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"It's my Life" Reviews/Comments [ 584 ]
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 Reviewed By: diobeckstead [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 01, 2008 20:14 PST
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
A wonderfully fun fiction to read! Thank you very much for sharing. You have a marvelous grasp of word economy and a great storyteller sense that makes reading quite enjoyable. I am looking forward to reading more whenever you update. ~sands
 Reviewed By: Faery Goddyss [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 31, 2007 01:01 PST
Wow, you...really hate Kagome. I just find her annoying, but you really hate her. Interesting, because its bleeding heavily into the story. Too much I think, but it's your story, and while Inu yasha shouldnt have backed down as much as he did in the anime (i've never read the manga) I dont know if he should go psycho spaz either. Meh. Still like the story though.
 Reviewed By: Faery Goddyss [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 30, 2007 22:09 PST
AHAHAHA! Well, arent you mighty angry? That's all I felt from this. Then again, I too realize the entire injustice over Inu yasha's situation in the series and in fanfiction. I used to be a fan of Kagome...that changed over time, for more or less, the same reasons you described Inu yasha's anger toward her. But this almost sounded like too much of a rant, funny, but a rant all the same. BUT, I wouldnt imagine Inuyasha would think things through terribly hard, but you never know sometimes. Anyway, I am very interested, especially with the couples. :P That's what I'm here for, a bit of shonen ai and or yaoi. But more importantly I want a well written IY fic. There are VERY hard to come by. So, we'll see how this one goes. I have my fingers crossed!
 Title: Chapt. 17
Reviewed By: Bibi11 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 28, 2007 12:20 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Will we get to find out why Inuyasha is reacting to the castle itself? Is he perhaps experiencing a form of 'race memory'? lol...Go Shippo!! That's two times now that he has defended Inuyasha...what a difference now from his earlier, spoiled behavior. Can't wait to see what Daigon has to say to the brothers and Shippo. And then there are those problems just around the corner with the power stuggle in the guard ranks plus Inuyasha who is almost ready to rearrange Sesshoumaru's body parts after chatting with Atrius. Look out for flying fur and other things...lol Yes, I am looking forward to more trouble for Sess - he has worked hard for it and should be able to reap what he has sown. He and Inuyasha can't move forward until they unload their emtional baggage. If you're keeping a 'things to fix later' list here are a couple more for it: 'there asses' should be 'their asses'; and when Atrius is explaining why he joined forces with Sesshoumaru, he should say ...so I wouldn't be helpless...not...so I would be helpless. Looking forward to your next chapter and I hope that you and your muse get a chance to rest up from the holidays. Thanks for another great read.
 Title: Chapt. 16
Reviewed By: Bibi11 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 26, 2007 13:20 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Chapt. 16 LOL at Sesshomaru being clueless as to Inuyasha's behavior on the trek back to the West. He still can't figure it out: he's got a lot of rotten attitude and pain to make up for. Plus, Sess is so love-sick and doesn't know it...nice touch showing how clouded his mind has become. And Inu knows just what to do to irritate him too; just like some siblings can. They both seem to slowly be blending somewhat; they seem to be sharing emotions and thoughts to some degree. A result of their mating marks perhaps? Thanks for another great read. Hope things are better for you by this.
 Title: Chapt. 15
Reviewed By: Bibi11 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 26, 2007 12:53 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Chapt. 15 Sesshomaru sleeps in - he been 'snuggle' deprived for years - got a chuckle over that scene. Poor Inuyasha; he's still suffering from his brother's version of 'TLC'- Total Lack of Caring in his younger years. But it's a great setup for more anguish between the two! And then there's Kouga. IMHO he's in a state of denial over wanting Miroku just as his consort; a mate is more like it! To paraphrase Shakespeare somewhat: he protests a bit over much. Ah, well, I'll have to wait to see what happens on that front too.
 Reviewed By: midnightwhispers  On: December 19, 2007 20:30 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm loving your OCs particularly blonde boy. He sounds like a cutie. Ooooo... I smell jealousy potential here. :) It was nice to see another side to Sesshomaru and to learn more about Dad and their Inu heritage but Shippo jumping to Inuyasha's defence... that was the cutest thing ever! Looking forward to more.
