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"It's my Life" Reviews/Comments [ 584 ]
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 Reviewed By: Isis191  On: March 05, 2008 15:32 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Thanks for such a great chapter. I just love your story. You have a wonderful gift of words, thank-you for sharing. I eagerly await your next up-date
 Title: keep it up
Reviewed By: Eastsidegeorgiaboy [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 05, 2008 08:44 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
this chapter rocked. I didnt even read it all in one sitting like i normally do. I hope you bring Altrius back.Keep up the good work, and Im sure you have more male readers, they are just too scared to review.
 Title: it's my life
Reviewed By: wolfluv [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 05, 2008 06:43 PST
You have out done yourself yet again!!! I was crying and laughing at diffrent points truly feeling what you have written for them. YOU ARE TRULY AND AMAZING WRITER!!!! I enjoyed every word you wrote you've give them all real personalitys and yet kept the ones we know so well from the manga and tv show and movies. I just cannot express to you how much your story seems to be alive to me and I'm sure other readers. I THANK YOU AND YOUR MUSE TO NO END!!! SORRY ABOUT THE WRITERS CRAMPS! oh and thank you for putting my wolfluv13 in the thank you credits too!!! YOU HAD ME LAUGHING MY BUTT OFF WITH THE WHOLE IF THE LORD IS RUSHING SOME THING MUST BE GOING ON!!! HEE HE HEE now I have perma grin just remembering that!! THANK YOU FOR UPDATING!
 Reviewed By: TShrieken [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2008 21:08 PST
ahahahahah. I like it. Giving Inuyasha poison. Why it's blue, though, who knows. Also, it seems Inu's very dense about the changes happening to him. Not his fault, I know, but still. It's cute. ^_^
 Reviewed By: Isis191  On: March 03, 2008 07:37 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story. I do hope that you up-date soon. And I just love that rat.
 Reviewed By: kagomebabygirl  On: February 16, 2008 09:17 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
please update soon, i just love this story and i really want to see what happened with them after they kissed.
 Reviewed By: maegerakawaii [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 11, 2008 07:34 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I am definitely loving this fic. I can't wait for the next chapter, since I am finally all caught up to chapter 18. YAY! Thanks a lot for the great read.
 Reviewed By: maegerakawaii [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2008 14:12 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I just started reading this fic yesterday. I was thinking of not reviewing until I read the most recent chapter, but after reading ch. 13, I just couldn't help myself. I loved the chapter. It was so horribly sad, but I didn't love it because Inuyasha was suffering and their dad was dying. It was just so well-written that even though it was heart wrenching I still loved it. I actually teared up on more than one occasion from reading that chapter. The imagery and raw emotion that your writing conveyed was commendable and impressive. Thank you for such a great fic. However, a beta reader might not be such a bad idea if only to get rid of some of the grammatical errors. The plot definitely works. Keep doing a spectacular job.
 Reviewed By: Psht is mad RE:  On: February 08, 2008 14:42 PST
 Reviewed By: Psht is mad  On: February 08, 2008 14:40 PST
 Title: part 2
Reviewed By: ladytokyo [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 08, 2008 11:58 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Um Imalia clash of the confict maybe a good battle later on where Inuyasha shows the General he's no mere ruff hanyou. I just love how he just override her orders. I think a Tessaiga enema is in order. it's so amusing to see Sesshomaru just brush off his little brother insults he there sliblings and such can talk about each other however they like that's their somewhat bonding thing. RETSU IS JUST SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lets get sesshomaru drunk as a skunk ya that will be fun yes. No one gives credit to Inuyasha for being mature on the survive level. he eats the was he does because if he doesn't eat fast some other bigger animal will get to it. if that is something that you grew up with than it's something hard to hold back unless your really thinking about it. how fun would it be if both youkai's broke free and they have at it. I like the change in sesshomaru that trip to the past really taught him something. Sill can't wait for the check up we all want to know whats going on and please tell me will inuyasha get a tail? please let him have a tail maybe two like his father but hey one is cool too. Protective papa although I like how sesshomaru reasons with inuyasha about his would be killing spree (man this is one long ass review are you tired of reading this yet?) Oh Inuyasha's room sounds so wonderful oh you should get a picture of that done. Inu-papa when through so much