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"Maturity and Sacrifice" Reviews/Comments [ 18 ]
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 Reviewed By: Lunabell [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 08, 2009 17:00 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I do believe kikyo is so full of crap! Is Inuyasha ever going to figure that out?
 Reviewed By: loretta537 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 27, 2008 00:53 CDT
thank you for the update, i love this story.
 Reviewed By: Lunabell [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 25, 2008 13:41 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Inuyasha needs to grow up.
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 26, 2008 03:59 CDT
I read this the second I saw the alert. Then I was a total bum and haven't taken the time to review until now. Sorry! This was a wonderfully INFURIATING chapter. LOL!! I was identifying strongly with Akeni and if I had a furry fox tail, it would have been bristling, too. ^_^ You always know how to push my buttons. So, let's get to it: Kagome is still really suffering from her sadness and heartache. I am SO hoping that will ease soon. It's time for someone ELSE to start feeling that way. PAST time. Kikyou just waltzes into their midst and ignores their questions. I want to give her a ZAP so bad!! I agree with Akemi, -- Miroku should exorcise HER. (Seriously, -- the woman is still stealing all those poor women's souls so they can never be reincarnated. That's heinous! That's how they found out she was still walking around, -- they were after whoever was stealing women's souls. Well, they found out it was Kikyou and suddenly no one ever mentioned doing anything about it anymore. Hmph!) then Inu rouses and sees Kikyou tending to him. "Kikyou? What are you doing here? You did this for me?" AAAAUUUGGGHHH!!! No, she did NOT. KAGOME had been taking care of him. Why the hell would he think Kikyou had? She never has before. And he looks over and sees the look on Kagome's face. He knows she is hurt and that it is hard for her to have to see him with Kikyou. Does he do anything? Naw. I'm still thinking he needs to say something to Kikyou about how he didn't mean what he said about Kagome. But the blankety-blank DID mean it, didn't he? *sigh* I am REALLY going to have to write up the little collection of drabbles and one-shots that have been on my mind about Inu's stupid thoughts and choices. LOL!! Miroku asked Kik why she was so concerned about Kagome after she saw that she was possessed. He said he thought she didn't care at all about her and she just stared at him then looked at Inu. And what did HE do? Shrugged his shoulders?!!? What does he think about what Miroku said? He doesn't seem to fault her for that or anything else. Doesn't it make her sound not-so-nice to him? She touches his forehead and his eyes are focused on her face. *bangs head on computer hutch* I can't stand it. He's still so totally entranced with her. Will he ever look at Kagome like that? And Kik was actually showing signs of being fond of him. Gotta say i hate that. I will NEVER be convinced that she had any genuine feelings for him. I'M glad Kagome was asleep, too. Oh, lordy. I sure hope you're going to bring some romance to Kag's life soon or I will be forced to send in Hiei. LOL!! Inu was such an ass to her when SHE was caring for him. I loved it that she said it out loud. "Maybe he doesn't want me to help him. Maybe he wants Kikyo to wait on him." But my heart is just bleeding for her. And then, after EVERYTHING, she rubs his arm and rests her head on his chest, declaring that she doesn't want to lose him or Shippou because they mean so much to her. It's a damn good thing Inu agreed with Shippou when she left. They ARE lucky to have her in their lives. After the way he was with Kikyou, I was surprised that he didn't want that moment with Kagome to end. I know that you are focusing on Kagome's growth, maturity and sacrifices in the name of love, but I am hungering to see Inu start growing up, too. ^_^ So, is Yo-Yo the one who is going to open his eyes? Let the games begin!!! You're one of the only people I will ever say this to, but thanks for riling me up again! LOL!! Great chapter!!
