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"Live and Let Die (Part 3): Learning To Deal" Reviews/Comments [ 280 ]
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 Title: Yes
Reviewed By: ladytokyo [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 23, 2006 18:50 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OH I love this story, although I love everything that you write. Sorry for not reviewing. I so could wait to find out about sesshomaru in the future, it's just a bouns that you put in that he's with Rin. thank you plz update soon. I hope you win every award out there.
 Reviewed By: L'amor  On: October 23, 2006 16:44 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I applaud you, I have always loved your stories, but this is my first timre reviewing, sorry fi i never have done it before, and i want to say. YYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY, FINALLY YAY SESSHOMARU IS WIHT RIN, ALL IS RIGHT IN THE WORLD, *ahem* ok im back now, but yes I am very happy that you made them get together in this fic, I bow to you
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI  On: October 23, 2006 14:45 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yes!! I am beating my own record!!! Hooray!! Now this is a moment!! Yay!! Thank you Literary Goddess!! This is an awesome action packed chapter!! I am so thrilled by it!! And now perfectly timed and presented.. we look into Sango's mind and thoughts. So she went and had sex with Miroku because she was jealous of Kagome and Inuyasha. So the wrong reason. And poor Miroku! He thought she wanted to be with him that way because she loved him. He asked her if she was ready, he was gentle with her. She basically used him and now thinks he used her! She is gotten some wires up there in her head confused. "realized that she had done everything in her power to push the monk away from her." Well it looks like she has succeeded. He is going to avoid her now. She has sent off so many conflicting signals to him. I actually feel very awful for him this time. Exquisite!! Love it!! Boy, has Sango ever gone well into the deep end of over-reacting with this. I quite agree with Miroku on this one.. he was being supportive and loving to her. I am very pleased by the level of growth that Miroku has shown in the past couple of chapters! Very realistic and so wonderfully times. He showed compassion to Inuyasha when Kouga was a being a hot headed jerk. And I commend him on his quick thinking in associating the well, separation and getting Inuyasha down the well to safety after having Kaede about the reason why he was holding onto the well. Excellent writing!! The angst between them is palatable! Love it!! They need to work on their relationship as well. Miroku now understands about the depth of love and bond between two people. I like that, this new growth to his character! I was so happy that Miroku sucked it up and went and spoke with Kaede about his problem. I am so happy with his maturity! And Kaede to offer up that bit of advice that Sango is frightened and nervous at the speed in which the relationship has progressed. Simply Outstanding!! Kudos!! And the way they talked it out finally that was beautifully written. And very touching!! Awesome!! Whoot!! Woot!! I really liked this development with them understanding more about the way Inuyasha acted! That they will be together again when both are certain they are really ready. I love it!! And the ending scene of them just holding each other was perfect!! Please keep up the most excellent work!! Thank you Thank You THANK You so much for sharing this with us!! Can't wait for the next installment!!
 Reviewed By: Crimson Reaver  On: October 23, 2006 08:48 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This story is so well organised and written it's like watching the show. It's really an impressive effect. I can't wait for the next chapter!
 Reviewed By: bluezinthos nsi  On: October 22, 2006 22:21 EDT
i think mama is goning to end up seeing much more of her son in law than she ever anticipated at this rate. at least she knows there is no way they could ever live in the shrine. and totosai, i was so not expecting him. i always though he wasnt' quite as dense as he played.sesshy's been buying all the diamonds people have come across? are they really worth something in that time then? i'm glad the girls are sticking by kagome and inuyasha and eri seems to be backing off at least for the moment. it looks as if they have enough to deal with in the past. i don't think sango's questions on inuyasha's and kagome's relationship are going to be over yet since she's having trouble sorting out what she wants. brillant chapter as always.
