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"Life In A Bottle" Reviews/Comments [ 18 ]
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 Reviewed By: Miheran  On: October 24, 2007 02:40 CDT
this is a great story, which i only found this and the preveise last week, which i enjoy very much. can't wait to see what happens with Ku Fei and whats his name (I forgot it)
 Reviewed By: Dark Lord Tokunaga [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 02, 2007 06:59 CDT
wow, i knew Hakase was wierd, but not that wierd to ignore anyone who didn't have a supernatural reason... like what Natsume said... not was i expecting Negi to just ignore Takamichi's call... but i kinda was ready for the fluff in this chapter, plus, what Masa said was funny... nuff said...
 Reviewed By: Dark Lord Tokunaga [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 21, 2007 01:28 CDT
nice new chappie, and i have to say... that was suprising, what he did to those thugs... and i guess i have low self esteam, then, cus i'm not pissed about the wait, i'm just hard to piss off, i guess. =p and wow, wasn't expecting the "Puppet Master" to confess that she loved little Negi... well, i'll be waiting for the next chapter
 Reviewed By: Dark Lord Tokunaga [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 22, 2007 12:52 CST
nice works, but are you using time-shifts? it seems like each chapter is farther and farther away, timewise, from each other... but maybe it's just me, and i don't undertand.. did you make up a character? and did Ku-Fei imagine him saying "Sunshine"? or did he actually say it
 Reviewed By: Dark Lord Tokunaga [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2007 15:38 CST
nice story, and in what volume of the manga does this take place in... is it after the festival?... we obviously it is... hm... i guess i can live with the giveaway... i know that she and Negi are related somehow... meh, nice chapter and good job with the Wanderer's voice-from-everywhere... i'll keep reviewing, and i'll probably write a valentine's day one-shot... hope you'll check it out
 Reviewed By: Dark Lord Tokunaga [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 06, 2007 21:48 CST
well, thank YOU for writing such a good story. Well, to be honest... I enjoy reading and reviewing good stories... I think of it as my unofficial job... unofficial cus im still in high school... but hey, whatever.. and thanks for actually recognising me... most people just say a general "thanks" to the reviewers, but w/e i'm a Nobody... thanks for listening to my little rant
 Reviewed By: Dark Lord Tokunaga [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 27, 2006 18:48 CST
i love it, but i can't believe that Nodoka's just gonna let Negi and Chachamaru do that.... after what she's been told by Serac... i loved the scene betwen chacha and negi, kinda felt for ku-fei it happened a long, long time in my past... for a girl... damnit.... memories are back, i'll dropp off another review when i have my emotions under controll again.... bye bye...
 Reviewed By: Dark Lord Tokunaga [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 27, 2006 07:22 CST
i guess i can try, but i'll drop off anyther review when i get back home, track is good an all, but it eats up my tim....
 Reviewed By: Master Masa Random  On: December 05, 2006 19:53 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Er... well I guess it's tough for me to review this again... but eh, it's great work, you've really tied in everything from your previous works and kind of showing the effects of the aftermath, kind of like post-war isn't it? Well keep it up buddy, you know I'll read to the very end!
 Reviewed By: Dark Lord Tokunaga [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 03, 2006 21:04 CST
i guess, what they say after he comes to in the infermery..... and what ku-fei says and does to connor, know what i mean? and it was funny, sad, and a little confusing at the same time..... all i can say is, wow.... well, maybe also "keep up the good work"
 Reviewed By: Dark Lord Tokunaga [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 27, 2006 23:15 CST
steriotypes are ignoreable, if you understand that he is joking.... to a degree.... and i guess being all knowing has it's perks, and problems.... but i guess Serac has no choice.... nice chapter too, makes poeple think about the atrocities of mankind.... 
 Reviewed By: Dark Lord Tokunaga [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 24, 2006 23:07 CST
cool chap.... and i can overlook the religion thing..... anyway, i can not wait for Serac to explain.... or for negi's date...
 Reviewed By: Dark Lord Tokunaga [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 20, 2006 16:42 CST
wow... what connor did was over the top.... but hey, it helped her confidance issues... so whatever... in anycase, is nodoka with The Wanderer? and i can't believe negi's gonna go out with someone he doesn't even know.... and chacha's got emotions now? cool... GO CHACHAMARU!!!! hey, what can i say... she's cool... read book10 or 11.. chachamaru rocks
 Reviewed By: Dark Lord Tokunaga [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 18, 2006 12:43 CST
hot coffee..... i still don't know what that is.... nor do i want to know..... and nice chappie.... and 'It's the schoolgirl-love-sparkle.....to a degree that I've never seen before" line kills me.... and i agree with connor... the guy that handed him the icecream is a bad-ass... and is that an actual brand? i'm doubting it, but seriously.... it sounds good enough to spend eternity in Hell...
 Reviewed By: Dark Lord Tokunaga [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 18, 2006 12:09 CST
Heh heh heh... i love philosophical conversations.... almost as much as i love a good game of Go.... too bad i can never find either..... and i pretty much understand everything The Wanderer said.... and yes, i am 14.... and no... i wasn't confused....
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