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2008 03:20 CST
HA! THIS time, I noticed that the counter below where I was typing had a little negative sign in front of the number of charcters left. I wondered why some of my reviews got cut off. I always assumed that when I used up all of the characters allowed, that it wouldn't let me type anymore. Not so! So I cut and saved the next part. Here's the rest of my review of chapter 13. Inu promised to protect Kagome when he got the Tetsusaiga. He told Kikyou that he was the only one who could protect HER, too, but that was AFTER he had promised Kag, AND she laughed at him and basically turned him down. I always found it so annoying that she kept walking her own path. Why didn't she travel with him and the others? Because she never trusted him and because she always thought she could do everything herself. She really had a serious martyr complex. She was one of those people who are only happy when they're alone and miserable. So, now we know what is truly in Inu's heart. there doesn't seem to be room for anyone but Kikyou there. The person he has run out on and left in danger and who he should be apologizing to is Kagome. And I am just ITCHING to hear him cry out those exact same words, but with Kagome's name instead, when she is cavorting with a handsome, scoundrel of a kitsune. Grow up, Inuyasha!! That boy needs to start looking at the world, the people around him, and HIMSELF with a more mature view. But, even though I am mentally writing scenes where Inu is left in the dust because of his many, many, many faults and stupidity, and bad choices, (and while I prefer the idea of a little fire demon singing his britches while he runs off with Kag, I am happy to envision Inu witnessing a passionate embrace between her and an Artic kitsune, too!), this IS eventually going to be a happy Inu/Kag story, right? (Did I mention how much I'm looking forward to seeing the shoe on the other foot regarding who is creeping away in the night? ^_~) Well, you've managed to get me all riled up again. This is just a really, really terrific story. Thanks so much for sharing it with us!!
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2008 03:11 CST
*sigh* I just ... have to KILL that mangy old hound. His obsession with Kikyou is imbeded in his subconsciousness. But, let me go through this chapter in order before I lambast him to heck. ^_^ I was wondering what Inu kept wanting to talk to Kagome about in private that he kept sticking his foot in his mouth instead? To apologize for what he said to kikyou? Sorry, but a simple apology won't cut it. I'd like to see him tell Kikyou, with kagome there to hear him that he was just being an ass and that he never really meant those things he said. That Kagome is a strong, valuable member of their little group, and that he had faith in her to be able to find shards/defeat Naraku. AND that he's happy and proud to be standing by her side, just like she has always stood by his, unlike someone else we know. He owes it to Kagome to stand up for her AND to blast Kikyou for all of the weak, stupid, selfish things SHE has done that caused all this mess in the first place. I just can never forget that she gave Naraku Kagome's shards, increasing his strength and power so that he killed hundreds, maybe thousands more people than he otherwise could/would have. all because she had a "plan." It was a bad plan, and she wasn't strong enough to do it, and she wasn't ever willing to trust in Inu enough to let him help her. Hmph. (My reviews should come with rant warnings. ^_^) Miroku's headaches are worrisome. I liked the bit where Sango cushioned his head during the fight scene. Inu is starting to think more. "Was he getting jealous over all the attention Kagome was receiving, or was it that he was not getting any from her?" I loved Souta's enthusiasm over Yoshiro's sports casre. ^_^ That just rang so true. Brilliant touch. I am so curious about Grandpa's friend who helped Kagome. My mind is just reeling trying to come up with some youkai that he might be. (Or if it were a woman, it could be Genkai from YYH. LOL!!) I loved the "sit" that didn't happen, but then she tripped him! LOL!! and miroku and Inu's reactions to Kag's suggestion that they all go to the hot springs together was priceless. But man, Inu is just not responding to Kag's physical attractiveness at all. Isn't he the equivalent of a 16-18 year old male? I'm beginning to wonder about him. LOL!! It was a nice moment when he took Kag's hand to help her in the water. Your description of the hotsp[rings area was wonderful. I could SEE it. That was a great fight scene, too. Ugh. I've got too many of those coming up and they are SO hard for me to write. Kudos to you for doing such an excellent job! I enjoyed the look into what was happening inside Kagome. I liked the way Kag kept surging to the surface when inu was injured. Her bond and attachement to him is so strong. And he's a worthless cur. Ptoo. I spit on his unconscious form. Even unconscious, he's causing her pain. I kick him in the ribs. and those dang-blasted soul collectors! They came to fetch him, huh? What is he, -- some kind of servant to run at her every beck and call? Yeah, he is. I kick him again. Maybe she cast a spell on him. He is awfully simple-minded. Are you setting us up for a fabulous scene? If she wants to see him, she has to some here. Woo hoo! And what was WITH Inu's cry anyway? "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you Kikyou! Don't go!" There where? If he wasn't with her, it was because she sent him away. When Naraku originally struck her down AND on Mt. Hakurei.
