"PYP" Reviews/Comments [ 2 ] | Title: I'm Impressed v_v Reviewed By: Zero 101(no loggy inny) On: March 24, 2007 09:38 CDT Comment/Review: You really showed these characters feelings for each other without them being corny, that's something few (including myself) can't really get away with. Over all, very good and I'm very impressed with this work. Great job! :D
| Reviewed By: Melady On: December 27, 2006 13:10 CST Comment/Review: Alright! I am so glad you started posting these here. Now they're on a site that I can actually still get on (technical difficulties with deviantart at the moment) I love the way you portrayed their relationship. It definently works. How long did it take you to come up with that quote though? I would've never been able to come up with something like it.