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI  On: October 22, 2006 21:24 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
And Tah-Dah!! I am at part three of the review!! I'm on a roll!! Whoo-hoo!! What can I say!! I just love your writing!! Totally Awesome and Exhilarating!! I simply am thoroughly enjoying this story!! Thank you!! Okay. So Mama H and Kagome both know Eri has seen Inuyasha, I really like how they are both discussing the possible outcomes. This makes it real. I love that! You certainly know how to grab hold of your reader and draw them into the story so they are a part of it as well! That is a sign of a truly gifted writer! And every chapter flows and blends seamlessly into the next! Kudos!! Bravo!! Oh my.. This is a twist. There are guys at her school talking bad thing about Inuyasha?!! I hope they don't have plans or eyes for Kagome. They'll learn the very hard way different. I wonder if Inuyasha has heard any of this talking when he has gone to her school. I wonder if they talk still about the way Inuyasha took out the gym and sweep Kagome away? Giggles... I wonder what will be peoples reaction when they see her ring. "Mr. Worrywart" that is a cute nickname kagome called him and I am so thrilled to see he took it as the teasing she meant it in! I again am so happily and relieved that you keep all Inuyasha characters in character! It's truly amazing! Inuyasha being who he is takes the blame of Kagome's attack and injuries upon himself. And I love how Kagome explained that it wasn't his fault at all and that is was partly her error in her overconfidence that lead to her injuries. Kudos!! Bravo!! Awesome! That is so very Kagome-like! Chuckles.. Kagome is certainly looser with her language now.. giggles.. is this part of the effects from their bonding or is Inuyasha just rubbing off on her? And I am so happy that Inuyasha explained his behaviour and concerns to Kagome about what he felt when he went through the well. I love it that he opens up to her when they are alone. I love it that she sees a side to him that is hidden deep within him.. swoons with joy and fuzzy feelings. I needed a good dose of squish! Awesome how you have them discuss this new revelation to their bond. Better they know it now than if an enemy was to be the one to make them discover this. Kagome probably feels very honoured, very touched and overwhelmed... Inuyasha said a prayer for her. Wicked way that you explained how Inuyasha was able to return to Kagome after Kouga was a jerk. (really looking for a good Kouga pounding..) Bravo!! Bravo!! I love this! And they are happy with Miroku's actions. I think it would have been a very bad scene for Kouga if Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru were to sense her pain if Kagome had gone through the well. She was so bad off. Will they ask this question of Sesshoumaru when they go back? Will they explain to him the experience they went through? "I have no intentions of either one of us getting killed any time soon. We've both been given gifts we did not expect from our mating, and we need to gain control of them. Our bonds run deep in every way. I want to use them, not fear them." I had tears when I read that because it is exactly what Kagome would say to him. Exactly. During the kiss, I had a silly image of their tongues getting tangled up in a mess and them having to get Mama to untangle their tongues. I love how you have the characters mature, develop and learn things about themselves in a very realistic way. No snap of a finger a wham. They are suddenly Guru status of wisdom. So I thank you very much for this!! It is one of the very long list to the enjoyment of reading your stories!! I love how you write the kissing scenes for these two. Is thrilled by how you make every kiss so perfect and so new and different. sighs happily! lol!! Looks like Kagome was hoping for a little love making and there her mother was watching them (bet Mama was smirking and laughing at them when Inuyasha turned Kagome around.) Boy did she embarrass herself. Oh!! we are going to get to find out what is going through Sango's mind! Sweet!!
 Reviewed By: crc31789@hotmail.com  On: October 22, 2006 21:02 EDT
YAY. New chapter! I'm glad they're finally back in the past, and I like Inuyasha's idea about the rings. Also cool that Inuyasha let Kag's friends see his ears and touch them. And Sessh&Rin are gonna go see them! *glares at Kikyou*
 Title: plz!!
