Title: FFRG Review Reviewed By: Kari Izumi [MediaMiner Member] On: October 16, 2006 18:29 CDT Comment/Review: I know you said you preferred someone who had seen this series...and sadly, that isn't me. Sorry :( However, I found this to be a strongly written piece of work. I'm assuming the character you have written about is an extreme pacifist, and that his nature led to his downfall in the series...This does a good job of exploring how he has lived to regret this, for his son's sake. The tone of remorse is very apparent and you did a good job of conveying that sense of trying to do what he can for his son. The style of the writing itself is very solid and very descriptive without being too overly dramatic. The only problem with spelling being " I can her Kalutika ordering his son, but other than that grammar is great and story flow is strong. There's really nothing else I have to say on this story. It's very well-written.