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"Violation of Honor" Reviews/Comments [ 497 ]
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 Reviewed By: inuyasha-coolness [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 28, 2007 11:54 PDT
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzz review!!! DDDXXXXX *moans in agony* im dying uuuuuuuuuugggggggggghhhhhhh DX... this is the best story eveeeeeeeeeerrrrr!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Yabou [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 18, 2007 19:29 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Damn girl. That's was wonderful. I don't think I've ever read a story quite like this, and I know its horrible to say (even if it is just about a character) but I have to agree that Sesshoumaru does need to be knocked down a notch or two to (realistically) be with Kagome. Your writing is amazing. You are amazing. And that, my dear, was one of the sexiest lemons I have ever read. And, its definitely one of the best stories. ~Yabou ~SL
 Reviewed By: Nebride [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 17, 2007 19:09 PDT
Just ran across your fic and read it all in one day. I really, really enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing. I look forward to reading more. :)
 Title: wow
Reviewed By: monk-miko  On: August 15, 2007 20:13 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You do not know how long I have been waiting for these chapters. These where the best chapters ever. Though Kagome is still blind, she and Sess did have a fun time. LOL. Anyways I hope that you write another chapter soon cause I have been dieing just to read these chapters. I hope that Sess does not leave Kagome behind with that other lady. She maybe able to help Sess in the end. Just continue to write the story cause it is just getting to good to stop now. Two chapters in one day is really good from how long they are. Hope that you can do it again cause I will be checking very often for the next chapter. I just have to see what happens after that lovemaking scene. Hope to have one soon. Ohh and by the way I just keep rereading your story that's how good it is.
 Reviewed By: DemonandGoddess4ever [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 15, 2007 10:11 PDT
I really like you stlye of writing and your useage of words. I've just started chapther 9 and "Violation of Honor" is addicting! >.< I couldn't wait to get online again to read it! I have a question thought. In the story you said Asuza can feel what her slaves feel, does it matter how far apart they are? Also Please for the sake for my crazy addiction keep writuing!!!!! Thanks! =] Lot of love, Me
 Title: WOW!
Reviewed By: PitaBread [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 14, 2007 08:17 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This was absolutely fabulous!!! That was probably (I know this is going to sound awful, but I mean well, trust me!) the absolute BEST "de-virginizing of Kagome" that I've ever read! Seriously... it was hot, sweet, and... surprising! Not only did he say things to her, but a declaration? He might as well have said "I love you"! I'm telling you, it was great. But you already know that! You were there! LOL Also, I've read a LOT of Kagome-based lemons, and as she is OBVIOUSLY a virgin, and everyone has hopes that Sesshy is... er, well-endowed, we have a preeeeeety good feeling (since, hopefully, most of us reading this are, hopefully, not virgins) that her first time is gonna HURT. I am so incredibly sick of reading lemons that give her a little discomfort, then she goes buck-wild. But, her pain was so believable it almost brought me back to my first time! (That was too much information, wasn't it? LOL I just wanted you to know how great your writing was!) It shows that you are a little older and experienced than some of the other girls writing fanfics, because some have not learned that realism isn't going to ruin the moment. I'm a little concerned about how InuYasha is going to react (I'm sure he will smell Sesshy all over her), and I really hope that Inu isn't the one that "outs" Sesshoumaru. But then again, it may be interesting. Anyways, I look forward to seeing more of this wonderful story, as well as more lemons. As a sidenote, I wanted to ask if you ever feel like a traitor, pairing Kagome with Sesshoumaru? I wrote a Kouga x Kagome story, and although I adore them as a couple and had no problem writing their scenes together, I occasionally felt guilty when I came to write for InuYasha himself, especially when he was in anguish over losing Kagome. I also wanted to ask if you ever feel bittersweet about ending a story. I just ended a story, and even though I wanted it to end so I could concentrate on another story, I also wanted to keep going (in fact, my readers convinced me to write an epilogue for the story! LOL). I don't know if I'm the only one that gets so attatched to their stories. Also, I don't know if you plan out or write down your stories in advance as well. I do, so when I know it's ending, I get in a funk... lol. I'll be sad to see VoH go, but I wanted to know your take. It can't last forever, after all. Sorry for such a long comment... Hope I didn't waste too much of your time! -Pita
 Reviewed By: inuyasha-coolness [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 13, 2007 15:41 PDT
i spelled bleed wrong... only because im still dazed from the lemon (T___T)
 Reviewed By: inuyasha-coolness [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 13, 2007 15:40 PDT
those two chapters were rediculously amazing! my dear lord on a cracker!! i love you and your amazing lemons!! i love you thi------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------s much!! now i have to go tend to my massive nose blead *dazily cleans keyboard*
 Title: Avid Reader
Reviewed By: KawaiiGirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 13, 2007 15:32 PDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Review #2: WAI!! I love it. Finally, we've gotten past the sexual tension and the Shippou & Co.'s discovery. Now, they can finally work on being united. ...Though that means Sesshomaru and Kagome have to be seperated... = ( But you'll put them together again soon, right? My only worry is that Inuyasha and Shippou will be able to tell Kagome's not a virgin anymore and said thoughts will lead to the wrong conclusions (Shiipou thinking the youkai Kagome escaped with molested/raped her). But hopefully, even if that happens, you won't go with the sp00ty cliche of Inuyasha shoving Kagome into the well because he's so 'disgusted' and feels 'worthless' and 'negligent'. Well, in any case, Sesshomaru still has to take Kagome to that village with the blind girl. Wonder what'll happen there? No doubt you'll make that interesting. Hopefully no search parties will be present. >.> Oh! I did have one Q: Where exactly ARE Kagome and Sesshomaru? Close to the Western stronghold (on Sesshomaru's land)? Or are they still in the North? ...Or were they in the South before? ^^;;; I should go check. Well, again, great double update. Loved this chapter, and I'm looking forward to more. *gives you a cookie* Ja mata!! ^o^
