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"Loves Company" Reviews/Comments [ 64 ]
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 Title: ..............................................
Reviewed By: Daxemon [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 30, 2007 12:40 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
........................................................................... ........................................................................... .....*stares into space in utter shock and awe* Me y-you *tries desperately not to burst into a flood of tears* YOU REALLY LIKE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Garita did you see what they said....did you see....did you see.....did you see *shakes Garita until neck snaps from force* I'll try to contain myself...oh why am I lying. THAT IS SO NOT POSSIBLE. You guys {Garita, Kita, Subu} you have made my FREAKING...*trying to be calm*...freaking, year...century, ah screw it you've made my MILLENIUM! You actually make me feel like my opinion counts for something. I read the update yesterday and I couldn't update until today, because I couldn't write anything coherent, my poor brain just couldn't wrap around what I read about the "Honorary Muses" and........*can't go on*............gimmie a second. Thanks. I really appreciate it. Well lets move on to an actual review shant we. As always your updates are well worth the wait and Garita has been keeping me occupied with pacing and waiting for her updates so I wasn't going completely nuts waiting for your update. So basically I switched one worry for another, of course all worth it. My favorite part was the kiss of course and the interaction between Drake and JJ. I read that part like 10 times. Melanie Hayle.....it took me a second or two to figure out what the mystery and the impossibilities were until I went back through the fic and refamiliarized myself a little, which I have done many times and had a sort of AHA!!!! moment, which was so great. I can't wait to see what JJ does to help Drake with his nicotine cravings, you know like substituting one pleasure for another. They are such an adorable pair and I love the way you guys shape them so well and I can't wait for the next update. I'll see if I can live up to my title as "Honorary Muse" with Garita. I'll try not to let you down. Till next update.
 Reviewed By: Shinifami  On: August 29, 2007 19:25 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*whistles* Melanie Hayle? *raises eyebrows* Have it EVEN occured to Drake and JJ that Melanie just might be faking her autism? She might be one hell of a good actress...And she might have already escaped. Since there might be too many patients and not enough doctors that cares...That or it is a relative. But exactly what happened at the school during the time Melanie was a teacher? Otherwise WHY go after her former students? It makes NO sense! There is a price to pay for murder, murder of children makes it worse...I read somewhere in jail there are criminals that looks down on anyone who would harm women and children...They don't like people who does those things the killer has been doing...Some of the victims were teenagers, and defintely under-age...So the killer is going to be in deep hot water when he/she is caught...Unless the person plans to suicide when he/she is done...
 Title: Breathless
Reviewed By: Garita [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 15, 2007 16:00 CDT
Oh, wow... You two always make me feel so special, but damn! Holy crap that was hot!! I love Drake's indecision, and you really have me wasting my brain away trying to think of the connection between the people... GYAH! Damn, I can't wait to see what happens next! Oh, and like I said earlier - you guys are worth waiting for. How do you manage to pull the tension out like you do???
 Title: cattidono
Reviewed By: catti-dono [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 13, 2007 18:09 CDT
Yeah...their back into it...hopefully...now diana and rose and baby...EWWWWWWWWW....thats disgusting!!!!....Drake without a cigarette...thats scary!!!!...Ryo withholding sex...thats laughable...*here is a triple layer, double fudge cake for a housewarming present*...catti
 Title: YAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reviewed By: Daxemon [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 13, 2007 13:35 CDT
Can you believe I was re-reading "Loves Company" for maybe the 20th time when I randomly decided to check if you guys were able to update yet. Right now I'm nursing a slight endorphine high...feeling a little dizzy. I was so shocked that I practically had to hold back my tears of joy. Right now I'm actually tearing up while I'm writing this. I'm a little emotional right now. Since you guys hadn't updated in a while I actually got worried, until I found out that you were in the middle of a move. I forgot how I found out about the move, but I was so relieved. Thanks for reviewing and thanks for the constructive criticism Kita, I'll keep an eye out for my spelling errors when I do write again. I also have a beloved mother, but at least you can be away from yours in another building...right now I'm desperately looking for a place of my own with my son and his father. Your latest update was of course more of the same great writing that we have all come to expect from the daring duo. I wonder what JJ figured out........The bathroom scene was can we say exquisitely mouth watering. I clenched my jaw so hard that I swear that I chipped a molar, but don't worry the endorphine high that I had was still in effect so I'll be fine. The Dee/Ryo moment that was thrown in there was so cute, I loved it. Dee is such a loveable ego maniac. I wouldn't want him to change on iota. You guys have me worried about Tiffany Richmond as much as poor Drake. Well let me wrap this up by saying that when JJ and Drake finally to consumate their relationship totally...I'm probably going to have to tie myself to my chair to not bounce up and down like a dememted kangaroo. My personality tends to lean towards a little...okay alot like JJ without sleep and dosed up on coffee...although I don't drink coffee I just act like I do, gallons of it. I can't wait for a next update and I'll think about what my next fanfic should be about. Thanks again for reviewing. Till next update.