Reviewed By: Witchlit [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 22, 2006 20:53 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
plz update soon....its so freakin hard 4 me 2 wait 4 this story 2 be updated!!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI  On: October 22, 2006 19:52 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
And here comes Part Two! Gosh, darn!! I love it!! Thank you Literary Goddess!! and I do apologize for taking so long with getting my reviews up and posted...grumbles about internet. Okay I almost forgot to say.. This Totally Rocks!! "the twinge of fear that entered the wolf's scent" that is a statement of truth that I had ever heard. Will Sesshoumaru find out that Kouga was an idiot and tried to take Kagome away from Inuyasha? I so want to see people telling the wolf off, til he finally gets it through his thick skull. Sometimes repeated lessons are required... giggles.. Sesshoumaru is optimistic about Kouga by noting that Kouga had some "good sense" to fear Inuyasha in his full Youkai form. Great way to assure that Kouga won't be going after Kagome. Sesshoumaru would ensure that if Inuyasha didn't beat him to it first! "why the others in his pack had not noticed that InuYasha always returned to Kagome. The half-breed apparently had felt some sense of obligation to the undead miko, but he belonged with her reincarnation." I think that aptly sums it up for Inuyasha. I would like to know why they didn't notice this as well. I am glad that SesshouMaru has yet to learn the full extent of the history behind Inuyasha and Kikyou. I wonder if he ever will know? I love the fact that Sesshoumaru has this knowledge about mating and bonds. I love it when a writer gives him information and it only improves/enhances his character instead of making him OOC. Plus the fact the with his knowledge of the soul bond he knows about the dangers that Kagome and Inuyasha can face if separated. "All they each had to do was learn to harness the power that raged within them." That is going to be a little harder that it sounds. They are both have stubborn and impatient streaks. But so far they are doing good in their training. Though I do wonder if it could cause problems if not controlled? Too cute Sesshoumaru's thought wandering down to Rin. Lol!! Sesshoumaru is like Inuyasha that way... only acknowledge the hold these special girls have over them only in the deepest part of their minds. "..also seemed to buck against the fact.." I am confused by this phrase. What does it mean? "Rin never asked for anything other than to stay with him." I wonder if the two brothers will get together and compare this steadfastness and faithfulness about both Kagome and Rin. They (Kagome/Rin) both only ask to be by their sides (Inuyasha/Sesshoumaru)... That would make for an interesting revelation. I guess stitches would be like healing wounds, they get pretty itchy after a while. Did Kagome need to go back to the doctor that put the stitches in or did she just go to her family doctor? Is wondering which doctor she went to. I did like how the scene with the removal of the stitches went! I love this little added touches that add so much flavour and flesh to the story!! Whoot!! Kudos!! That Mama H. Using the engagement ring to take Kagome's mind away from the pulling and removal of stitches! That girl is rather single-minded when it comes to her beloved hanyou. Giggles happily!! Bravo!! I did laugh at the thought of Kagome trying to talk and cajoled Inuyasha the over-protective I'm-in-mother-hen mode hanyou. I had a little image in my head of it. Loved how smoothly Kagome was able to gloss over how she healed so fast. For once Jii-chan helped her out instead of making her a poster child for every conceivable disease and illness possible. I would have laughed if the doctor had brought that up because of all the absences from school. Ah-ha!! Eri has been caught in another little bit of trouble. About the redness on Kagome's arms.. would they go away as the area completed it's healing or did she need ointment? I can just image the blush on Kagome's face as she had to explain to her mother that Eri did come out. So Mama knows what Inuyasha and Kagome did in the woods, eh? I did love that Mama accepted it pretty good and was more concerned about what trouble Eri could make.
 Title: Danny Girl
Reviewed By: badgirl093 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 22, 2006 18:53 EDT
Really great chapter. I'm glad Kagomeand Inuyasha told Ayume and Yuka the truth. Well,well Totsai is alive and he's been keeping an eye on Kagome;s family for Sesshomaru and Rin. I can't wait till the four of them meet in Kagome's time. Back in the past if I were Kagome I would not except Kikyou's help (don't trust her) she is up to something isn't she? I can't wait till your next update.
 Reviewed By: Jester08 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 22, 2006 18:22 EDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great chapter. I can't wait for more! Update soon.
