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"Live and Let Die (Part 3): Learning To Deal" Reviews/Comments [ 280 ]
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 Title: Part Three
Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI  On: September 19, 2006 23:21 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Here you go Literary Goddess!! Part Three!! Bravissimo!! And Whoot!!! I am so enjoying this story and how you add these extra little "loose ends" into the story at just the right time!! Like with Eri! Perfectly presented and intergrated!! That was a great way to discharge Kagome from teh hospital so she can cuddle in her own bed with her favourite koinu-chan. Nice realism with the instructions about Kagome's stitches and what to do in regards to washing.. I wonder if Inuyasha will make it his personnal responsiblity to see that Kagome doesn't get her stitches wet by washing her himself? Eri batted her eyes at Inuyasha.. humph.. I wonder if Inuyasha just rolled his in response. Oh Inuyasha! That soooo incredibly Inuyasha-ish.. speak without thinking!! and nice learning spurt there for Souta! I wonder about all the questions that will arise from this slip of the tongue?? Will Inuyasha have the Talk with Souta too? Loved how Souta comforted Inuyasha about Eri. Very touching! I enjoy their interactions! Heehee!! I think Inuyasha will definitely approve of Kagome not wearing a bra while her cuts heal. snickers.. Possible Inuyasha will love Kagome wearing traditional clothing for the time being.. He will really appreciate it... I wonder if he'll show Kagome how much he appreciates it. He must dream of KAgome in traditional clothes of his time. I like the discussion of getting married sooner. Though it makes it rushed for them I can see their need for it. Youkai understand the mating and they are a no touch but humans require that visible identity for understanding. Sighs... sad really.. But they want to be claimed in every way possible for the world to see. What is up with Sango and her attitude? .. oaky... I am thinking.. possible PMS-ing going on. Poor Miroku. He is acting decently and he gets this. Oh that drives me up the wall.. Kouga calling Inuyash mutt and other insults. He STILL blames Inuyasha for Kagome getting injured. Baka. Needs his butt kicked big time by both Kagome and Inuyasha. And it was like pulling hens teeth to get Kouga to talk. Nice. You kept him so perfectly in character. Very arrogant and self centered! I liked the ending to the chapter! Very good! I can't wait to read more!! Please keep up the most excellent work!! Thank you for sharing this with us!!
 Reviewed By: DYquem [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 19, 2006 23:20 EDT
Good job as usual. I always enjoy your stories. I always thought that Inuyasha could make a good living in the future with his diamond shards. At least they will pay for the ring and to repay Mama for all the supplies and ramen she must have purchased over the years
 Reviewed By: adea neri  On: September 19, 2006 22:56 EDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
im always looking out for an update. so glad for one. LOVE this fanfic. can wait to read more.
 Title: Part two
Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI  On: September 19, 2006 22:54 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
... here you go... Part two!! I love the way you draw us the reader into the story and merge us smoothly with the character and the situation so that we are a part and can expericence the same as the character .. to let us into the minds of the characters as they struggle and love! I really commend you on this!! Bravissimo!! Bravissimo!! Well, Kikyou now knows Kagome is SOOO Not helpless and Powerless because of her love and love-making with Inuyasha. Thank you, this Kikyou needed that placed in fron tof her face. Nice Kikyou let it slip her thoughts and hidden feelings about Inuyasha's demon body and youkai as well as her still low opinion of Kagome. "But if she purified his youki, it would make him human, and therefore acceptable" Ohhh I can see that coming back on Kikyou ten fold! Inuyasha I wonder if he'll find out this.. Nice come back from Kaede!! Though I wonder if Kikyou actually heard the words or even registered them. I don't believe it!! Yes!! Kaede has stood up to her sister about Inuyasha and Kagome and their relationship!! Alright!! HOORAY!! I liked that little tidbit.. Kikyou would have had sighed if she breathed! funny.. I bow to you!! That was exquistely pulled off!! I loved Kaede's postion and how she stayed firm in her standing. What riches you write into Kaede!! Nice how Kikyou and her nuturing of Onigumo made her resent/hate Inuyasha and Kagome. Is she twisting the situation to make herself out to be the infallible one?? How was the issue Onigumo Inuyasha's and Kagome's fault? Very bad pun.. but Kikyou needs to do some serious soul searching.. Did Kikyou back down a little