons in Romance... That was wonderful! Inuyasha getting his own clothing for the modern era to wear. And Mama is doing good... she knows he is fussy about the clothes. I love how you write their kisses. And I had to laugh at the image of them getting a face full of water while kissing... Great humourous and realistic touch there. I wondered if something like that could happen. That was a hot position he put her in... from Karma? Love the shower scene! So hot! And Nyummy!! Looks like Kagome wants to tire out her beloved hanyou. You always write so that it not 'sex' but heart filled love making. Kudos! Whoot! Whoot! Awesome! I wonder... Does Inuyasha's hair become very puffy after a shower when toweled off? Ah! Kouga has come back! With news I hope for everyone. And you have kept those two beta wolf demons perfectly in character... always panting trying to catch their breaths. Lol! Alright! Kouga showing some smarts there and leaving the area without being a big pain in the butt! Poor Miroku. Can just see the awkward pose he is in. Struggling to keep Sango back and keeping Shippou's mouth shut. That was a powerful paragragh you wrote there. With Kohaku's appearance. I am on the edge of my seat waiting to see! Okay that had me in tears as well! sango and Kohaku sobbing against each other. I can only hope that Kohaku will be freed from his torment, either by resting in peace or by somehow erasing his awful torture under Naraku's grasp. If anyone needs the jewel's wish it would be him. Maybe Tensaiga can be use? or are you following with what SessMom said? I'm still crying! This is a bunch of tissues pasage. LOVE it!! Oh Please keep it up! Maybe even have Kohaku get in the final blow... Oh I love the way you write, how you draw in the reader and effortlessly blend them into the characters, into the scenes, into the emotions... Truly Amazing and exquiste work!! That was so cute with Souta showing his great joy at knowing Inuyasha and Kagome are getting married! Loved that Inuyasha caught him and looked at him puzzled. Yes!! Kagome has matured! She understands the look Inuyasha gave her for what he was trying to say. He was asking her for help!! YES!! Love it!! Laughed when Souta stated he could be more like Inuyasha with the formal traditional clothing and I could see Jii-chan sweat drop at Souta's exclaimination!! Sango isn't take it well that Naraku's latest offspring was walking around in her old home. I did like the sense of loss that now is part of the village. It feels like Byakuya may want freedom from Naraku as well. He doesn't want to do any dirty work but likes to taunt and tease. That was an amazing first step for Sango and Kohaku in the healing process. I am so happy with Miroku being a very honourable person when Sango needs him to be her comfort, her strength at this time. Kudos!! Love the maturity that you are showing in Miroku that he is growing! And it was so touching that Rin was also worried about her. Love Kaede's wisdom! What a woman!
 Reviewed By: MetsukiKaraTen [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 30, 2006 23:29 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Shame shame on Shippou!! Looks like he's pretty much put himself on a 'time-out' by making himself scarce. I just love the description of the rings!! I love unique jewlery, and those rings just scream to be made!! I wish I were an artist, I can just seen them in my mind. Lovely chapter, I am anxiously awaiting your next update, I just love this story/series. Again I say thank you for sharing your talent with us all!! MKT
 Reviewed By: kzara_003 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 30, 2006 21:33 EST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Very nice fic. Keep updating it.
 Title: tears
Reviewed By: Witchlit [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 29, 2006 23:12 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*wipes away last traces of anime tears* i luv ur story...its so beautiful...cant wait for the next chapter...update soon!! ^_^..-.+
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