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"The Intertwined" Reviews/Comments [ 76 ]
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 Reviewed By: Yue no Rei  On: December 27, 2007 17:17 EST
Oooh... Peeping at the hot springs with all new casts! Hahaha! Somehow its extremely amusing to imagine Sesshoumaru peeping in on the girls in the onsen, including the lectures that he gives inuyasha how there are some things that "should not be revealed to us yet". I'm sure if Inuyasha might have been a bit quicker witted he would have possibly caught on what his brother was hinting at. Another wonderful chapter ^^
 Reviewed By: Resilience [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 21, 2007 17:59 EST
i think ive seen this type of plot before. Does is have to deal with some of the last eps of Inuyasha?? Where Naraku is trying to steal Kagome's eyes but doesnt succeed? And in this story line, he tries somehting new, so that if he cant get kagome, then he might be able to get Sango, beccause if she doesnt then he would kill Kohaku. I dont know, it seems familar and REALLy cool
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 18, 2007 22:49 EST
Oh, I was SO happy to see the new chapter up!! Niiiice. It was great to get hear the girls comparing notes. Serious and giggle-worthy at the same time. Who would have thought Sesshoumaru would be such a shameless eavesdropper? "Do be quiet, you make it difficult to concentrate." LOL! I loved Kagome admitting to wanting to grope Miroku back and asking Sango if she's really been feeling like doing that? LOL! I think they SHOULD! Miroku would probably scream and run. ^_^ Then Sango accused Kagome of having an ear and tail fetish because suddenly Inu and Youko are making her fingers twitchy. I'm so glad you addressed Kagome's feelings about her attraction to Youko, and how she really feels guilty about it because of how she always felt about Inu's feelings for both her and Kikyou. I hope you will address that some more. I'm really hoping that someone will point out to her how/why it is different, because it is. I'm actually thinking Sesshoumaru might be able to shed some light on that for her. He could probably put it into words better than anyone else. And it all has to be so very, very confusing for the girls to be feeling each other's emotions. It blurs their own. I loved Sesshoumaru's thoughts about having to deal with Kagura, and why he feels the way he does about her. You spelled it out just right. I always thought he pitied her, and like you said, it was for that very reason that I could never see them as a couple. (I loved the bit about her smelling too much like Naraku. LOL!!) i really enjoyed the part where Inuyasha almost forgot who he was talking with because Sesshoumaru and Miroku's trails of conversation were so similar. THAT was great!! Love it! You are really setting this all up so wonderfully. And Sess saw another hint of Inu's maturing. (Finally!) What a nice, subtle way to show it, in his asking for information instead of demanding it. He;'s getting just a wee bit wiser. ^_^ Hmmm. So, Inu can't tell the difference in the girls' scents now? THAT could cause some problems. And I don't think he's going to want to crawl into the wrong sleeping bag with Sess on the other side of her. LOL!!! YAY!! We are back to the porcupine quills!! I'm going to go back and read that first chapter again. ^_^ I loved the way you had Sess scoop Sango up and take her to be treated. And having Inu pick Kagome up was a very nice touch, too. After they are quill-free, Sess will be trying to get rid of Kanaye so he can confront them about their new abilities. And they still have to go find Kagura. There's just so much good stuff going on here! Thanks so much for the early Christmas present!! This chapter had a big red bow on it. ^_^
 Reviewed By: Yue no Rei  On: November 16, 2007 01:14 EST
As madmiko had said, a blond character is a first here. He seems quite interesting despite being a nuisance. I enjoy how you write what the characters are thinking and progressing with the story. I have a feeling Kanaye may turn out as some assistance to the group. Keep up the good work
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 04, 2007 05:26 EST
Another great chapter! Kanaye is intriguing indeed. I like that he's blond and curly-headed, -- not enough of those aropund in the IY world. I like the comparisons Kagome is making between him and Kouga. And I was really snickering when Sango asked Kagome if that's the way she used to feel when Kouga used to look at her like that. She didn't really understand before, did she? And I love the idea that Kanaye was following their delicious supernatural scent. He won't make the same mistake this time, huh? Going to take them back already claimed and pupped. LOL!! He's going to have to learn some wooing techniques. The story of what he did to Ayame two years before coming out in bits and pieces was hilarious! Did I read it right? He took her to be his mate, but his hungry pack wanted to EAT her? Or am I just up way too late at night to be reading this? LOL! I LOVED Kohaku's little grin at Sesshoumaru's announce,ment that HE would guard the slayer. Heh heh! That little matchmaker is one happy boy, ne? And it is interesting that Sesshoumaru allowed Inu to stand guard for his miko. I love it that he acknowledges and points out that there's something between them, since inu still seems to be having a hard time doing it. Too funny that he lumped Youkao and Miroku together as lechers. LOL! Now, I'm hopeing for an interesting conversation between the BROTHERS as they stand guard, as well as between the girls. If Kagome is going to force Sango to face facts, then she's going to have to 'fess up, too. And what will the two of them say about the the two new males? (I'm not counting Kanaye. LOL!) AND, the big question is: will Sess and Inu peek? LOL!!! I just can't wait to see what happens next! You've got me spellbound here.