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 23, 2008 16:58 CST
Chapter 12: I don't know if my heart can take reading two or three chapters at a time, -- you're wringing me out! ^_^ Still no explanation from Inu. I wonder what in the world he would say anyway? "I felt Kikyou's soul collectors and I had to go see her." Did they talk? Did they embrace? What do they say to each other? I have recently been reading the Profiles book for IY, and Takahashi admitted that when Kikyou asked Inu to turn human so they could be together, and when she died, she was just beginning to have feelings for him. She did NOT love him. And in the more current manga, when she died, AGAIN, in his arms, she never did say anything about loving him. Instead, she was happy because at last she was an ordinary woman. Selfish! And that was after he told her she was the first woman he had ever loved. Oh, lordy, I sure hope Takahashi comes up with a good line for Inu to give Kag at the end about how much he loves HER. And it had better be full of a lot more than his declaration to Kikyou. And, I'm sure hoping YOU will be giving us some of that satisfaction becaue you're torturing me! ^_^ As for this chappy, I loved Kag leaving Sango and Miroku alone for a bit. Then Inu decided to join them. What in the world kept him away so dang long?!!? What were they DOING?!!? Oh, lordy, please don't tell me THAT. LOL!! I LOVED it when Sango told Inu she and Miroku had already decided to keep watch in his absence and so they're sticking to their plan. She should have added, "in case you decide to leave us high and dry again without any warning." Really, he is leaving them vulnerable to attack when they are asleep and trusting him to watch over them. He could be responsible for their deaths. Doesn't he see that? He should after what happened to Miroku. Maybe he needs to come back from one of his rendezvous just in time to see the lifeblood flowing from their bodies. How can they trust him? He is destroying everything he has. then he saw Sango and Miroku sitting together and wished that Kagome was by his side. *throws hands up in air* Is he retarded or just INSANE? LOL!! I had to just sigh heavily when Kagome told Sango, "I just get tired, Sango. He knows this bothers me, yet he goes off anyway." I was ready to cheer when she said, "It don't hurt as much when I let go." Inu had better get his head out of his ass! You really know how to make me want to see him suffer. Kagome defended him to the others. Damn but that girl is something else! NO ONE ELSE in the world would do that. NO ONE. She said this group thing is new to him. Hmph. They've been traveling together for a heck of a long time now, -- he should be used to it by now. Honestly, he is undoing and unraveling it all enough that he should recognize what he's losing. He heard her tell the others to be understanding of him, and he heard her pain about what he said to Kikyou about her behind her back, when he was calling her "friend" to her face. He's no FRIEND. That makes him a liar. And an ass. And yes, steam is coming out of my ears. LOL!! So NOW he suddenly realizes what he did to her? I still can't understand what prompted him to do such a thing in the first place. He likes to think he's being honorable and loyal to Kikyou and any sort of promise he may have made, but he's showing none of that to Kagome. I know he prizes those qualities, but he doesn't practice them. I wish Souta had fallen asleep sooner and seen and heard everything about Inuyasha. Would he still believe that Inu will protect her? I know I don't. I'm still thinking (hoping) he's going to get a big surprize when Tetsusaiga doesn't transfor as quickly or give off as much power. THAT may be the only wake-up call he responds to. I did love the bit where Souta caught where Miroku's attention was right before he got clobbered. LOL!! Shippou's cousin getting weak and his thoughts that everything depends on Kagome and Shippou really heightened the mystery. And you blew me away when Inu took Miroku to peep on the girls!!!