work for his youngest son. darn you for such a tender moment sniff. I kinda want to see Sesshomaru room. That so whats going on or whats the story in the pit of rage of inuyasha's? you know there are somethings you are only comfortable doing around family. sesshomaru shows his rage at his father and now inuyasha. why else would someone bother to fight he on some level trusted inuyasha to show that side of himself. if the baka and the monk and others was there would inuyasha be able to hold his tears in alittle better? a question for you my friend. Ah Inuayasha wonderful ear always a good part of any story. So will sesshomaru train inuyasha to fight properly? " my ear is about to be in your mouth!!" lol thank you so much for having them talk. not alot of people give sesshomaru a real reason why he acted the way he did towards his little borother. Sure he was spoiled but what really could have set sesshomaru off besides him feeling that his father was replacing his mother with a human at that. would he feel the same if it was a youkai? that is the question some should be asking themselves. wow we all read Sesshomaru is unsure of himeself, somewhat speechless, stuttering. Thank you so much for having them talk it was something that had to be done but I wanted something new to come out of it. something I have never read others doing and I have to give it to you Maxx you have made me very happy! :X XD it makes me think what could have happen if his father would have taken the time out to talk to sesshomaru or he was force to do something or was given the time to do so what would Inuyasha be like today. hmmm to be able to spend time with there father to have a childhood together? things that make you go ummm. true would sesshomaru be able to take care of inuyasha and his mother at the time of his reign begins. I would think not the constant wars to take the land away. it didn't help that the elders saw nothing wrong with leaving inuyasha and his mother out in the cold. but at least we have more of an insight into Sesshomaru, what he when through. sesshomaru is on the right track and we'll take things one day at a time. Man have I told you how much I hate Kagome!!!! I so don't like her. ummm a serect way to talk I must learn such a thing. OH KILLED KAGOME AND THE WOLF DO IT DO IT SO IT i DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU! NO I TRIPLE INU DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. the monk is getting some manger play wonder how he's going to take more attention than he can handle? something thing fun! (wow this is really freakin long, ok bare with me I have a cold and the meds I'm taking
 Reviewed By: Acacia_Jules [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 08, 2008 09:56 PST
Style of Writing: 1 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 3 of 10
Overall Rating: 5 of 10
I have no clue whether it was a good read or not. It's impossible TO read. There's these buttons on your keyboard, ENTER, and TAB. It would really be great if you learned to use them.
 Title: hey part 1
Reviewed By: ladytokyo [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 06, 2008 06:43 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
wow this chapter is nice a long heres part one of my review. sorry it took so long. Hey glad to hear that your dad is doing better. Hey I have a question what do you do with all those turkey's? how many do you have to take home and give away? Ok so sorry that it took me so long to review between school and a new job it was like wow no time to do homework and me want sleep. it doesn't help that Chicago is being hit with alot of snow. and I didn't want to do a great job update soon kinda of thing you deserve a real review. so here we are are you ready my friend? lol ok lets get started. Lemon, Lemon, Lemon Soooo the way you ender this wonderful chapter does that mean for the next chapter we might have a lemon mmmm??/??? Ok you told me that this chapter was going to be long and wow it was longgg and I love every bloodly mintues of it. the smile that made it's way across my lips. It was like a Christmas present and new years eve gift wrap in one. I have to say I really like the new people your bring in, it's give new life and changing it up a bit. I can see Garan being a nice comdey piece. I'm a really glad that you are changing it up a bit everytime you read Inuyasha going to Sesshomaru's castle Inuyasha never makes any friends and it's always like that, like what for the rest of his life he only have's his brother and whatever pups they have to be close to and thats it? Ok so I coudn't help but get a good laugh at the beginning of the chapter you sure know how to start off on a good note. Poor Inuyasha a horny puppy "Tight Kitsune ass". Indeed lol Atrius reaction is so cute awe! incert helpless laughter here. Inu-youkai is a damn handful. You saying that Sesshy was 100% grade A ass on some level I felt you were making some kind of joke on your turkey job lol. Hum Atrius has more than one tail like in the myth's? and the intrigue happens inters the picture. Komar I ssoooo what to know what his real deal in sesshy employement a spy perhaps. This encounter was very