 Reviewed By: Dark Avenger [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 24, 2007 03:04 EDT
This piece has been nominated at the Feudal Association! The Feudal Association is a group that presents awards to fanfiction and fanart in the InuYasha Fandom several times a year. Our official website can be found here - http://feudalassociation.cadkitten.com/ The current nominations pages are here: http://feudalassociation.cadkitten.com/oct2007art.html http://feudalassociation.cadkitten.com/oct2007.html Check these out to find out what you were nominated for! And our Yahoo Group, where the nominations and voting occurs can be found here - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FeudalAssociation/ Voting is open October 17, 2007 - November 1, 2007. Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group! Winners will be notified by me after November 1st. ~ The Daimyo Owner of the Feudal Association Note: If you get this notification more than once, it means you have been nominated for more than 1 award.
 Reviewed By: knjj727 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 18, 2007 18:42 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
this just keeps getting better and better please up date soon
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 15, 2007 04:54 EDT
Great chapter!! It may not have been as long as you wanted, but you had a LOT of good stuff in it! Right off the bat, I liked sango's thoughts about the way she and Kagome had been unconscious and covered in bloody markings when Youko and SESSHOUMARU, "of all people," had retrieved them. I think that statement alone speaks highly of her regard for him, and hints at an attraction, since she was embarrassed he saw her that way. I liked the idea that she keeps seeing foggy pink whenever she sits near Kagome. I have to believe that is going to manifest as at least a slight ability to see the shards. Maybe? (Maybe not.) Interesting idea that they could have Kagura make the brands. Ya gotta love the way Shippo helps out by reminding Kagome that Inuyasha had insulted her by saying she was getting thicker. I can't believe she didn't get angry at the reminder. What an insensitive jerk. I hope he has to just watch the first time. (If ya know what I mean. Heh heh! Sorry, I'm taking time out from writing some lemony-lime goodness, so my mind is in the gutter.) What an interesting bit of info about Naraku being able to search out and find Kohaku, and that was how he was keeping tabs on them. He's so smart, he deserves to win. (All right, I deserve to be smacked for that one.) I can't wait to see how he will form the chuuou seki from the girls' powers, and I wonder what other things he has to retrieve to do it. And what will it do for him? I loved the way Kagome showed the effects of her combined aura/power with Sango, both in her eagerness to fight and her jacked-up hama no ya. Go, girl! And Youko liked it, too! But, I wasn't sure exactly what inu's reaction was. He was surprised, but I couldn't tell if he was also in awe of the sight that enthralled Youko, or if he was just ready to piss his pants. LOL! I realize he didn't want her touching his ears because he was afraid he would get aroused, but poor Kagome felt rejected. I like Kag's new energy and her thoughts about learning to use the Hiraikotsu. And I am intrigued by the arrival of Kouga's rival ookami. I wonder if he will propel some of the males to action in regards to the women? Nice cliffy! I will be waiting most patiently for your next awesome chapter!
 Reviewed By: Yue no Rei  On: August 13, 2007 02:31 EDT
Uwaaa.... We got to see some of the combined kick ass powers! I wonder what consequences there may or may not be. Take your time =] Quality better than quantity they always say
 Reviewed By: Elemental_Dea [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 11, 2007 13:55 EDT
awsome fic & nice plot. i am totally unsure of the need of transforming the girls connection with one another, but i guess the more mystery the better the story ^,^ please update soon!
 Title: YIPPEEEE!!!
Reviewed By: Resilience [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 10, 2007 01:57 EDT
YAY! i really can't wait for the next chapter. So, right now im focussing on the fruits of the story. You say Naraku made an even deeper, visible connection between Kagome and Sango. Does that mean if one of them experiences, say, a deep feeling of want/arousal the other will too? If Kagome and Inuyasha/Youko maybe have a lemon scene, wil it have an effects on Sango? What about Sango and Miroku? Will Miroku be more prone to slaps from Kagome as he is with Sango? WAAHHHHH!!! My head is burning with questions....the possibilities running through it are endless. But i do have a few japanese-translation-please-related questions. What do rouka (i could prolly guess this from your description), tetsuyoso (sounds familiar but idk), tokkuri, and chuuou seki. That sounded reeaaalllyy familiar but i still can't place where i've heard it before. And the script where it expalins about Chuuou Seki...is that the book Youko and Miroku were reading at the very beginning of the story when the Inu-tachi were going to Jinenji's? The one on the human brain/mind and how it works, the psychology book? I think that might i don't want to keep going with my questions, or i wont have enough space left. well, your are doing a totally captivting job on this story. Keep it up!
 Reviewed By: Brightshadow4494 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 24, 2007 15:05 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
please update soon. I need to know what happens. Great story, your an awesome writer!
 Reviewed By: knjj727 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 03, 2007 19:43 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
this is really really good please please plesae up date soon knjj727
 Reviewed By: Yue no Rei  On: June 26, 2007 05:14 EDT
Well well. Ahh so Kagome and Sango wake at last. Hmm... If their lifeforces are tied together it could mean that Naraku has quite a number of Advantages over the group. Somehow I get the idea there is more to the trick Naraku pulled off.. Something possibly more secretive or even sinister, something Naraku. Haha. I enjoyed the lastest chapter. Keep it up!
 Reviewed By: miko_onna [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 22, 2007 20:14 EDT
Style of Writing: 5 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i love it!!! this story is so amazing!! were in the world did u come up w/ the plot?? well ne ways i like how u set everything up in a full and costructive manner(even if it was a bit slow) and i like how u put into play feelings of everybody tht is normally not even considered such as the boys likeing both the girls!!!! tht is ingenious keep up the good work ur an amazing author!!!
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