 Reviewed By: Shinigami24  On: August 12, 2007 23:57 CDT
*LOL* Now JJ got Dee mad! SO what will Dee do as revenge, if Ryo takes JJ up on his suggestion? As for JJ's last line-WHAT did he mean, Stephanie wasn't connected? She hung out with Tiffany Richmond! How exactly are the victims connected? Gomen nasai if this reviews are short, but I'm in a rush right now. I have to do something tmw, and I have to go to sleep soon. Review more later, when I have more time...
 Reviewed By: Hana_Tenshi [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 12, 2007 21:48 CDT
Waaaaaah! Cliffie! And....I want to know more! I wanna know what's going on and how the story ends and I WANT CUTE THINGS, DAMN IT!!! ....Anyway. Yes, good chapter. Good times, good times. I wanna read more. YOU OWE US, REMEMBER THAT!!! Damn, I'm hyper right now....That can't be a good thing....
 Reviewed By: Hana_Tenshi [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 08, 2007 23:37 CDT
Okay, Hana's signed in. Hana didn't know this. But the waiting is still killing her.
 Title: Hana-chan is too lazy to sign in....
Reviewed By: Hana_Tenshi [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 08, 2007 23:37 CDT
....The waiting....is killing me. *drops dead*
 Reviewed By: Garita, But my browser broke!  On: June 26, 2007 15:04 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
OMG!! She's commenting!!! *feints* I love this story, I love the complications and I love the way you mix emotions. And I blame you two for turning me! I'm a complete DrakexJJ fan now!
Reviewed By: Mistress^Drucilla  On: June 13, 2007 12:06 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Holy heckmonkies @_e that was a rollercoaster o emotion there, and it was portrayed wonderfully
 Reviewed By: Shinigami24  On: June 12, 2007 17:13 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*grins* This more than makes up for the last chapter! *deep thought* 8 years? I'm with JJ, this seems so familiar to me. I'm missing something. So i'll have to go back and re-read the previous chapters. Revenge served cold? *winces* I KNEW it! Plus you said it was personal. So what will Richmond say when he gets Stephanie's messenge? *shakes head* At least Tiffany is alive, but I'm betting she's got to be terrifed right now! Since she won't know what happened to Sarah and Stephanie...Maybe next time she'll think twice before sneaking off...
 Title: catti
Reviewed By: catti-dono [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 12, 2007 17:12 CDT
WOW...three bags of Reese Peanut Butter Cups...laughs...pretty cool...*ahh..Kita-chan, you have chocolate right there*....laughs...are we getting closer to monkey sex?....laughs...catti
 Reviewed By: Daxemon [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 12, 2007 09:32 CDT
You bet I'm a rabid fan. I love the part at the end where Drake goosed JJ. I love the plot line of this fanfic, it just drags you along and sucks you in like a black hole...I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!. I like that feeling of coming up for air after reading a fanfic that is so well written. The feeling of your brain going into tunnel vision mode just to bring the story to life in your minds eye. I hope that doesn't sound too weird....you know what I don't care if it sounds weird. Thanks guys for updating and giving me my fix. I really needed it. I will be waiting patiently for the next installment...well that is until I completely loose it and start ranting like a crazed lunatic again. I'm sorry about the real world rearing it's ugly head and I hope all is well and will remain that way even if it is for selfish reasons. Thanks again Kita and Subu.
 Reviewed By: Hana....not signed in....because she ish lazy!  On: June 11, 2007 23:31 CDT
*bounces like a happy hyper girl* YAY!!! New chaaaaaaaaapter, new chaaaaaaaaaaapter.... *glomps* This story is nice and long and good....and me wants another chapter. *pouts* Pwease?
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