too easily here or am I mistaken. But I did like that she will not force Kohaku to face something he is not ready to. I appluad her for that!! Literary Goddess this is Awesome!! This is an epic story and so filled with every emoition imaginable!! I love the fresh and unique approach you used. Oh my!!! So Very Sesshoumaru!! I guess he "Beamed" himself up... LOL!! Oh my!! Inuyasha in a Cafeteria!! this should be entertaining! Yeah!! His tummy growled I was hoping for that!! So Inuyasha likes the surgical hat.. I bet he looks adorable in it!! I wonder if Inuyasha or Souta will mention this to Mama and Kagome... Maybe they could find something similiar for Inuyasha to wear while at the shrine. Noodles!! I should have guessed!! That was funny!! and so Very Inuyasha-ish!! Inuyasha does show his love and appreciation for his noodles the best way!! lol!! Oh no!! Kagome's meddlesome friends! And Souta.. that was so little brother-ish! I love this!! What is Eri doing!!?? She is giving Inuyasha unwanted touches. He won't know how to react. Oh.. ick!! I can't believe Eri said that!! I hope Kagome finds out and let's Eri have it! I can see the wheels turning in Inuyasha's head about the marriage bit. Is it me or does Eri sound like she has had sex. I wonder if Eri is going to learn the hard way from Inuyasha that he won't go for her? Love to see her face when Inuyasha in true Inuyasha fashion tells her what he thinks. Oh! Loved Inuyasha's explaination to why Kagome woke up! Very ingenous of him! Smart puupy!! Nice .. real nice of Eri! That was truly uncalled for! Or was she trying to make Kagome seem unfavourable, pathetic and worthless so Inuyasha would coming swooning to Eri's arms? Poor Inuyasha.. he must feel rather uncomfortable right now.. he has closed himself off. Wonder what Kagome will say when she can speak to him... Nice Eri was certainly very obivious about it. I wonder if Kagome caught that as well or just Mama... it is funny in a way that Inuyasha is "hiding" behind Mama. Sighs.. nope Kagome completely missed it. I did like how Ayumi tried to stress on Eri Kagome and Inuyasha' relationship. I like that girl.. she's the only one of the group who isn't seemingly manipulative of Kagome. I am so pleased that Inuyasha did that and said that in front of everyone. So sweet and also I think was to emphasize how badly Eri was.
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI  On: September 19, 2006 19:46 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh yes!! Another spectacular chapter from my Literary Goddess!! This is great!! Whoot! Whoot!! Bravo!! I love the grabber that started the chapter! Action!! Intrigue!! Coolies!! I enjoyed it!! Being pulled right in from teh start!! Very well executed!! I can just hear Inuyasha right now! I swear he could probably put sailors to shame with his language! lol!! It makes him perfect! I can see that Inuyasha if ingored will resort to using force to have protect Kagome. I love that about him and you have pulled this off marvellouslly!! I love a protective Inuyasha! Oh my his markings started to show!! What is that nurse doing to make him sooo very ticked off with her? I had to laugh when Souta went to Inuyasha's side and waited to get a hold of Inuyasha's hand when he was waving it around!! I can just picture it in my head!! Thank you!! I am really enjoy this story very much!! Grrr I wanted to whack that dumb arrogant nurse with the medical chart over the head!! Pets Inuyasha on the head and rubs an ear.. VERY Good Boy!! You tell that nurse!! What is the matter with the nurse. If she gives Kagome another shot.. she could cause her to OD! Inuyasha must feel very ticked at having humans ignoring him again. Was Inuyasha baring his fangs at that nurse as well? I laughed again even though it is a pretty intense scene.. now the nurse was waving her arms!! Too funny!! I love your writings and your stories!! Have I mentioned that yet? Well I am now!! Kudos!! I love the way you paint the scenes and bring them to life!! I am soo Happy that the Doctor took Inuyasha serious and went to the chart. What Luck the nurse that had adminstered the injection had come in!! Just question.. the time frame? The nurse gave the shot during the night or close to sunrise? Just a little confused there the way Inuyasha was explaining. Yes the Doctor he checked the logs! Yes!! The nurse is going to get the dressing down!! That was awesome!! Hooray for Inuyasha!! Yes you expressed Inuyasha intelligence beautifully!! So many think he is a caveman in intelligence, grunt or whack something with a stick, but you You show his intelligence perfectly and exquistely!! Thank you, thank you so much for not dismissing him!! whew.. Kagome is okay. I was little worried as she slept through the whole episode. But the Doctor and Inuyasha both made me assured she was okay. Poor Inuyasha praised up and chastized at the same time! lol!! I loved that as well!! What a brillant blend of seasonings you add to