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 23, 2008 15:59 CST
Chapter 11: Oh. No. He. DIDN'T!!!! I'm going to kick his butt MYSELF!! After all he keeps hearing, and after all he admits to himself about how he is to blame for Kagome's heartache, he sneaks off in the middle of the night. Again. To go to Kikyou. I'm telling you, Kagome needs to get herself a nice little LOYAL hybrid youkai. LOL!! I'd love to see inu come back from one of his midnight tiptoes and find Kagome snuggled up with a certain YYH hottie. LOL!! *sigh* And now, after getting all on her case about going, he's delaying everything. I'm really, really glad she decided to leave without him. It would serve him right to have Kikyou drag him to hell and there not be any Kagome around to save his sorry hide. Hmph. And all this after Kagome had good thoughts about Inu keeping Shippou straight when he gets too mischievous, and her taking his hand, --which he thought to himself felt really good. I'm glad to see she is still trying to wrench away from his hold on her heart. She decided she would never be too needy again, but she would not withhold her comfort. She would be a good friend. Too bad Inu isn't loyal enough to be a good friend back to her. Shippou's simple stated trust in her should make Inu ashamed. I was so intrigued by Shippou's parents telling the others that Kagome's dark side is a source of strength for her and that she draws on it and it protects her, but that it won't communicate with them. I loved their declaration of protection for her. It sure pissed Inu off, didn't it? I've often wondered, since the Tetsusaiga only works for him because he pledged to protect her, would it still work if he failed to do so? Because I think he has failed to do so in the past. Forsaking her for Kikyou is a failure of sorts, and she has actually been captured by Naraku's minions while he was chasing down the dead woman. He continually gets stronger and gains more abilities with his sword because of her constant faith in him and her encouragement. If her feelings start wavwering, will his sword get weaker? Just a thought. I'm so VERY sorry it has taken me so long to read and review this. But I am so excited that there are two more chapters for me to read right now! ^_^ Moving on!
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 05, 2007 05:18 CDT
So sorry to hear about all of your sorrows and worries. Sometimes life seems to throw them all at us at once. And with all of that going on, you still managed to turn out a brilliant chapter for the rest of us to enjoy. Thank you. I hope your writing gave you some peace for yourself. There were so many wonderful things going on in this chapter, -- most notably, Kagome and Souta's evolving relationship. I just love to watch the way the brother and sister interact, and see them both acknowledge how much they care for each other. The revelation that Souta's new boss is Shippou's cousin was terrific! I can't wait to see how that all plays out. I liked the intrigue of the disk with the yin-yang symbol reacting with Inu's sword. Her love, his protection? And I laughed myself silly with the stray thought that Kagome had been out buying girly products, but Inuyasha was the one getting cranky because it was his time of the month. LOL!! His comforting her over her uncle's death was so nicely written -- a really lovely moment for the two of them. Actually, the FIRST lovely moment for them, I think. And I really enjoyed Inu's thoughts that night. FINALLY, he is starting to THINK. His wistful thoughts that Kagome doesn't play with his ears anymore, and how genuine she always was with her compliments, and how Kikyou had never touched his ears. What? Was that a CLUE he was getting? LOL!! And, ... and he actually wondered what Kikyou would do if she ever saw him when his demon side took over? Ha! She'd KILL him, that's what. It has taken so much time and he's caused Kagome so much pain to get to this point. I loved the way she kind of brushed off his declaration of how much he cared for her. What does it take to get through to him? A hell of a lot, apparently, but he's just about there. I loved him brushing her hair, and being hurt when she took the brush away. It was interesting that he is addressing the issue of their friendship, and coming to realize just ehat her friendship means to him. He had already had those vague thoughts that she was "his woman" in regards to Kouga and Hojo, but his understanding of relationships in general is so sadly lacking. So, it's good to see him ponder this aspect of their relationship first. You can't be good lover until you're a good friend. He is regretting the loss of the closeness they used to have -- the way she used to talk to him -- to TELL him things and share her thoughts with him. I would love to see him suddenly realize that their relationship has deteriorated to little more than what he actually had with Kikyou. They're around each other, but not "together." Will he realize that what he and Kagome shared was so much more than he ever had with Kikyou? They never really talked or interacted. They were just a comforting presence to each other. He's starting to miss all of the "extras" that came with being with Kagome. You are definitely moving this, and in such a wonderful, compelling way. I'll look forward to seeing what happens to Inu, and hopefully, more of his growing revelations!