amusing. a very interesting dragon you have come up with what made you think you such a body for the very alluring Komar? saved by the kit! I do have to say that my favorite people so far is Daigon and I can't wait til you have Inuyasha do his check up I can invision a great deal of laughter there. When Daigon started dancing around I somehow pictured his head bouncing one way and his body doing the jig the other. OH we see Daigon protective? definit? Keh. swear I can't get enough of the way he talks it just so freakin funny I don't if you manage to write this without laughing your ass off. I know that I had to stop reading a few times just to catch my breath. lol Sesshomaru needs some Dr. Philp LOL So far Sesshy is a good ruler I like the ethics he works by, and the teasing of his staff doesn't hurt either like they always say like father like son. lol so glad that the baka wolf was not allowed to enter. I'm starting to feel sorry for the monk and I guess I have warmed up to sango a little bit but I still hate Kagome. What the hell does she have to yell at Inuyasha about know as if she has the right to demand something from our inuyasha!!!! Put her in her place!!!!! hate her hate her hate her hate her!!!!!!!!! with a passion.AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlllllllllll lllllll!!!!!!!!! lol I do not kid. oh I'm better sess-youkai wow whiney funny. OK so the one that I favor the most is Retsu he's just so cute he somewhat like me when I cook I want to know how people like my food and try to make it perfect but I' not that good but good enough I'm still learning. I so want to see more parts with Retsu in it he really makes me smile and I like the effect he has on sesshomaru the same with Daigon. Inuyasha should really calm down he doesn't have to make others feel werid although we know how he is in a social setting but still he doesn't have to be so ruff they did nothing to him. Um Imalia clash of the confict maybe a good battle later on where Inuyash
 Reviewed By: ky  On: February 03, 2008 15:15 PST
dude, you rock!!! i love this story and i love yoy for writing it! i need more. you HAVE GOT TO UPDATE SOONER. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!
 Title: Chapt. 18
Reviewed By: Bibi11 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2008 18:18 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
As always, there are lots of great things happening in this chapter. Loved the little bits of humor sprinkled through out the whole story and a look into what helped to make Sess the demon he is today. lol..Inu really suffering from a bad case of raging youkai hormones; his youkai hasn't met anyone he's not attracted to yet in the castle. Another humorous moment - Komar 'slipped'... as if! He just wanted to check out Inuyash! Komar's profession will let him hear, see and do a lot of undercover for Sess. He's an interesting new character as is Retsu. And Retsu knows how to make a flan! It will be interesting to see what he does with Sess's menu idea...will he learn from his encounter with Inu to keep it really simple or go over the top and bury him with 100 (or more) choices? A new kind of 'Iron Chef' challenge is about to debut!! Ah, and Kagome gets the 'special room'. Lots of places in RL put a great deal of effort into finding out what makes their guests tic. Does the color or pattern on the floor or walls make them want to run for the hills or fall into a coma in five minutes? Does the odor make them think fondly or really irritate them into moving along? And the list goes on...lol...I hope you will give us a tiny peek at Kagome's accommodations and then her reaction when she realizes how 'special' her room is. Poor Inuyasha; he's waiting for Sess's other boot to hit the deck, so to speak. The dream life he has now could stop at any moment as far as he can tell based on his past life. Will he remember ask Daigion about getting rid of the preliminary mating mark? He's getting slower in reaction time to Sess's advances; maybe he's getting ready for another jump in maturing. It would seem from the mural in Inu's room that his father expected him to be able to assume his true form just as Sess does. And who knows, it could happen soon if Sess's guess that Inu may be about to grow a tail. Hmmmm, would that also mean that Inu's present 'Blades of Blood' and 'Iron Reaver Soul Stealer' techniques will become more powerful and change somehow because he is still maturing? I wonder how Sess handled learning his 'Toxic Flower Claw', 'Whip of Light' (which also seems to cause an acid burn) and his 'Mokomoko' as he grew up. How many times did he accidentally wreck the castle or maim a few youkai while learning control? The story just keeps getting more involved. I really like it! Sess is getting buried in new worries; he now has a mixed group of 'guests' - one he doesn't want, three he tolerates at the moment; another child; increasing problems with the home guard; wondering what could happen if Inu goes into heat; what kind of plot will the other Inu's hatch against him because of his hanyou brother? Looking forward to your next chapter! Bibi
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