the story to create this masterpiece! I was actually pleasantly surprised that Inuyasha's stomach didn't rumble or announce itself during this!! poor Inu he must be rather hungry... I wonder why Inuyasha's barrier never appeared? And now the meeting with Kikyou and Sesshoumaru with Kaede. I let my head drop onto my desk.. Kikyou is still so caught up in her own arrogance that it isn't going to end favourably for her... again. Thank you Sesshoumaru for asking Kikyou and pointing out what we have all been wondering.. If she wanted to Kill Naraku why didn't she when she had so many chances and why did she aid Naraku in becoming so much stronger and cause that much more destruction and heartache. Kikyou.. smooth.. real smooth.. avoided answering their questions properly. But I do really commend Kikyou for Finally accepting/taking responsiblity for the creation of the monster that is Naraku. Awesome that you had Kaede speak those words about denying the others their right to their vengence. They all have rights to avenge. Sweet shot by Sesshoumaru!! Yes!! Finally!! Pointing out to Kikyou that her sister is powerful. Again you have capture perfectly each character! Kikyou does tend to have been so "pampered(?)" so looked up to by all others that it played a huge part in her arrogance. Kudos!! and Bravo!! Thank you for keeping everyone in character, for making them mature and for creating those wonderful and delightful new characters like Myoujou!
 Reviewed By: anime fanlover [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 19, 2006 12:25 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
as always, the please update soon thing... ¬¬ eri's a bitch... can't believe she did that... O.oº
 Reviewed By: bluezinthos nsi  On: September 18, 2006 21:43 EDT
can i smack kaouga upside the head please. honestly, inuyasha let kagome get hurt. what would kouga do, keep her in a cave? she's gonna fight, she's gonna get hurt. she's stubborn like that. he seems so determined to be a part of their business even though he can't be her mate. very determined to know where they went. and i almost died when inuyasha muttered about eri wanted to fuck his brains out in front of souta. that girl is just asking for it. and sango. at finrst i was really thinking that maybe she wasn't emotionally ready for the next step in her and miroku's relationship but i have to agree with miroku. if i tried something and got hit, i would't try again either! and man does she have trust issues with inuyasha even after her talk with sesshomaru. is he gonna come back to tell them what's up and get nailed by her royal moodiness? can't wait for the next one!
 Reviewed By: crc31789@hotmail.com  On: September 17, 2006 22:39 EDT
*sighs with relief* It's a good thing Souta was there with Inuyasha. And it's a REALLY good thing Inuyasha's blade is so rusty looking when untransformed. Very nicely written scene. *wrinkles nose* Inuyasha had to give her his blood through is mouth. Ewww. It's gotta be extremely unpleasant to drink blood. "The bag was full of /diamonds/" heh heh heh. She almost fainted. It would be really hard to explain where they got so many /diamonds/ from. Hopefully no one will ever find out that they have them... I find that I'm very interested in Kaede and Sesshomaru meeting. Any encounters they have catch my attention. I just think they're interesting characters to have in the same place, conversing. Woot. Even more of an interesting, unexpected encounter--Kaede and Sesshomaru going to see Kikyou. How's that going to turn out? We'll just have to wait and see... Dun dun dun. Heh. ^^" Nice chapter. Took me seven days to notice you'd updated but I'm happy to see that you did. I like this story. I've been reading so many other stories though that I had to skim back and think really hard to remember the specifics of this one. T_T
 Title: OMG WOW OMG!
Reviewed By: todavialoca [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 12, 2006 19:56 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow, okay this is going to sound weird but i just spent about a days worth of reading nothing but the whole fanfic from the beginging. I must compliment you on how well you write and hope that you continue with the story as soon as possible. So far this whole thing has left me on the edge waiting so read the next chapter. I think I am addicted to to fanfic that you are writing and absolutely waiting for more. Please please, cont. with the story, its killing me not knowing what is going to happpen next. The way you tell this story, makes it extreamly believible, I honestly believe that this should be an episode in Inu-Yasha!! I am so addicted to your fanfics!
 Reviewed By: Caitriona695  On: September 12, 2006 08:19 EDT
I think you did an excellent job with Inuyasha after Kagome was injured. You have laid enough groundwork in previous chapters to make every one of this actions and reaction seen completely normal. Excellent job. Thanks for sharing!