 Reviewed By: ghjrkjsdfgda  On: October 04, 2007 20:55 CDT
love it so much!!!
 Reviewed By: kokoronagomu [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 01, 2007 02:51 CDT
 Reviewed By: madmiko,notsignedin  On: July 31, 2007 00:14 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You do realize that every time Kagome and Inuyasha talk, she and I both end up in tears. That rat Inuyasha is the one who should be crying. This was just another awesome chapter! I loved it when Miroku confronted Inuyasha and flat out asked him who he's going to protect -- the living or the dead? And, of course, Inuyasha didn't even think about it. All he could think was, "Gee, I didn't know everyone felt this way about the way I treat Kagome." AAAUUUGGGHHH!! He admits to himself that he's done her wrong, over and over, but will he ever determine to QUIT being such an a**hole? Will he ever say, I'll never do it again,"? I really liked the way Miroku took him to task speciafically for saying Kagome was useless to Kikyou. He still doesn't seem to get how HUGE of a betrayal that was. Does he even realize that ANYONE else would have left his butt for good? I was so glad that Kagome pointed out how Naraku took advantage of an ALREADY fragile relationship between him and Kikyou. Can he not see that Kagome has stood by him many, many more times, despite his horrible treatment of her, when Kikyou, who got all of his nice, kind behavior and admitted feelings failed him? And I wonder, too, did he not realize what Kagome might have been saying when she told him she needed time to adjust her feelings? She's talking about getting him out of her heart as anything more than a friend, right? He admitted to himself that he couldn't lose her to Kouga or Houjo, -- he had that thought about her being his woman, but maybe not anymore. Holy crap! If he saw her that way, then why didn't he ever bother to tell her? Oh, please, I beg you, bring Kouga into the picture!!! I would love to see how he reacts to the new situation between Kagome and Inuyasha. He might realize that Kagome really needs more than what he's been offering and step up. I'd like to see some maturity from HIM maybe spark some in Inuyasha. I agreed totally with Kagome -- he didn't apologise. And when he said he was sorry, he didn't know what for. And when he didn't answer her when she asked him pointblank if he was with Kikyou when Miroku was injured, ... well, I saw RED! He's blaming Miroku and the others for holding up their journey against Naraku, but HE was actually the cause of it! And he still doesn't seem to see THAT, either. I have to ask, what does he do when he goes to see Kikyou? Are they actually being lovey-dovey, or do they talk, or does she just tell him how he failed her and what he should do to beat Naraku? How does he see Kikyou now? As his love? Or his obligation? Or his guilt? Because he really is letting the dead take precedence over the living, and he's going to end up alone when it's all over. Does he not see that?!!? Your writing is SO incredible -- you always give me a large case of the rants. LOL! Oh, I just HAVE to mention how much I loved Shippou's insight into Inuyasha's actions. He recognized the fact that when Kag and Inu fight, Inu always stays away and holds himself apart until Kag cracks and apologizes. He's SO right -- he's been controlling her by guilt. Does he know that? I wish Shippou had called him on it. Switching tracks again, I just have to wonder about Inu's fixation on them taking off after Naraku. Yes, it's important. Yes, it's been driving them all this time. But for him to see Kagome's possession and Shippou's need to seek his own power as nothing but annoyances in the way of their goal just shows how little he cares about anyone but himself. Or is he doing it for Kikyou? The fact that all of the people who he has fought with and traveled with ALL THIS TIME think that he's treated Kagome so terribly should tell him something. But he doesn't seem to value their friendship or opinions at all. This is one of the most unlikeable Inuyashas ever! You've done such a fantastic job writing him. But, I really would like to see him actually SUFFER the consequences of his actions, -- or INACTIONS, in not treating her better or telling her how he fee
 Reviewed By: sufferingkagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 09, 2007 05:03 CDT
please write more!!!
