"Never for the Public..." Reviews/Comments [ 53 ] | Pages (4): [ « ‹ 1 2 3 4 ›  » ] | Reviewed By: takada-san On: June 13, 2007 09:18 EDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: ooh,, a perfect ten! i wanna rate and forgot to do it. dumb. shocks,, i can imagine how hot and hmmm yummy kenshin is with every chapter!! kenshin and kaoru are so made for each other, no doubt!!! and your story just made me repeat something to myself.. kenshin and kaoru are so made for each other, no doubt!!! i really find the other members of the kenshin-gumi so funny! i really have to laugh,, i mean, it's really funny how they tease kenshin and kaoru.. ^^,, and damn, kenshin and kaoru's making love sessions are way steamy!! hot.. and steamy!
| Title: kyah.....!!! Reviewed By: takada-san On: June 13, 2007 09:12 EDT Comment/Review: this is the best rated fic i've ever read!! and i finished it and never even got bored!!!^^, i have a confession to make, i'm way young to read stuff like this,, but i've read quite a lot... *forgive me, kami!!*,, i really love it,, and just really got hanged up with kenshin's dream at the end,, coz i was like, "what? that was the ending? tomoe? gah," i don't even like it when they kissed even if she just visited kenshin in his sleep. you can definitely say i am sooo not liking tomoe. but i do like the way tomoe left kenshin when akira suddenly went to the picture, that was just.. so cute. but kenshin and kaoru are way cuter... and sweeter! and more romantic! okay, i'll stop. .... ...kenshin and kaoru forever!! haha. i can't help it. i love them.
| Reviewed By: jenniebennie [MediaMiner Member] On: June 04, 2007 00:47 EDT Comment/Review: Kenshin with no top on yummy. It's been a great story and I am proud to have been following from the begining. Can't wait to see the epilogue and actually to read another story by you. Must have more naked Kenshin. I've gotten better at sharing I promise.
| Reviewed By: freaky-hanyou [MediaMiner Member] On: June 01, 2007 00:59 EDT Comment/Review: oo Yay. I liked your ceremony! I would have been like pshh this works as a ceremony and just throw something down. But since they were already married it didnt have to be a BIG thing and i lurved it. Confetti for you! ~Rosie
| Reviewed By: kokoronagomu [MediaMiner Member] On: May 30, 2007 01:33 EDT Comment/Review: a coconut alergy!! don't feel too bad, i'm developing a sensitivity to chocolate =/ ~~~ aw, sweetness and fluff! chocolate covered kittens! ~~~ i shall be looking forward to your epilogue and many more wonderful stories written by you in the future... please inform your disgruntled reviewers who don't like the mixed languages that japanese manga/anime mixes english with japanese all of the time and a fan fiction author should not be maligned for doing the same. emulating the creator is the true aspiration of the craft. . . take a very short break and WRITE MORE STORIES!! ~ >=) ~~~ always a pleasure, ginny
| Reviewed By: Laughedalot On: April 28, 2007 03:26 EDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: This is an awesome story. The last few chapters really made me laugh. Keep up the good work.