 Title: Great work!
Reviewed By: Phoenix7 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 10, 2006 21:48 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Your stories just keep getting better and better. Naraku's really in for a world of hurt when he decides to finally show his sorry, cowardly self, since he thinks that Kagome's powers are gone (You wish, Naraku....), and he's in even more trouble now that Sesshomaru and Kouga have finally made peace with Inuyasha and his companions. I really liked the romance scenes between Inuyasha and Kagome, and Sesshomaru's lessons that he gave to both Inuyasha and Kagome regarding their telepathic bond was incredible. If they can learn to control it effectively, then Naraku won't stand a chance of fooling them with those illusions of his. I hope to see more exciting chapters soon.
 Reviewed By: InuyashasBiggestFan [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 10, 2006 14:30 EDT
Hm, sorry I haven't updated in a long time but i've been busy. So I just read your last chapter it's really good. Will Kagome have any side affects to being given so much hanyou blood? Like turning into a hanyou? lol. Update soon!!
 Title: .. Part Three
Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI  On: September 08, 2006 23:03 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
... hee hee hee.. embarrassed. well. looks like I have a three parter going.. so here is the final part to my review. I lved and laughed at the final scene with Kagome hogging the bed after Inuyasha left to go to the washroom. adn when she woke up he explained it to her. Funny how she blushed and got all embarrassed about going to the washroom. Did Inuyasha sort of use his powers/talent with the nurse when she gave Kagome the painkillers when Kagome started to move in pain? And the meeting with Kaede, Sesshoumaru adn Kikyou... I wonder how that will go.. I look forward to it! Please Keep up the most wonderful and excellent work!! I love it!! Thank you for sharing this story with us and for posting it! You Totally Rock!!
 Title: Part two
Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI  On: September 08, 2006 22:57 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I am in amazement Literary Goddess!! I love this story and your writings!! And now for Part Two of the Review : Almost as if he has to see it to believe it that his little brother took out and single-handedly killed the famed Assassin to Youkai and Humans. I liked how Sesshoumaru investigated the terrain and the attack patterns. So Cool, Very Cool!! Will the arrows be gathered up and see if they are re-usable. I liked the description of the body when Sesshoumaru went to check the Assassin out. And his thoughts of the difference between the methods/ways Inuyasha (Hanyou) and Inuyasha (Youkai) would take care of the threat to Kagome! Very amazing!! I really love how you have written about Sesshoumaru's inner thoughts! I loved how Sesshoumaru used his poison on the body.. kind of like a Take That after the fact. Made me chuckle. I love the cliffies that you have included in this chapter for us!! Well the scene back in the hospital with Mama and Kagome that was great!! With her pulling the blanket up so touching! I wonder what is going to happen now that they have a hold of Kagome's blood with Inuyasha's blood merged in her? What kind of tests will they want to pull or do to examine her blood? At least Kagome, heh, has some proof now of illness. She has unique blood. Hope the hospital doesn't see the strange qualities in her blood as something to "cure". And Inuyasha in doctor scrubs.. can we say sexy! Great with following hospital procedures nicely!! I love it!! Those touches of realism!! I wonder if it was a patterned set of scrubs or if it was the regular green set? I really loved how Inuyasha is putting aside his complaints about Kagome's time in her time of need. That shows more depth to his character. Oh my word!! TOO Cute, Mama giving Inuyasha a kiss on the cheek!! I loved it!! Simply Awesome!! It again goes to show how much he is loved and how little he has received any kind of contact beyond Kagome. For the part with Inuyasha having to wake Kagome and help her with offering his blood to replace hers was it instinctual or was it something Sesshoumaru or Myouga had mentioned? Well it looks like Kagome found something else she enjoys about Inuyasha. His blood. Strange girl, that Kagome. Who would have thought her to be into Vampirism? Lol!! I love all the parts of this story!! So very unique and original!! And I had the same question as Inuyasha what was she thinking!! But so sweet that she asked him to stay with her and keep her warm! Image of Inuyasha in a poofy showercap came to mind and I laughed when I read about the scrubs cap. So sweet and so very Inuyasha to watch over her as Kagome slept. I don't think I can express it properly just had wonderful adn fabulous this story is! I enjoyed how Sesshoumaru in his mind at least acknowledged the strengths and determination of Inuyasha's pack. Liked how Kouga ans Sesshoumaru interacted. That was great!! Darn the Kouga. He won't even give the proper credit to Inuyasha for destroying this Assassin!! YEAH!! Thank you Sesshoumaru for standing up and growling at Kouga for blaming Inuyasha for Kagome's injuries! I was really happy with the way Mama found and took care of the diamonds for Inuyasha and Kagome!! That was really clever!! I really love all these touches of realisms and extra details that you include into your stories!! It just brings it more to life!! Makes it like I am a part of the story and lets be inside/part of each character!! These are marks of a truely gifted writer!! I liked how Kikyou finally arrived at the village, it was timed perfectly!! Shows Kikyou's maturity at understanding that Kohaku needed to stay away from his sister until he is ready to see her but will go see her siste and let them know she is there and both are safe. I loved the maturity and the firmness while remaining diplomatic that Inuyasha displayed at remaining beside Kagome's side for as long as she needed him right beside her.