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 08, 2007 22:01 CDT
Nice chapter!! I laughed when I saw the title -- it's the same as mine for chapter 10 of "BWM." LOL! You had a lot of good stuff in this chapter, and it only covered one night! I love it that Kagome told them why she had gone home for 6 months, though it broke my heart to hear the reason. Inuyasha actually said to KIKYOU that Kagome is useless? Talk about your false friends!! Does he realize what a complete and utter betrayal that was? Why would he say those things to Kikyou? If I could get my hands around his rotten, scrawny neck .... grrrr! I mean, that was worse than saying he didn't have any feelings for her. Seriously, putting aside all of his romantic confusion, he was showing such incredible low regard for his FRIEND to say that to someone who is always trying to get one up on her anyway. I'm going to seethe over this for a long time. And I love it that Kagome let it all out in front of them all there. I've really enjoyed her keeping her emotions in so Inuyasha was constantly wondering, but hopefully NOW he will really think about the consequences of his actions. I hope he chews on what she said, and her reminder that SHE freed him, when the woman he keeps leaving her for sealed him to a tree -- a seal that would have lasted forever if Kagome hadn't come along and TRUSTED him in the first place -- something Kikyou could NEVER do. You really did an awesome job with that whole scene. I will just mention though, that after Kagome left and Shippou went after her, I was surprised when Kaede, Miroku, and Sango started talking the way they were in front of Inuyasha. I finally realized he must have left, too, but it didn't say he did. (Though I would have liked for him to have heard what THEY had to say, too. ESPECIALLY what Kaede had to say about the current Kikyou!!!) And then you had miroku act the fool by causing Sango to slap him and then feel bad because she might have hurt him, -- thereby, making her feel like she doesn't a woman's gentle sensibilities. He's harming her, too. Maybe he and Inuyasha need to talk and BOTH need to grow up. Shippou playing with his parents in their fox forms was so nice. And I just love the way Kagome is putting their need to help Shippou ahead of her own problems with Inuyasha. Good golly, but she has REALLY matured. She's too mature for Inuyasha -- bring on Sesshoumaru!! LOL! So, DID Miroku go after Sango, or is something else going on that caused him to leave before kagome got back? Hmmm. So, as Inuyasha is running, because he feels bad for all the hurt he's caused Kagome, he realizes he was the reason she left for 6 months. And that she may leave again because of him. And his next thought is "This can't keep going on. They had to get going back on the shard hunt." Glad to know he still hasn't lost sight of what's important to him. (Need a handkerchief to wipe that sarcasm off your computer screen, -- it was dripping pretty heavily. Heh heh!) This is really SUCH a good story! It frustrates me no end! Heh heh! I can't wait for your next chapter! And, "Happy Birthday!" If it's YOUR birthday, how come we readers got the present?)
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 29, 2007 03:20 CDT
I really, really liked the way this chapter was done through Souta's eyes. VERY interesting perspective. It's also interesting that of all of them, Kagome is the only one who really isn't concerned, when it's HER body that is being taken over. She must really feel strongly that Shippou's parents need this connection to him. That's a very selfless attitude -- very compassionsate. That was a sweet moment when Inuyasha took her hand as they walked, but I felt sad right along with her. I am so looking forward to him discovering and displaying a little maturity. As it is, he is unworthy of her. I can't wait to see what her grandfather is sending with her. Thanks so much for the excellent chapter!
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