| Title: clueless ~_~'' Reviewed By: Meet.A.L.E.X. On: April 24, 2007 13:37 EDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Comment/Review: for starters, i don't think i can answer the question you posed before the chapter... haha! -naive, dork warning yet again- ^_^ i loved the WAFF on this chapter, it was sweet, and honestly, for once i now understand how sometimes couples still are able to deal with early pregnancies before marriage without the feeling of guilt or shame. having a child borne out of love should never be hidden, society just sometimes can be too judgmental -small smile- haha! i am amused and sometimes more irritated about the fact that they are most usually CITA :P and yahiko entering their bedroom got my ears pink with irritation more than the megumi incident since the bedroom is private and the dojo really is a public place :P but kenshin handled that well enough, and it's a good thing kaoru's still asleep. kaoru giving kenshin a hickey was a nice way of retaliation :P can't wait for the wedding, kenshin was sooo sweet with preparing everything. you know, it's fun how your story has evolved into a tragic one to a really happy story. more! more! :) thanks for sharing your story. ja! ^_^
| Reviewed By: freaky-hanyou [MediaMiner Member] On: April 21, 2007 00:02 EDT Comment/Review: Haha Yay update! At first i was confused about the marriage thing, but i got it now. ^-^ Poor Kenshin and Kaoru getting the hell embarassed out of them. I love it! Happy Writing! ~Rosie P.S. I cannot truthfully answer your question because i have not been able to compare the two. XD
| Reviewed By: kokoronagomu [MediaMiner Member] On: April 20, 2007 17:06 EDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: sano wandered all over japan in his attempt to get stronger as he followed kenshin to kyoto to fight by his side, this was his statement of the esteem he felt for kenshin. one finds it a privelege to recipricate even a fraction of what someone was willing to do/teach. (or in a perfect world that's the way it should be) . . . i can see no disacociative identity disorder in rurouni/kenshin/battousai i see a highly intelligent person who chooses to act in a certain way; passion/strong emotion can change my eye color from gray blue > true blue > aqua- so kenshin's transformation can be easily explained and therefore your characterization of him would definately NOT be OOC. . . never allow anyone to dictate to you as to how canon your characters are or if they may be acting a bit OOC as we all have the ability to act in a variety of ways in the same circumstance, depending on our state of mind and other factors at any given time. always remember: we are but humble tourists inside YOUR imagination... YOU are the guide... and YOU own the ride! . . . a rich and sinful reward for such a beautifully colored and richly textured piece: ::ginny's rum balls:: ~grind up: walnuts, dates, almonds, raisins, pecans, coconut, chocolate chips(lots and lots)...add more sticky dates and raisins if not gooey enough ~mix in: Mini-chocolate chips, 151 proof rum ~roll in ground nuts, cocoa powder, or finely ground coffee(hazelnut coffee is good) . . .because you don't cook them the alcohol is still there... warning: eating too many rum balls will make you drunk >=P ~@~ always a pleasure! ginny
| Reviewed By: jenniebennie [MediaMiner Member] On: April 20, 2007 15:52 EDT Comment/Review: You know i thought about giving him back and then here you go having him train in just his hakama. Yeah you can have him back but I want him back, so don't put him in the hospital from being over-sexed. I had to stop myself a few times from that. Loved the picking on Sano though. Great!!
| Reviewed By: jenniebennie [MediaMiner Member] On: April 16, 2007 21:25 EDT Comment/Review: Hey a prequel for the story. I sooo wanna take him home. Good job though. Look forward to more.
| Title: kiss and tell? Reviewed By: Meet.A.L.E.X. On: April 16, 2007 16:02 EDT Comment/Review: wow, another cool chapter. i really liked the part where yahiko saw them and regarded them as a 'loving' couple instead of a 'lusty' couple. yahiko shows a bit of wisdom in this chapter, adding in a few weird pubescent thoughts about him and Tsubame :P i loved the interaction between megumi and kaoru and also between kenshin and sanosuke. i just am not sure if i'd regard kenshin as though he was doing the 'kiss and tell' thing... i do not know :P is that really something guys do? -i'm a naive idiot, sorry ~_~''- i'm really asking that by the way :) good luck with writing the next chapter, and again, thanks for updating so fast, i envy you :D
| Reviewed By: freaky-hanyou [MediaMiner Member] On: April 15, 2007 01:45 EDT Comment/Review: Hahaha. I love this story. It was kinda inevitable that Kaoru would get pregnant, ne? XD Sphygmomanometer. I didn't even know that thing even had a name. It was always 'blood pressure thingy'. That is the word of the day! I love Sanosuke. If my favorite character spot wasnt reserved for Kenshin, Sanosuke would be it. He or Hiko. But anyway. I love it! ~Rosie
| Reviewed By: kokoronagomu [MediaMiner Member] On: April 14, 2007 01:14 EDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: i guess sano would have been the first real male friend that kenshin's ever had, one who he could get a bit boastful with. i find it difficult to think of kenshin being so open but he did let the 'gumi' in on quite a bit of his past and whatever was happening in the present. . . .boys will be boys. ~ a pleasure, ginny
| Reviewed By: jenniebennie [MediaMiner Member] On: April 13, 2007 19:27 EDT Comment/Review: That was great. Yahiko saw some action and Sano wants details. haha great. THat is great. I hate it though when people walk in but then when you have hte chance to get caught its great.
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