 Title: im here, i've reviewed
Reviewed By: ladytokyo [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 13, 2007 14:35 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
lol inuyasha dude your like high up in the sky stop moving poor shippo. thanks for just having them in this chapter only. hm wonder how the others are going to get in without getting themselve or at least kagome killed? thats cute inuyasha being slung over his shoulder good times. i so who have like to see that in person. Sesshomaru have his work cut out for him and boy wont it be fun t watch.:D forgiveness will not come easy. I though early when they had sex that inuyasha knew that youkai can mate with siblings and oter males. but seeiing how he was on his own I don't know why. stupid flea, hm sesshomaru is a fair ans just ruler just not when it comes to his little brother. you go shippo stick up for ur papa. there youkai'a r so funny hoping to hear more from them. Garan is an idoit if his lord say stand down stand down don't attack. i don't care i would kill him the father better off but oh well fatherly love. DUMBASS!!!!!!! "bowel movement" lol roflol I like Atrius he has a fan. istn't that a name from greek myth? Jaken is freakin funny I was wondering if his head was going to pop off. hm the story of inuyasha and sesshomaru and the family now we learn more. wonder if the two brother will be able to work together or get along for a while? I really like the end with sesshomaru and Imalia. yeah another new person. she better learn real quick on how to please sesshy. he's not like other rulers. she'll earn respect being around inuyasha he's a damn handfull lol. yeah how do we know that she wont betray the west. saving one's life invoke loyalness ( is that a word?) whatever. anyway she'll feel different when she learns that inuyasha is the one killed lady nefrume and took sesshomaru's arm when he doesn't know how to weild a sword and only had it less than what 7 min. good stuff i tell u good stuff. guess you don't want to mess up the palace with windscar. poor sesshy youkai just wants to cuddle me too. now playtime with Daigon this should be fun. I'm so looking forward to the next chapter. ok I love it funny chatper stupid jaken keh! IT'S HERE
 Reviewed By: hyperactive pup  On: December 13, 2007 14:17 PST
Good to have you back dude!!! ^_^ And now it's time... to kick some ASS!! Don't stop K? Ja ne
 Reviewed By: gen50 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 09, 2007 18:51 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
i had a good time reading this. i liked the new characters... and i liked the youki's (inuyasha's and sesshoumaru's) side comments. it has been some time, i found myself trying to remember what happened previously....
 Reviewed By: wbk [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 04, 2007 22:23 PST
i enjoy your updates so very much. i just love this story. this chapter had less of the youki side speaking than previous chapters. that's my favorite part. they always make me laugh. the sarcastic, smart-ass nature of their comments gives me such joy. but i loved your two new characters. i love the name atrius. and he seems so cute, with wanting so badly to prove himself. and i'm glad you gave us a strong female character in imalia. please don't decide to make her evil. i identify with her at this point. she brings out the warrior bitch in my nature. i would have expected sesshoumaru to take off garan's head, not demote him. but i expect public humiliation can have it's uses. i hope you have an easier time, now that turkey day is over. but soon it will be christmas hams and roasts, won't it? thank you for another great chapter, and thank you for making me laugh.
 Reviewed By: Ethereal Siren [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 02, 2007 22:10 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This was an excellent update. Often times, when someone tries to describe the inner workings of Sesshoumaru's castle my eyes glaze over and I try to catch anything important. I like political stuff sometimes, but not many people do it well and you have definitely done it well. In my vision of the future I see Imalia becoming an asset to Sesshoumaru in regards to integrating Inuyasha into his rightful place. I like her. I also like the Kitsune. It seems that Sesshoumaru may have more than just his relationship with Inuyasha to repair, but also he must deal with having broken the family creed and there being little or no way to hide that fact. I so feel for you on the thanksgiving in the meat department thing. My significant other also works in a meat department and he didn't have a pleasant time either during the holiday... at least people are a little, if only slightly more amicable during the winter holidays. I look forward to the next update!
 Reviewed By: wolfluv [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 02, 2007 12:59 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
wow you must have some pretty strong arms since Thanks Giving! I was so excited to see that you came back! YEAAAAAAA !!!! Any who I loved this chapter! You are doing an excelent job keeping the story in it's natural flow. I'll pray to the muses that be that they continue to keep your mind in rapture! Because that is what you do for us!! Really happy about the whole wheel chair bit! it sucks but I look at this way I was able to do many things before I ended up in one the world doesn't owe me a thing, I remind myself of all the little ones that will never be able to do what I did. So I am greatful that another has been spared!
 Reviewed By: LadySess [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 02, 2007 02:58 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i LOVE your new chapter i can't believe wha happened as soon as inu-chan walked into the castle....it was funny reading about how sess saved him through...and the general of his army she seems like she just wants to get some respect....sess not trusting her is understandable to.....But i wonder what's going to happening when kagome and the others finally get there?.....and i wonder will inu-chan become friends with his new babysitters?....or enemies?....PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!.....i just can't wait to find out what happens next
 Title: Chapter 17
Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 01, 2007 17:32 PST
It is almost impossible for me to so quickly warm up to OC's. You are a real miracle worker. I love Imalia and Atrius already. I'm sure that Imalia will be able to handle Inuyasha and prove herself to Sesshoumaru in the process. Ooooh, I hope Garith and Garan get theirs. But then again, Sesshoumaru has some real back-peddling to do. He 'royally' screwed up and there is no way to make excuses. The insight you gave into what he must deal with was a nice opener for life at 'home'. I do have to wonder though. How many snakes are in his castle if his first guards so blatantly disregard him? Has he gotten lazy or something? Sounds like his people need a few lessons. Perhaps a couple of executions would work. Sounds like he is hemmed in by politics though. I would find his life a headache and would rather be out in the forest with Inuyasha. Screw the massages. I'm sure that Sesshoumaru realizes that Inuyasha can take care of himself and that this is a chance to test Imalia, but why would he put someone in charge of his mate if he did not trust that person? Also, to have his general humiliated would be bad for morale. Unless, of course, the position could be made that of high honor. If haven't thought about it, you may want to consider polishing that one up a little later on. My last review really sucked. I wanted to tell you that the emotions and reactions the brother's had in the last chapter were very intriguing. I hope that with Inuyasha's new tail comes some new powers. He sure has had a rough time. Please don't tell me that Inuyasha would challenge Sesshoumaru with that old law. *shudders* Well, I anxiously await your next installment. ^_^ Snow
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