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI  On: October 21, 2006 15:36 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hooray!! Another chapter!! Another Exciting and Splendid chapter from the Literary Goddess!! Bravo!! Bravo!! Hooray!! and Whoot!! Woot!! so onto the chapter: I commend you on the way you don't have any part of the story lacking. Even if the characters haven't been interacted with for a while. All just smooth transitions. And to me that just makes the reading all the more impressive. Oh.. we get a look into the mind of Kouga.. Nice very nice! I guess Kouga being overly nosey in this case is good. I wonder if he'll find something that Sesshoumaru didn't already find out. Or that was told to Inuyasha and Kagome before they dispatched that awful assassin. Honestly I don't think he is 'aware' enough to notice things. I hadn't thought of the possibility that Naraku would re-use the body until Kouga thought it. (even though Sesshoumaru really took care of that problem effectively.) Loved the suspense you built there with Kouga's anxiety about no body. Very nice!! OHHHH!! I really liked the description of Kouga finding the "body"... That was very masterfully executed! I like a lot! Kudos!! Woot!! I like that Kouga told his wolves that they should avoid the spot of Sesshoumaru's poison... (could see the wolves rolling in if it smelt bad enough...) giggles... I'm being silly.. Oh thank you for adding that bit with the police! Great job with having them contact her in regards to a follow up. The police will more than likely now chalk it up to being in the wrong place at the wrong time and it was random violence... I would laugh if the police caught someone who had dressed up as Freddy Krueger. Whoot!! Thank you for addressing the concern I had with the police glossing over Inuyasha as a suspect!! The way that you had the one cop pursue Inuyasha undercover was Brilliant and added another sense of realism to the story!! Kudos and Bravo!! Alright we are going to learn more about Eri!! Heh!! Eri ran home after seeing Kagome and Inuyasha together and after seeing Inuyasha bare his fangs at her. I loved how you had Yuka and Ayume both stand up for Kagome and Inuyasha and be blunt and truthful with Eri! Kudos!! I love these interactions!! No minor character is treated as though they are a passing thought or a hey how do I get over this hump I know I'll throw this here with this person type of thought. No, you have them as very important parts of the story and it maintains such a smooth flow to the continuity. Brilliant!! I had a very good chuckle over Eri having to confess and gets put into the nice hole she dug for herself. Nice touch how you had them point out they already noticed the peculiarities of Inuyasha. This time it was Kagome's friends who rationalized and offered explanations to the oddities of Inuyasha. This was very refreshing! Whoot!! Bravo!! Kudos!! Truly Amazing and beyond Astounding work!! I love this story!! I love the way you write! That was also great how they told Eri to stay away from Inuyasha and Hojo and to get her own boyfriend! That was great! Chuckles very happily... Eri is in for a very big surprise... Big noses and big feet are just psydo-myths. What has been proven is the size is equal to the diameter going from tip of thumb to the tip of pointer finger if hand positioned in the pretend gun pose. LoL!! Sesshoumaru wanting to throw something... I know of a certain super dense wolf demon that would fit the bill and help him blow off steam. You have the greatest grasp of that most hard to write character Sesshoumaru! It's amazing, fantastic!! Sesshoumaru I think right now is the only one who is actively using all his resources to find Naraku. (of course he does have more resources available at his disposal.) Naraku definitely has no clue Kagome and Inuyasha are mated but he does know they "fuck" in the woods like "animals". I am soooo excited to eventually read about Naraku's expression when he discovers just how powerful they had become because the mating. They are going to wipe the floor with his butt.
 Title: wow!!!!
Reviewed By: Witchlit [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 16, 2006 14:36 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
wow!! this story iz amazing...i have been reading it since the beginning...PLZZZZ WRITE MORE!!!!! i luff it..i luff it...i luff it!!!!
 Title: Another great chapter!
Reviewed By: Phoenix7 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 12, 2006 12:53 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This story just keeps getting better and better with each chapter! I'd like for Sesshomaru to get the full scoop on what Kagome was talking about regarding Menomaru controlling her a couple of chapters ago, and I hope that Inuyasha kicks Kouga's butt for messing with him like that. Of course, if Kouga wants to stay alive, he won't try anything like that again. I hope to see Naraku show up soon, so the gang can unleash final justice on him. See ya next time!
 Reviewed By: bluezinthos [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 11, 2006 17:13 EDT
wow. somehow i'm sensing still more stumbling blocks for sango and miroku. it almost seems easier on her when she doesnt' have to be around inuyasha and kagome. like it's some sort of competition and since she's a trained warrior, she should win. ohhhh i hope kagome slaps kouga silly when she gets back. he'll probably run up and clasp her hand muttering about how worried he was about her after 'mutt-face' let her get hurt. grrrrr. i loved that no one really took eri all that seriously. she sort of brought that on herself by garnering that sort of reputation. will she talk to kagome when she's in for the next exams.and has anyone gotten brave enough to tell sesshomaru about shippou's little infatuation with rin. or are they going to tell inuyasha he has to have a talk with his brother now. (they would. chickens.) wonderfully done. ramen wishes and pocky dreams.
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