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"Red Blood - Blue Stone" Reviews/Comments [ 43 ]
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 Title: WRITE MORE!!!
Reviewed By: Someone_weird_muffin  On: March 31, 2007 08:21 CDT
YAY!! Are you writing again?!? HOPEFULLY.
 Reviewed By: Pacifica2010 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 27, 2007 22:35 CDT
Wow it is really good i am so into it and can't wait for you to up date. It is awsome can't wait for more please update soon!!
 Reviewed By: xXx_Wings_of_a_demon_xXx [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 12, 2007 22:31 CDT
ARE YOU SERIOUS! ZOMG (with ! marks and 1s attached) Yah, you should totaly come to my school, you would have a blast! XD By the way, I totally still want to be your friend, but I don't know why we're having this conversation on the review boards...XD oh yah, mo0fin, check out the all new fanfiction that I posted. you may be a bit surprised ;) by the way, like, ALL of my friends are either obssesed with twilight, or in the middle of reading it. I am very purswaysive! (I KNOW that I didn't spell that right, leave me alone)
 Title: Sorry ...
Reviewed By: Muffiness  On: March 11, 2007 21:24 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Kiki ... if you really don't want to continue, don't bother. It's alright. I just want to agree with Manga Girl, that flamers should burn. (Teehee. Goo Mustang.) But, I wanted to add something, Kiki. Sorry we aren't that close anymore ... I don't want this to happen. At all. Infact, I'm probably not going to my school next year. My parents brought this up because they know I hate it there. And, my dad asked me if I wanted to go to your school. Well! Maybe all hope is not lost for me. xD But I don't know if you still want to be my friend ... sorry if you don't. Also, is it alright if I write an Eureka 7 fanfiction on that account? xD MY NEW ADDICTION ZoMG -Muff'
 Reviewed By: xXx_Wings_of_a_demon_xXx [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 10, 2007 12:31 CST
I'm sorry to say that It was not the flamers fault. I merely find no more interest in writing the story. I could honestly care less what some sick flamer thinks of my story, but I just don't want to continue. it really is a pity, I like the story line...but...I just don't have the time anymore, because Muffin and I aren't all that close anymore. And I have to draw attention to the fact that this story is not fresh- it as made pretty well a year ago. But I would thank you if you reviewed on my other storys that are a little fresher.Please note that I will update when inspiration hits me, if it ever does. (On this fanfiction) But alot of patients will be required on your part, anyways.
 Reviewed By: Manga Girl [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 09, 2007 22:29 CST
In response to the flamer and you dropping the story: Please, you really must continue on with the story. It is most disappointing to me when an author drops a story. Please don't take this the wrong way, but really, you're letting the flamer win. By allowing their words to wound you and letting yourself admit defeat, you have already lost. Flamers are all morons who have no life- I care not if that insults the flamer, flames should just be between the author and the flamer, not all the readers. Not only is that rude, but cruel as well. Next, when you start a story and create characters that are yours and yours alone, you cannot simply give the story off to another. Because you are the creator of those characters, no one but you should ever be able to write their story, no one but you will ever truly know how your character's head works. I'm sorry if this offends you in any way; that is not my goal. My goal is simply to bring attention to the fact that a fine author was offended and has given up her story because of it. I hope you continue to read my story, I just finished another chapter, I really hope my words mean something to you. And on a last note, I truly hope you pick back up the story. Thank you for your time- Manga Girl (your fan).
 Title: Yayayayayaya
Reviewed By: Britni Fullmetal Otaku [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 02, 2007 20:12 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Your story is reeeeeeeeally good!! I havent had much time to read your story all the way yet, but I'm getting there. Its awsome! And I usually try not to bash people too much, but I have to just this once [{not you}], but Electric_Saphire. You also flamed my story, Saphire. Look, people try REALLY hard to write their stories. Ok? The last thing they need is flames and bashing. Constructive critism is different, but that wasn't very helpful. Ok, I'm done my ranting for now. ^_^ Sorry hehe
 Title: D'awws ect.
Reviewed By: Muffiness  On: February 24, 2007 19:09 CST
NUU! Continue to write please thanks. T_T I /cannot/ write any story of this sort. NUUUU! Oh, and by the way, Akina is /not/ paired with Alphonse. If the story had gotten to the end, YOU WOULD HAVE SEEN WHAT HAD HAPPENED. D'OH.
 Title: mleh.
Reviewed By: xXx_Wings_of_a_demon_xXx [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 20, 2007 10:07 CST
'First mistake: You've based the story around a female OC and partered her with one of the Elrics. Also, numerous misspellings, including 'extraordinary' and 'homunculi', as well as too many punctuation mistakes to count. EDIT. Because of that, I'll never read past the summary. ' One: I have not based the story on anyone. If your going to critisise me, atleast get your facts strait. this is coming from ever changong Point of Views, so anything can happen to anyone in the story. Two: There are not any pairings as of yet. as faar as you know, She could End up with another OC, or Envy. Just because I don't like the elrics paired with any original character from the series, doesn't mean that you have any right to critisise my fanfiction. Pairings or not. Three:I Don't have tons of time on my hands. This fanfiction is for recreational purposes only. I see this as a leverage to go back to- view points on my writing. I have taken the time to edit, because I had enough faith in other people that they would not judje my fanfiction on that alone. Thank you for your Views on the subject, though. It also brought me to the point in this Rant, were I draw attention to the fact that I'm not continueing this story. Muffin, you can go ahead. I'm done. I have other writing to do, fanfictions aside. Now that I have View points, I can build on them...understand what to improve on. you want to continue on the story for me, if muffin doesn't want to? Email me.
 Reviewed By: Electric_Sapphire  On: February 15, 2007 07:23 CST
First mistake: You've based the story around a female OC and partered her with one of the Elrics. Also, numerous misspellings, including 'extraordinary' and 'homunculi', as well as too many punctuation mistakes to count. EDIT. Because of that, I'll never read past the summary.
 Title: Yay Muffin is Reviewing xD
Reviewed By: Muffiness  On: February 08, 2007 19:42 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
D'oh. D= Chapter Eight got me right here. -pokes heart- I lurve Taka when he's no obnoxious. Plus Guilt's all sad ... Aww... BUT I CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE WRITE THE NEXT CHAPTER NOW NOW NOW AKINA IS WAITING XD
 Reviewed By: Manga Girl is laaaazy!  On: February 07, 2007 23:04 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Too lazy to even sign in, damn me! Great chapter, I love how you've done a 180 with the story line, continue on, I hope to see another chapter soon!
 Reviewed By: xXx_Wings_of_a_demon_xXx [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2007 19:24 CST
Aaaaaahhh, sorry fordeleting your reveiw muffin, it was an accident. Now to answer your question.(Why did you bring Lust in) In an earlier chapter, you would have noted that Envy said something along the lines of 'Lust and gluttony are no good at tracking'. And who would they be tracking? Right, Al, so that he wouldn't get in the way of thier plans- that I CAN'T REVEAL RIGHT NOW. But Al took care of her, didn't he? ;) Anyways, look forwards to an update in a few days, If I ever get my lazy butt off of this couch and start writing. Yes, I am planning on continueing. actually, I updated three days ago, But the computer hasnt processed it. I'm still waiting for it to show up as it is supposed to be- complete.
 Title: hiya
Reviewed By: animelover55 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2007 15:49 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
the stories great r u going to write more???????
 Reviewed By: Manga being laaaaazy!  On: January 12, 2007 17:54 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
^^ Kudos is right! I'm glad to see an update and wanted to let you know I really enjoyed the chapter! I'll try to update my own story hopefully by next week!
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