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI  On: September 08, 2006 22:10 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yipeee!! Another Chapter from the Literary Goddess!! Whoot!! Woot!! The beginning; very nicely done! I liked how you took care of Kouga's pack mates so they were not there. That was nice. Noticed that Shippou was curious about Kouga and wondering where Kagome was but he didn't even have a thought about Inuyasha. Hmmm.. think the little Kitsune still has issues about Inuyasha.I really like how you have maintained Shippou as the brat who is still learning throughout the series!! He doesn't just suddenly become the perfect child!! Thank you!! Liked how Shippou was whining and demanding to know why Inuyasha took Kagome home. Very Nice with having Sesshoumaru shutting him up with a look! I giggled a little at that! Very smooth of Miroku cutting in, answering then smoothly deterring the conversation away from Inuyasha and Kagome and the potential blabbing of the Well by Shippou. Great way you had both Sesshoumaru and Kouga give the background history of the assassin and his morals. I really love the plot development that is going on here. Great building of tension!! Oh my… LOL!! The part with Naraku… I know it was meant to be serious but I just can't take him seriously with that laugh and keep a straight face. Though I really do love to hate him. He is such a coward and a jerk. Using others for his dirty deeds. It will all backfire on him!! Cause the others only get stronger, develop more and more powerful with everything Naraku throws at them whereas Naraku remains at the same level. I hope that everyone can keep up the deception on Naraku!! Glares hard at Shippou.. Poor Mama Higurashi, Souta, and Inuyasha! I shuddered at the comment that Kagome said that not so long ago Inuyasha said! Very realistic the way that Mama and Kagome where going about making sure Inuyasha had reverted back into his Hanyou state! Kudos!! That was so funny!! I know it was too was meant to be serious... but all I could see in my mind is Freddy Kreuger when Kagome said it was a guy wearing a glove with knives. Oh Dear!! The police are involved now!! I can see problems in the future for our favourite couple!! Sweet and touching the interaction you had with Souta! I liked it!! Hooray for Souta for jumping in with the police!! But of course they would suspect Inuyasha! Shakes a fist a police.. don't you be saying Inuyasha hurt her! But they are going to keep an eye out on him now aren't they because of her injuries and the vagueness in which they talk about the attack. Poor Inuyasha I can see it now.. the first fight that he gets into with Kagome or the first jealous fit he goes into they will pounce like rabid beasts upon him!! I liked how Souta answered the question on behalf of Inuyasha shows quick thinking!! Thank you!! This is getting better everytime I read it!! And with every new chapter!! Question: will the police notice the difference in stories from Inuyasha and Kagome? The only mistake I found was the mention of the Higurashi Shrine, I thought it was called the Sunset Shrine? Or am I mistaken? Smart to say Inuyasha lived at the Shrine with them. Very smart!! I am hoping that Jii-chan doesn't do or say something to screw up things and cause troubles with this attack and the police. I don't want to say it, but the scene with the police could have been more 'beefed', I guess. I'm really sorry, I don't want to be say anything negative it just is a concern. It was just that one scene. I'm sorry. It seemed like they, the police, were a little passive in the report of the attack and the questioning of suspects.. Perhaps have the police more intense and confrontational, little more sharper with their questions. But maybe they are waiting for Kagome to be released from the hospital or for the incident to get assigned to a detective. Oh!! Maybe they are Youkai/ Hanyou in disguise!! Will we meet Sesshoumaru in the future? Very cool how Sesshoumaru had to go check out the scene of the attack on both Kagome and Inuyasha.
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