 Title: Avid Reader
Reviewed By: KawaiiGirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 13, 2007 13:22 PDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yes, I am enjoying this story (like there was any doubt that I/we would) very much! But what is that they say, 'The sacrifice of one for the good of many'? Someone has to die, right? I thought she'd make the most sense. Unless you're going to kill our Monkey Price, but that would be unacceptable. But anyway... thanks for the double update! I'll even review twice (more because of the lack of space and seperation of ideas than anything). This was another really good chapter. The bath scene was surprisingly... sweet. Less romantic and more along the lines of 'I wish I could find someone who I could trust to bathe me if I were blind'. You know? Lucky Kagome... I could totally see Sesshomaru with low-rise jeans on. LOL Especially with one of those chained wallets everyone had in the 90's. Ahh... Good times. Here's hoping Shin gets in and out quickly. Not to mention matches their description with the missing miko correctly. ...At least we know he has good news. ^^
 Title: To love or not to love THAT is the question
Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 13, 2007 01:28 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
owwwwwwww I feel sooo bad for Inuyasha....I get so confuessed with stories like this because I've alway wanted Inuyasha and Kagome to be together. In stories like this I want her to be with the person she feels affection but I feel realy bad if Inuyasha still loves her...it doesn't hurt as much when he doesn't love her but it realy hurts when he does an she fall for some one else it realy bugs me....What is Sesshoumaru going to do, if he drops Kagome of at the village to be taken home what is he going to say if he refuses to let her know who he is how will she know its him..will he tell her and explain why he must leaver her??...oww I hope it works out alright.....wouldn't that be funny if apone lossing her verginity she regains her eye sight...that would make alot go smother but I dought you'll do that because that would just be to easy...hehe...well I realy don't care how you do it just make it work......Oh an another thing Shippo sure is hanging around Inuyasha to much he is acting just like him twards Shin, not that Shin doesn't desurve it or any thing...............the only thing I can say is I'm glad that my life isn't filled with so much drama....keeping up with school work is hard enoph.......ok hope you up date soon Nyuka
 Reviewed By: sweetkijo [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 12, 2007 18:13 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow, first and foremost let me thank you for the TWO chapters you gave. They were both amazing. My heart paced as I read about their first time. I have to say, I dont know how it is possible, but you get better and better with each lemon you write. Great job!! I am a little concerned with the aspect that he will be leaving her. What will that do to her emotionally? He hasnt spoken much to her, and I doubt he will explain what is happening. Will he even be able to go through with it?? Well I guess I will have to wait and see. Thanks again for the update. You take care!
 Reviewed By: docbevculver [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 12, 2007 15:57 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
As wonderful as always. I truly enjoyed reading these two chapter and the lemon was PERFECT! Bravo! Can't wait for the next chapter. Oh, and I do hope you and Silent's hentai muses get back together. I've been looking forward to a new chapter in the House of Lemons. ^_^
 Title: Wow
Reviewed By: Tiegrsi  On: August 12, 2007 14:01 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I was so thrilled to check back today and find not one, but TWO new chapters to read since last time I checked in. And what chapters they were! I am feeling the love! Reading about Sess going into the town, I was wondering why he would choose to bring Kagome there...Then I realised your ploy. If he leaves her with the blind woman (who he purposely made sure was the only person who 'saw' him), no one will be able to tell Kagome what he looks like! Nice trick ;) I really think Sess is being a bit over-sensitive, though. I can't picture Kagome thinking, 'oh, wait, so this guy I care about and was so kind and helped me through everything (and now made love to me) is Sesshomaru? Ew, get away from me!' I hope he reveals himself...although...I know he wont anytime soon. I am looking forward to the 'reveal'. As for Shin, I think I'd like to step on his bothersome dragon butt. He reminds me very much of Jaken, though thankfully I do read too many fics containing 'dirty thoughts' or inuendo from the toad. And, for the record...that lemon was...EXTREMELY wonderful. I love how you added in how the acts that were forced upon him are messing with his mind, though I do feel sorry for him. But Sess is a strong youkai, I think he will mend well, given time and Kagome's love and patience! And the little vow of monogamy? Wonderful! Too bad his voice was too raspy at the time for Kags to realise just who was pledging himself to her, and vise versa. I'll be waiting patiently for the next installment. Oh, and if you do update emails (not sure if you do), could you please include me on the list? Tiegrsi@aol . com (just remove the spaces). Thanks for keeping me entertained!
 Reviewed By: Shadesof Night114 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 12, 2007 01:52 PDT
WOW!!!! you never disapoint!!that was freaking great lemon. I have waited with high hopes for your story to be updeated. and it was so WORTH IT! When will kags get her sight back? I know that all hell will break loss when it does, Kags temper is legendary. *Big Grin* Keep up the great work. Love ya!! for your story at least. lol
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